Package org.apache.lucene.codecs
The Codec API allows you to customise the way the following pieces of index information are stored:
- Postings lists - see
- DocValues - see
- Stored fields - see
- Term vectors - see
- Points - see
- FieldInfos - see
- SegmentInfo - see
- Norms - see
- Live documents - see
Codecs are identified by name through the Java Service Provider Interface. To create your own
codec, extend Codec
and pass the new codec's name to the super()
public class MyCodec extends Codec { public MyCodec() { super("MyCodecName"); } ... }You will need to register the Codec class so that the
can find it, by including a META-INF/services/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec file
on your classpath that contains the package-qualified name of your codec.
If you just want to customise the PostingsFormat
, or use
different postings formats for different fields, then you can register your custom postings
format in the same way (in META-INF/services/org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat), and then
extend the default codec and override
to return your
custom postings format.
Similarly, if you just want to customise the DocValuesFormat
per-field, have a look at LuceneMNCodec.getDocValuesFormatForField(String)
ClassDescriptionHolds all state required for
to produce aPostingsEnum
without re-seeking the terms dict.Encodes/decodes an inverted index segment.Utility class for reading and writing versioned headers.This class accumulates the (freq, norm) pairs that may produce competitive scores.A read-onlyDirectory
that consists of a view over a compound file.Encodes/decodes compound filesAbstract API that consumes numeric, binary and sorted docvalues.Encodes/decodes per-document values.Abstract API that produces numeric, binary, sorted, sortedset, and sortednumeric docvalues.Encodes/decodesFieldInfos
Abstract API that consumes terms, doc, freq, prox, offset and payloads postings.Abstract API that produces terms, doc, freq, prox, offset and payloads postings.A codec that forwards all its method calls to another codec.Encodes/decodes per-document vector and any associated indexing structures required to support nearest-neighbor searchReads vectors from an index.Writes vectors to an index.Format for live/deleted documentsThis abstract class reads skip lists with multiple levels.This abstract class writes skip lists with multiple levels.One leafPointValues.PointTree
whose order of points can be changed.Abstract API that consumes normalization values.Encodes/decodes per-document score normalization values.Abstract API that produces field normalization valuesEncodes/decodes indexed points.Abstract API to visit point values.Abstract API to write pointsEncodes/decodes terms, postings, and proximity data.The core terms dictionaries (BlockTermsReader, BlockTreeTermsReader) interact with a single instance of this class to manage creation ofPostingsEnum
instances.Class that plugs into term dictionaries, such asLucene90BlockTreeTermsWriter
, and handles writing postings.Extension ofPostingsWriterBase
, adding a push API for writing each element of the postings.Expert: Controls the format of theSegmentInfo
(segment metadata file).Controls the format of stored fieldsCodec API for reading stored fields.Codec API for writing stored fields: For every document,StoredFieldsWriter.startDocument()
is called, informing the Codec that a new document has started.Holder for per-term statistics.Controls the format of term vectorsCodec API for reading term vectors:Codec API for writing term vectors: For every document,TermVectorsWriter.startDocument(int)
is called, informing the Codec how many fields will be written.