Solr 4.7.2 solr-core API

Apache Solr Search Server (Core Javadocs).


org.apache.solr Commonly reused classes and interfaces (deprecated package, do not add new classes)
org.apache.solr.analysis Factories and classes specific to text analysis and the creation of TokenStreams
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.embedded SolrJ client implementations for embedded solr access. Classes for dealing with ZooKeeper when operating in SolrCloud mode.
org.apache.solr.common Commonly reused classes and interfaces (deprecated package, do not add new classes)
org.apache.solr.core Core classes implementin Solr internals and the management of SolrCores
org.apache.solr.handler Concrete implementations of SolrRequestHandler
org.apache.solr.handler.admin SolrRequestHandler implementations for powering he Solr Admin UI
org.apache.solr.handler.component SearchComponent implementations for use in SearchHandler
org.apache.solr.handler.loader ContentStreamLoader implementations for use in ContentStreamHandlerBase implementations
org.apache.solr.highlight SolrHighlighter API and related implementaions and utilities
org.apache.solr.internal.csv Internal classes used for reading/writing CSV
org.apache.solr.internal.csv.writer Internal classes used for reading/writing CSV
org.apache.solr.logging APIs related to capturing log event info in the LoggingHandler
org.apache.solr.logging.jul JUL based implementation of LogWatcher
org.apache.solr.logging.log4j Log4j based implementation of LogWatcher
org.apache.solr.parser Solr native variant of the Lucene Classic QueryParser
org.apache.solr.request APIs and classes for dealing with Solr requests
org.apache.solr.response API and implementations of QueryResponseWriter for formating Solr request responses
org.apache.solr.response.transform APIs and implementations of DocTransformer for modifying documents in Solr request responses Solr RESTful APIs via Restlet. Provides RESTful API access to the Solr Schema using Restlet.
org.apache.solr.schema IndexSchema and FieldType implementations for powering schema.xml APIs and classes for parsing and processing search requests Solr implementations of ValueSource for function queries. Solr implementations of ValueSource for distance based function queries. APIs and classes for implementing result grouping Grouping related Collectors Internal APIs for distribute result grouping Internal classes used to implement distributed result grouping Internal classes used to implement distributed result grouping Internal classes used to implement distributed result grouping Internal classes used to implement distributed result grouping APIs and classes for transforming result grouping results into the appropriate response format Classes related to joins. Factories for various built-in Lucene ranking models.
org.apache.solr.servlet Servlet related classes for powering the Solr HTTP API
org.apache.solr.servlet.cache Caching related classes used in the Solr HTTP API
org.apache.solr.spelling APIs and classes used by the SpellCheckComponent
org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest APIs and classes used by the SpellCheckComponent
org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.fst Factories for FST and Analyzing based Suggesters
org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.jaspell Factories for JaSpell based Suggesters
org.apache.solr.spelling.suggest.tst Factories for TST based Suggesters An HDFS blockcache implementation. An HDFS Directory implementation.
org.apache.solr.update APIs and classes for managing index updates
org.apache.solr.update.processor UpdateRequestProcessorFactory APIs and implementations for use in UpdateRequestProcessorChains
org.apache.solr.util Common utility classes used throughout Solr
org.apache.solr.util.plugin Common APIs related to implementing Solr plugins
org.apache.solr.util.stats Utilities for collecting statistics
org.apache.solr.util.xslt XSLT related utilities (deprecated package, do not add new classes)


Apache Solr Search Server (Core Javadocs).

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