Class Lucene50CompressingTermVectorsFormat

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Lucene50CompressingTermVectorsFormat extends TermVectorsFormat
A TermVectorsFormat that compresses chunks of documents together in order to improve the compression ratio.
WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
  • Field Details

    • formatName

      protected final String formatName
      format name
    • segmentSuffix

      protected final String segmentSuffix
      segment suffix
    • compressionMode

      protected final CompressionMode compressionMode
      compression mode
    • chunkSize

      protected final int chunkSize
      chunk size
    • blockSize

      protected final int blockSize
      block size
    • maxDocsPerChunk

      protected final int maxDocsPerChunk
      max docs per chunk
  • Constructor Details

    • Lucene50CompressingTermVectorsFormat

      public Lucene50CompressingTermVectorsFormat(String formatName, String segmentSuffix, CompressionMode compressionMode, int chunkSize, int maxDocsPerChunk, int blockSize)
      Create a new Lucene50CompressingTermVectorsFormat.

      formatName is the name of the format. This name will be used in the file formats to perform codec header checks.

      The compressionMode parameter allows you to choose between compression algorithms that have various compression and decompression speeds so that you can pick the one that best fits your indexing and searching throughput. You should never instantiate two Lucene50CompressingTermVectorsFormats that have the same name but different CompressionModes.

      chunkSize is the minimum byte size of a chunk of documents. Higher values of chunkSize should improve the compression ratio but will require more memory at indexing time and might make document loading a little slower (depending on the size of your OS cache compared to the size of your index).

      formatName - the name of the StoredFieldsFormat
      segmentSuffix - a suffix to append to files created by this format
      compressionMode - the CompressionMode to use
      chunkSize - the minimum number of bytes of a single chunk of stored documents
      maxDocsPerChunk - the maximum number of documents in a single chunk
      blockSize - the number of chunks to store in an index block.
      See Also:
  • Method Details