Interface | Description |
BoostAttribute |
Add this
Attribute to a TermsEnum returned by MultiTermQuery.getTermsEnum(Terms,AttributeSource)
and update the boost on each returned term. |
Collector |
Expert: Collectors are primarily meant to be used to
gather raw results from a search, and implement sorting
or custom result filtering, collation, etc.
CollectorManager<C extends Collector,T> |
A manager of collectors.
LeafCollector |
Collector decouples the score from the collected doc:
the score computation is skipped entirely if it's not
LeafFieldComparator |
Expert: comparator that gets instantiated on each leaf
from a top-level
FieldComparator instance. |
Matches |
Reports the positions and optionally offsets of all matching terms in a query
for a single document
To obtain a
MatchesIterator for a particular field, call Matches.getMatches(String) . |
MatchesIterator |
An iterator over match positions (and optionally offsets) for a single document and field
To iterate over the matches, call until it returns false , retrieving
positions and/or offsets after each call. |
MaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute |
Add this
Attribute to a fresh AttributeSource before calling
MultiTermQuery.getTermsEnum(Terms,AttributeSource) . |
QueryCache |
A cache for queries.
QueryCachingPolicy |
A policy defining which filters should be cached.
ReferenceManager.RefreshListener |
Use to receive notification when a refresh has
SearcherLifetimeManager.Pruner | |
SegmentCacheable |
Interface defining whether or not an object can be cached against a
Objects that depend only on segment-immutable structures such as Points or postings lists
can just return true from SegmentCacheable.isCacheable(LeafReaderContext)
Objects that depend on doc values should return DocValues.isCacheable(LeafReaderContext, String...) , which
will check to see if the doc values fields have been updated. |
Class | Description |
AutomatonQuery |
Query that will match terms against a finite-state machine. |
BlendedTermQuery |
Query that blends index statistics across multiple terms. |
BlendedTermQuery.Builder |
A Builder for
BlendedTermQuery . |
BlendedTermQuery.DisjunctionMaxRewrite |
BlendedTermQuery.RewriteMethod that creates a DisjunctionMaxQuery out
of the sub queries. |
BlendedTermQuery.RewriteMethod |
BlendedTermQuery.RewriteMethod defines how queries for individual terms should
be merged. |
BlockMaxDISI |
DocIdSetIterator that skips non-competitive docs by checking
the max score of the provided Scorer for the current block. |
BooleanClause |
A clause in a BooleanQuery.
BooleanQuery |
A Query that matches documents matching boolean combinations of other
queries, e.g.
BooleanQuery.Builder |
A builder for boolean queries.
BoostAttributeImpl |
Implementation class for
BoostAttribute . |
BoostQuery |
Query wrapper that allows to give a boost to the wrapped query. |
BulkScorer |
This class is used to score a range of documents at
once, and is returned by
Weight.bulkScorer(org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext) . |
CachingCollector |
Caches all docs, and optionally also scores, coming from
a search, and is then able to replay them to another
CollectionStatistics |
Contains statistics for a collection (field).
ConjunctionDISI |
A conjunction of DocIdSetIterators.
ConstantScoreQuery |
A query that wraps another query and simply returns a constant score equal to
1 for every document that matches the query.
ConstantScoreQuery.ConstantBulkScorer |
We return this as our
BulkScorer so that if the CSQ
wraps a query with its own optimized top-level
scorer (e.g. |
ConstantScoreScorer |
A constant-scoring
Scorer . |
ConstantScoreWeight |
A Weight that has a constant score equal to the boost of the wrapped query.
ControlledRealTimeReopenThread<T> |
Utility class that runs a thread to manage periodicc
reopens of a
ReferenceManager , with methods to wait for a specific
index changes to become visible. |
DisiPriorityQueue |
A priority queue of DocIdSetIterators that orders by current doc ID.
DisiWrapper |
Wrapper used in
DisiPriorityQueue . |
DisjunctionDISIApproximation |
DocIdSetIterator which is a disjunction of the approximations of
the provided iterators. |
DisjunctionMaxQuery |
A query that generates the union of documents produced by its subqueries, and that scores each document with the maximum
score for that document as produced by any subquery, plus a tie breaking increment for any additional matching subqueries.
DocIdSet |
A DocIdSet contains a set of doc ids.
DocIdSetIterator |
This abstract class defines methods to iterate over a set of non-decreasing
doc ids.
DocValuesFieldExistsQuery |
Query that matches documents that have a value for a given field
as reported by doc values iterators. |
DocValuesRewriteMethod |
Rewrites MultiTermQueries into a filter, using DocValues for term enumeration.
DoubleValues |
Per-segment, per-document double values, which can be calculated at search-time
DoubleValuesSource |
Base class for producing
To obtain a DoubleValues object for a leaf reader, clients should call
DoubleValuesSource.rewrite(IndexSearcher) against the top-level searcher, and then
call DoubleValuesSource.getValues(LeafReaderContext, DoubleValues) on the resulting
DoubleValuesSource. |
Explanation |
Expert: Describes the score computation for document and query.
FieldComparator<T> |
Expert: a FieldComparator compares hits so as to determine their
sort order when collecting the top results with
TopFieldCollector . |
FieldComparator.RelevanceComparator |
Sorts by descending relevance.
FieldComparator.TermOrdValComparator |
Sorts by field's natural Term sort order, using
FieldComparator.TermValComparator |
Sorts by field's natural Term sort order.
FieldComparatorSource |
Provides a
FieldComparator for custom field sorting. |
FieldDoc |
Expert: A ScoreDoc which also contains information about
how to sort the referenced document.
FieldValueHitQueue<T extends FieldValueHitQueue.Entry> |
Expert: A hit queue for sorting by hits by terms in more than one field.
FieldValueHitQueue.Entry |
Extension of ScoreDoc to also store the
FieldComparator slot. |
FilterCollector |
Collector delegator. |
FilteredDocIdSetIterator |
Abstract decorator class of a DocIdSetIterator
implementation that provides on-demand filter/validation
mechanism on an underlying DocIdSetIterator.
FilterLeafCollector |
LeafCollector delegator. |
FilterMatchesIterator |
A MatchesIterator that delegates all calls to another MatchesIterator
FilterScorable |
Filter a
Scorable , intercepting methods and optionally changing
their return values
The default implementation simply passes all calls to its delegate, with
the exception of Scorable.setMinCompetitiveScore(float) which defaults
to a no-op. |
FilterScorer |
FilterScorer contains another Scorer , which it
uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the
way or providing additional functionality. |
FilterWeight |
FilterWeight contains another Weight and implements
all abstract methods by calling the contained weight's method. |
FuzzyQuery |
Implements the fuzzy search query.
FuzzyTermsEnum |
Subclass of TermsEnum for enumerating all terms that are similar
to the specified filter term.
ImpactsDISI |
DocIdSetIterator that skips non-competitive docs thanks to the
indexed impacts. |
IndexOrDocValuesQuery |
A query that uses either an index structure (points or terms) or doc values
in order to run a query, depending which one is more efficient.
IndexSearcher |
Implements search over a single IndexReader.
IndexSearcher.LeafSlice |
A class holding a subset of the
IndexSearcher s leaf contexts to be
executed within a single thread. |
IndriAndQuery |
A Query that matches documents matching combinations of subqueries.
IndriAndScorer |
Combines scores of subscorers.
IndriAndWeight |
The Weight for IndriAndQuery, used to normalize, score and explain these queries.
IndriDisjunctionScorer |
The Indri implemenation of a disjunction scorer which stores the subscorers for the child
IndriQuery |
A Basic abstract query that all IndriQueries can extend to implement toString, equals,
getClauses, and iterator.
IndriScorer |
The Indri parent scorer that stores the boost so that IndriScorers can use the boost outside of
the term.
LeafSimScorer |
Similarity.SimScorer on a specific LeafReader . |
LiveFieldValues<S,T> |
Tracks live field values across NRT reader reopens.
LongValues |
Per-segment, per-document long values, which can be calculated at search-time
LongValuesSource |
Base class for producing
To obtain a LongValues object for a leaf reader, clients should
call LongValuesSource.rewrite(IndexSearcher) against the top-level searcher, and
then LongValuesSource.getValues(LeafReaderContext, DoubleValues) . |
LRUQueryCache |
QueryCache that evicts queries using a LRU (least-recently-used)
eviction policy in order to remain under a given maximum size and number of
bytes used. |
MatchAllDocsQuery |
A query that matches all documents.
MatchesUtils |
Contains static functions that aid the implementation of
Matches and
MatchesIterator interfaces. |
MatchNoDocsQuery |
A query that matches no documents.
MaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttributeImpl |
Implementation class for
MaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute . |
MultiCollector | |
MultiCollectorManager |
CollectorManager implements which wrap a set of CollectorManager
as MultiCollector acts for Collector . |
MultiPhraseQuery |
A generalized version of
PhraseQuery , with the possibility of
adding more than one term at the same position that are treated as a disjunction (OR). |
MultiPhraseQuery.Builder |
A builder for multi-phrase queries
MultiTermQuery |
An abstract
Query that matches documents
containing a subset of terms provided by a FilteredTermsEnum enumeration. |
MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod |
Abstract class that defines how the query is rewritten.
MultiTermQuery.TopTermsBlendedFreqScoringRewrite |
A rewrite method that first translates each term into
BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD clause in a BooleanQuery, but adjusts
the frequencies used for scoring to be blended across the terms, otherwise
the rarest term typically ranks highest (often not useful eg in the set of
expanded terms in a FuzzyQuery). |
MultiTermQuery.TopTermsBoostOnlyBooleanQueryRewrite |
A rewrite method that first translates each term into
BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD clause in a BooleanQuery, but the scores
are only computed as the boost. |
MultiTermQuery.TopTermsScoringBooleanQueryRewrite |
A rewrite method that first translates each term into
BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD clause in a BooleanQuery, and keeps the
scores as computed by the query. |
NamedMatches |
Utility class to help extract the set of sub queries that have matched from
a larger query.
NGramPhraseQuery |
This is a
PhraseQuery which is optimized for n-gram phrase query. |
NormsFieldExistsQuery |
Query that matches documents that have a value for a given field
as reported by field norms. |
PhraseQuery |
A Query that matches documents containing a particular sequence of terms.
PhraseQuery.Builder |
A builder for phrase queries.
PointInSetQuery |
Abstract query class to find all documents whose single or multi-dimensional point values, previously indexed with e.g.
PointInSetQuery.Stream |
Iterator of encoded point values.
PointRangeQuery |
Abstract class for range queries against single or multidimensional points such as
IntPoint . |
PositiveScoresOnlyCollector | |
PrefixQuery |
A Query that matches documents containing terms with a specified prefix.
Query |
The abstract base class for queries.
QueryRescorer |
Rescorer that uses a provided Query to assign
scores to the first-pass hits. |
QueryVisitor |
Allows recursion through a query tree
ReferenceManager<G> |
Utility class to safely share instances of a certain type across multiple
threads, while periodically refreshing them.
RegexpQuery |
A fast regular expression query based on the
org.apache.lucene.util.automaton package. |
Rescorer |
Re-scores the topN results (
TopDocs ) from an original
query. |
Scorable |
Allows access to the score of a Query
Scorable.ChildScorable |
A child Scorer and its relationship to its parent.
ScoreCachingWrappingScorer |
Scorer which wraps another scorer and caches the score of the
current document. |
ScoreDoc |
Holds one hit in
TopDocs . |
Scorer |
Expert: Common scoring functionality for different types of queries.
ScorerSupplier |
A supplier of
Scorer . |
ScoringRewrite<B> |
Base rewrite method that translates each term into a query, and keeps
the scores as computed by the query.
SearcherFactory |
Factory class used by
SearcherManager to
create new IndexSearchers. |
SearcherLifetimeManager |
Keeps track of current plus old IndexSearchers, closing
the old ones once they have timed out.
SearcherLifetimeManager.PruneByAge |
Simple pruner that drops any searcher older by
more than the specified seconds, than the newest
SearcherManager |
Utility class to safely share
IndexSearcher instances across multiple
threads, while periodically reopening. |
SimpleCollector |
Collector implementation that is used to collect all contexts. |
SimpleFieldComparator<T> |
FieldComparator implementation that is used for all contexts. |
Sort |
Encapsulates sort criteria for returned hits.
SortedNumericSelector |
Selects a value from the document's list to use as the representative value
SortedNumericSortField |
SortField for
SortedNumericDocValues . |
SortedNumericSortField.Provider |
A SortFieldProvider for this sort field
SortedSetSelector |
Selects a value from the document's set to use as the representative value
SortedSetSortField |
SortField for
SortedSetDocValues . |
SortedSetSortField.Provider |
A SortFieldProvider for this sort
SortField |
Stores information about how to sort documents by terms in an individual
SortField.Provider |
A SortFieldProvider for field sorts
SortRescorer |
Rescorer that re-sorts according to a provided
Sort. |
SynonymQuery |
A query that treats multiple terms as synonyms.
SynonymQuery.Builder |
A builder for
SynonymQuery . |
TermInSetQuery |
Specialization for a disjunction over many terms that behaves like a
ConstantScoreQuery over a BooleanQuery containing only
BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD clauses. |
TermQuery |
A Query that matches documents containing a term.
TermRangeQuery |
A Query that matches documents within an range of terms.
TermStatistics |
Contains statistics for a specific term
TimeLimitingCollector |
TimeLimitingCollector is used to timeout search requests that
take longer than the maximum allowed search time limit. |
TimeLimitingCollector.TimerThread |
Thread used to timeout search requests.
TopDocs |
Represents hits returned by,int) . |
TopDocsCollector<T extends ScoreDoc> |
A base class for all collectors that return a
TopDocs output. |
TopFieldCollector | |
TopFieldDocs |
Represents hits returned by,int,Sort) . |
TopScoreDocCollector | |
TopTermsRewrite<B> |
Base rewrite method for collecting only the top terms
via a priority queue.
TotalHitCountCollector |
Just counts the total number of hits.
TotalHits |
Description of the total number of hits of a query.
TwoPhaseIterator |
Returned by
to expose an approximation of a DocIdSetIterator . |
UsageTrackingQueryCachingPolicy |
QueryCachingPolicy that tracks usage statistics of recently-used
filters in order to decide on which filters are worth caching. |
Weight |
Expert: Calculate query weights and build query scorers.
Weight.DefaultBulkScorer |
Just wraps a Scorer and performs top scoring using it.
WildcardQuery |
Implements the wildcard search query.
Enum | Description |
BooleanClause.Occur |
Specifies how clauses are to occur in matching documents.
ScoreMode |
Different modes of search.
SortedNumericSelector.Type |
Type of selection to perform.
SortedSetSelector.Type |
Type of selection to perform.
SortField.Type |
Specifies the type of the terms to be sorted, or special types such as CUSTOM
TotalHits.Relation |
How the
TotalHits.value should be interpreted. |
Exception | Description |
BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses |
Thrown when an attempt is made to add more than
BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses. |
CollectionTerminatedException |
Throw this exception in
LeafCollector.collect(int) to prematurely
terminate collection of the current leaf. |
FuzzyTermsEnum.FuzzyTermsException |
Thrown to indicate that there was an issue creating a fuzzy query for a given term.
TimeLimitingCollector.TimeExceededException |
Thrown when elapsed search time exceeds allowed search time.
Lucene offers a wide variety of Query
implementations, most of which are in
this package, its subpackage (spans
or the queries module. These implementations can be combined in a wide
variety of ways to provide complex querying capabilities along with information about where matches took place in the document
collection. The Query Classes section below highlights some of the more important Query classes. For details
on implementing your own Query class, see Custom Queries -- Expert Level below.
To perform a search, applications usually call,int)
Once a Query has been created and submitted to the IndexSearcher
, the scoring
process begins. After some infrastructure setup, control finally passes to the Weight
implementation and its Scorer
or BulkScorer
instances. See the Algorithm section for more notes on the process.
Of the various implementations of
, the
is the easiest to understand and the most often used in applications. A
matches all the documents that contain the
which is a word that occurs in a certain
Thus, a TermQuery
identifies and scores all
s that have a
with the specified string in it.
Constructing a TermQuery
is as simple as:
TermQuery tq = new TermQuery(new Term("fieldName", "term"));In this example, the
identifies all
s that have the
named "fieldName"
containing the word "term".
Things start to get interesting when one combines multiple
instances into a
A BooleanQuery
contains multiple
where each clause contains a sub-query (Query
instance) and an operator (from
describing how that sub-query is combined with the other clauses:
— Use this operator when a clause can occur in the result set, but is not required.
If a query is made up of all SHOULD clauses, then every document in the result
set matches at least one of these clauses.
— Use this operator when a clause is required to occur in the result set and should
contribute to the score. Every document in the result set will match all such clauses.
— Use this operator when a clause is required to occur in the result set but
should not contribute to the score. Every document in the result set will match all such clauses.
— Use this operator when a
clause must not occur in the result set. No
document in the result set will match
any such clauses.
instances. If too many clauses are added, a TooManyClauses
exception will be thrown during searching. This most often occurs
when a Query
is rewritten into a BooleanQuery
with many
for example by WildcardQuery
The default setting for the maximum number
of clauses is 1024, but this can be changed via the
static method BooleanQuery.setMaxClauseCount(int)
Another common search is to find documents containing certain phrases. This is handled three different ways:
— Matches a sequence of
uses a slop factor to determine
how many positions may occur between any two terms in the phrase and still be considered a match.
The slop is 0 by default, meaning the phrase must match exactly.
— A more general form of PhraseQuery that accepts multiple Terms
for a position in the phrase. For example, this can be used to perform phrase queries that also
incorporate synonyms.
— Matches a sequence of other
instances. SpanNearQuery
allows for
much more
complicated phrase queries since it is constructed from other
instances, instead of only TermQuery
matches all documents that occur in a numeric range.
For PointRangeQuery to work, you must index the values
using a one of the numeric fields (IntPoint
, FloatPoint
or DoublePoint
While the
has a different implementation, it is essentially a special case of the
The PrefixQuery
allows an application
to identify all documents with terms that begin with a certain string. The
generalizes this by allowing
for the use of * (matches 0 or more characters) and ? (matches exactly one character) wildcards.
Note that the WildcardQuery
can be quite slow. Also
note that
not start with * and ?, as these are extremely slow.
Some QueryParsers may not allow this by default, but provide a setAllowLeadingWildcard
to remove that protection.
The RegexpQuery
is even more general than WildcardQuery,
allowing an application to identify all documents with terms that match a regular expression pattern.
matches documents that contain terms similar to the specified term. Similarity is
determined using
Levenshtein distance.
This type of query can be useful when accounting for spelling variations in the collection.
Lucene scoring is the heart of why we all love Lucene. It is blazingly fast and it hides almost all of the complexity from the user. In a nutshell, it works. At least, that is, until it doesn't work, or doesn't work as one would expect it to work. Then we are left digging into Lucene internals or asking for help on to figure out why a document with five of our query terms scores lower than a different document with only one of the query terms.
While this document won't answer your specific scoring issues, it will, hopefully, point you to the places that can help you figure out the what and why of Lucene scoring.
Lucene scoring supports a number of pluggable information retrieval models, including:
These models can be plugged in via theSimilarity API
and offer extension hooks and parameters for tuning. In general, Lucene first finds the documents
that need to be scored based on boolean logic in the Query specification, and then ranks this subset of
matching documents via the retrieval model. For some valuable references on VSM and IR in general refer to
Lucene Wiki IR references.
The rest of this document will cover Scoring basics and explain how to
change your Similarity
. Next, it will cover
ways you can customize the lucene internals in
Custom Queries -- Expert Level, which gives details on
implementing your own Query
class and related functionality.
Finally, we will finish up with some reference material in the Appendix.
Scoring is very much dependent on the way documents are indexed, so it is important to understand
indexing. (see Lucene overview
before continuing on with this section) Be sure to use the useful
IndexSearcher.explain(Query, doc)
to understand how the score for a certain matching document was
Generally, the Query determines which documents match (a binary decision), while the Similarity determines how to assign scores to the matching documents.
In Lucene, the objects we are scoring are Document
A Document is a collection of Field
s. Each Field has
about how it is created and stored
, etc). It is important to note that
Lucene scoring works on Fields and then combines the results to return Documents. This is
important because two Documents with the exact same content, but one having the content in two
Fields and the other in one Field may return different scores for the same query due to length
Lucene allows influencing the score contribution of various parts of the query by wrapping with
Changing Similarity
is an easy way to
influence scoring, this is done at index-time with
and at query-time with
. Be sure to use the same
Similarity at query-time as at index-time (so that norms are
encoded/decoded correctly); Lucene makes no effort to verify this.
You can influence scoring by configuring a different built-in Similarity implementation, or by tweaking its parameters, subclassing it to override behavior. Some implementations also offer a modular API which you can extend by plugging in a different component (e.g. term frequency normalizer).
Finally, you can extend the low level Similarity
to implement a new retrieval model.
See the
package documentation for information
on the built-in available scoring models and extending or changing Similarity.
While similarities help score a document relatively to a query, it is also common for documents to hold
features that measure the quality of a match. Such features are best integrated into the score by indexing
a FeatureField
with the document at index-time, and then
combining the similarity score and the feature score using a linear combination. For instance the below
query matches the same documents as originalQuery
and computes scores as
similarityScore + 0.7 * featureScore
Query originalQuery = new BooleanQuery.Builder() .add(new TermQuery(new Term("body", "apache")), Occur.SHOULD) .add(new TermQuery(new Term("body", "lucene")), Occur.SHOULD) .build(); Query featureQuery = FeatureField.newSaturationQuery("features", "pagerank"); Query query = new BooleanQuery.Builder() .add(originalQuery, Occur.MUST) .add(new BoostQuery(featureQuery, 0.7f), Occur.SHOULD) .build();
A less efficient yet more flexible way of modifying scores is to index scoring features into
doc-value fields and then combine them with the similarity score using a
from the queries module. For instance
the below example shows how to compute scores as similarityScore * Math.log(popularity)
using the expressions module and
assuming that values for the popularity
field have been set in a
at index time:
// compile an expression: Expression expr = JavascriptCompiler.compile("_score * ln(popularity)"); // SimpleBindings just maps variables to SortField instances SimpleBindings bindings = new SimpleBindings(); bindings.add(new SortField("_score", SortField.Type.SCORE)); bindings.add(new SortField("popularity", SortField.Type.INT)); // create a query that matches based on 'originalQuery' but // scores using expr Query query = new FunctionScoreQuery( originalQuery, expr.getDoubleValuesSource(bindings));
Custom queries are an expert level task, so tread carefully and be prepared to share your code if you want help.
With the warning out of the way, it is possible to change a lot more than just the Similarity when it comes to matching and scoring in Lucene. Lucene's search is a complex mechanism that is grounded by three main classes:
— The abstract object representation of the
user's information need.Weight
— A specialization of a Query for a given
index. This typically associates a Query object with index statistics that are later used to
compute document scores.
— The core class of the scoring process:
for a given segment, scorers return iterators
over matches and give a way to compute the score
of these matches.BulkScorer
— An abstract class that scores
a range of documents. A default implementation simply iterates through the hits from
, but some queries such as
have more efficient
implementations.In some sense, the
class is where it all begins. Without a Query, there would be
nothing to score. Furthermore, the Query class is the catalyst for the other scoring classes as it
is often responsible
for creating them or coordinating the functionality between them. The
class has several methods that are important for
derived classes:
createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreMode scoreMode, float boost)
— A
is the internal representation of the
Query, so each Query implementation must
provide an implementation of Weight. See the subsection on The Weight Interface below for details on implementing the Weight
interface.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
— Rewrites queries into primitive queries. Primitive queries are:
, and other queries that implement createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher,ScoreMode scoreMode, float boost)
interface provides an internal representation of the Query so that it can be reused. Any
dependent state should be stored in the Weight implementation,
not in the Query class. The interface defines four main methods:
Construct a new Scorer
for this Weight. See The Scorer Class
below for help defining a Scorer. As the name implies, the Scorer is responsible for doing the actual scoring of documents
given the Query.
explain(LeafReaderContext context, int doc)
— Provide a means for explaining why a given document was
scored the way it was.
Typically a weight such as TermWeight
that scores via a Similarity
will make use of the Similarity's implementation:
SimScorer#explain(Explanation freq, long norm)
extractTerms(Set<Term> terms)
— Extract terms that
this query operates on. This is typically used to support distributed search: knowing the terms that a query operates on helps
merge index statistics of these terms so that scores are computed over a subset of the data like they would if all documents
were in the same index.
matches(LeafReaderContext context, int doc)
— Give information about positions
and offsets of matches. This is typically useful to implement highlighting.
abstract class provides common scoring functionality for all Scorer implementations and
is the heart of the Lucene scoring process. The Scorer defines the following methods which
must be implemented:
— Return a
that can iterate over all
document that matches this Query.
— Returns the id of the
that contains the match.
— Return the score of the
current document. This value can be determined in any appropriate way for an application. For instance, the
simply defers to the configured Similarity:
SimScorer.score(float freq, long norm)
— Returns any child subscorers
underneath this scorer. This allows for users to navigate the scorer hierarchy and receive more fine-grained
details on the scoring process.
scores a range of documents. There is only one
abstract method:
Score all documents up to but not including the specified max document.
In a nutshell, you want to add your own custom Query implementation when you think that Lucene's aren't appropriate for the task that you want to do. You might be doing some cutting edge research or you need more information back out of Lucene (similar to Doug adding SpanQuery functionality).
This section is mostly notes on stepping through the Scoring process and serves as fertilizer for the earlier sections.
In the typical search application, a Query
is passed to the IndexSearcher
beginning the scoring process.
Once inside the IndexSearcher, a Collector
is used for the scoring and sorting of the search results.
These important objects are involved in a search:
object of the Query. The
Weight object is an internal representation of the Query that allows the Query
to be reused by the IndexSearcher.Sort
object for specifying how to sort
the results if the standard score-based sort method is not desired.Assuming we are not sorting (since sorting doesn't affect the raw Lucene score),
we call one of the search methods of the IndexSearcher, passing in the
object created by
and the number of results we want.
This method returns a TopDocs
which is an internal collection of search results. The IndexSearcher creates
a TopScoreDocCollector
passes it along with the Weight to another expert search method (for
more on the Collector
see IndexSearcher
). The TopScoreDocCollector
uses a PriorityQueue
to collect the
top results for the search.
At last, we are actually going to score some documents. The score method takes in the Collector
(most likely the TopScoreDocCollector or TopFieldCollector) and does its business. Of course, here
is where things get involved. The Scorer
that is returned
by the Weight
object depends on what type of Query was
submitted. In most real world applications with multiple query terms, the
is going to be a BooleanScorer2
from BooleanWeight
(see the section on
custom queries for info on changing this).
Assuming a BooleanScorer2, we get a internal Scorer based on the required, optional and prohibited parts of the query.
Using this internal Scorer, the BooleanScorer2 then proceeds into a while loop based on the
method. The nextDoc() method advances
to the next document matching the query. This is an abstract method in the Scorer class and is thus
overridden by all derived implementations. If you have a simple OR query your internal Scorer is most
likely a DisjunctionSumScorer, which essentially combines the scorers from the sub scorers of the OR'd terms.
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