All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractQueryConfig |
AbstractRangeQueryNode<T extends FieldValuePairQueryNode<?>> |
This class should be extended by nodes intending to represent range queries.
After |
AllowLeadingWildcardProcessor |
AnalyzedText |
AnalyzerQueryNodeProcessor |
AndQuery |
Factory for conjunctions
AndQueryNode |
A AndQueryNode represents an AND boolean operation performed on a list of nodes.
AnyQueryNode |
A AnyQueryNode represents an ANY operator performed on a list of nodes.
AnyQueryNodeBuilder |
Builds a BooleanQuery of SHOULD clauses, possibly with some minimum number to match.
AtLeast |
BasicQueryFactory |
Factory for creating basic term queries
Before |
BooleanModifierNode |
BooleanModifiersQueryNodeProcessor |
BooleanQuery2ModifierNodeProcessor |
BooleanQueryBuilder |
BooleanQueryNode |
A BooleanQueryNode represents a list of elements which do not have an explicit boolean
operator defined between them.
BooleanQueryNodeBuilder |
BooleanSingleChildOptimizationQueryNodeProcessor |
This processor removes every BooleanQueryNode that contains only one child and returns
this child.
BoostingTermBuilder |
BoostQueryNode |
BoostQueryNodeBuilder |
BoostQueryNodeProcessor |
CharStream |
This interface describes a character stream that maintains line and column number positions of
the characters.
CommonQueryParserConfiguration |
Configuration options common across queryparser implementations.
ComplexPhraseQueryParser |
QueryParser which permits complex phrase query syntax eg "(john jon jonathan~) peters*".
ComposedQuery |
Base class for composite queries (such as AND/OR/NOT)
ConfigurationKey<T> |
An instance of this class represents a key that is used to retrieve a value from AbstractQueryConfig .
ConstantScoreQueryBuilder |
ContainedBy |
Containing |
CoreParser |
Assembles a QueryBuilder which uses only core Lucene Query objects
CorePlusExtensionsParser |
Assembles a QueryBuilder which uses Query objects from Lucene's sandbox and
queries modules in addition to core queries.
CorePlusQueriesParser |
Assembles a QueryBuilder which uses Query objects from Lucene's queries module in
addition to core queries.
DefaultPhraseSlopQueryNodeProcessor |
DeletedQueryNode |
DisjunctionMaxQueryBuilder |
DistanceQuery |
Factory for NEAR queries
DistanceSubQuery |
Interface for queries that can be nested as subqueries into a span near.
DOMUtils |
Helper methods for parsing XML
DummyQueryNodeBuilder |
This builder does nothing.
EscapeQuerySyntax |
A parser needs to implement EscapeQuerySyntax to allow the QueryNode to escape the
queries, when the toQueryString method is called.
EscapeQuerySyntax.Type |
Type of escaping: String for escaping syntax, NORMAL for escaping reserved words (like AND) in
EscapeQuerySyntaxImpl |
Extend |
ExtendableQueryParser |
The ExtendableQueryParser enables arbitrary query parser extension based on a
customizable field naming scheme.
ExtensionQuery |
ExtensionQuery holds all query components extracted from the original query string like
the query field and the extension query string.
Extensions |
Extensions.Pair<Cur,Cud> |
This class represents a generic pair.
FastCharStream |
An efficient implementation of JavaCC's CharStream interface.
FieldableNode |
A query node implements FieldableNode interface to indicate that its children and itself
are associated to a specific field.
FieldBoostMapFCListener |
FieldConfig |
This class represents a field configuration.
FieldConfigListener |
This interface should be implemented by classes that wants to listen for field configuration
FieldDateResolutionFCListener |
FieldQueryNode |
FieldQueryNodeBuilder |
FieldsQuery |
Forms an OR query of the provided query across multiple fields.
FieldValuePairQueryNode<T> |
This interface should be implemented by QueryNode that holds a field and an arbitrary
FuzzyConfig |
FuzzyLikeThisQueryBuilder |
FuzzyQueryNode |
A FuzzyQueryNode represents a element that contains field/text/similarity tuple
FuzzyQueryNodeBuilder |
FuzzyQueryNodeProcessor |
FuzzyTerm |
GroupQueryNode |
A GroupQueryNode represents a location where the original user typed real parenthesis on
the query string.
GroupQueryNodeBuilder |
IntervalFunction |
Representation of an interval function that can be converted to IntervalsSource .
IntervalQueryNode |
Node that represents an interval function.
IntervalQueryNodeBuilder |
IntervalQueryNodeProcessor |
LikeThisQueryBuilder |
MatchAllDocsQueryBuilder |
MatchAllDocsQueryNode |
A MatchAllDocsQueryNode indicates that a query node tree or subtree will match all
documents if executed in the index.
MatchAllDocsQueryNodeBuilder |
MatchAllDocsQueryNodeProcessor |
MatchNoDocsQueryNode |
A MatchNoDocsQueryNode indicates that a query node tree or subtree will not match any
documents if executed in the index.
MatchNoDocsQueryNodeBuilder |
MaxGaps |
MaxWidth |
Message |
Message Interface for a lazy loading.
MessageImpl |
Default implementation of Message interface.
MinShouldMatchNode |
Node that represents a minimum-should-match restriction on a GroupQueryNode .
MinShouldMatchNodeBuilder |
ModifierQueryNode |
A ModifierQueryNode indicates the modifier value (+,-,?,NONE) for each term on the query
ModifierQueryNode.Modifier |
Modifier type: such as required (REQ), prohibited (NOT)
ModifierQueryNodeBuilder |
MultiFieldQueryNodeProcessor |
This processor is used to expand terms so the query looks for the same term in different fields.
MultiFieldQueryParser |
A QueryParser which constructs queries to search multiple fields.
MultiPhraseQueryNode |
MultiPhraseQueryNodeBuilder |
MultiTermRewriteMethodProcessor |
MessageBundles classes extend this class, to implement a bundle.
NLSException |
Interface that exceptions should implement to support lazy loading of messages.
NoChildOptimizationQueryNodeProcessor |
NonOverlapping |
NotContainedBy |
NotContaining |
NoTokenFoundQueryNode |
A NoTokenFoundQueryNode is used if a term is convert into no tokens by the
tokenizer/lemmatizer/analyzer (null).
NotQuery |
Factory for prohibited clauses
NotWithin |
NumberDateFormat |
This Format parses Long into date strings and vice-versa.
OpaqueQueryNode |
A OpaqueQueryNode is used for specify values that are not supposed to be parsed by the
OpenRangeQueryNodeProcessor |
Or |
Ordered |
OrQuery |
Factory for disjunctions
OrQueryNode |
A OrQueryNode represents an OR boolean operation performed on a list of nodes.
Overlapping |
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParseException |
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
ParserException |
Thrown when the xml queryparser encounters invalid syntax/configuration.
ParserExtension |
This class represents an extension base class to the Lucene standard QueryParser .
PathQueryNode |
A PathQueryNode is used to store queries like /company/USA/California
PathQueryNode.QueryText |
Term text with a beginning and end position
Phrase |
PhraseQueryNodeBuilder |
PhraseSlopQueryNode |
PhraseSlopQueryNodeProcessor |
This processor removes invalid SlopQueryNode objects in the query node tree.
PointQueryNode |
This query node represents a field query that holds a point value.
PointQueryNodeProcessor |
PointRangeQueryBuilder |
PointRangeQueryNode |
This query node represents a range query composed by PointQueryNode bounds, which means
the bound values are Number s.
PointRangeQueryNodeBuilder |
PointRangeQueryNodeProcessor |
PointsConfig |
This class holds the configuration used to parse numeric queries and create PointValues
PointsConfigListener |
PrecedenceQueryNodeProcessorPipeline |
PrecedenceQueryParser |
This query parser works exactly as the standard query parser ( StandardQueryParser ),
except that it respect the boolean precedence, so <a AND b OR c AND d> is parsed to <(+a
+b) (+c +d)> instead of <+a +b +c +d>.
PrefixWildcardQueryNode |
PrefixWildcardQueryNodeBuilder |
ProximityQueryNode |
A ProximityQueryNode represents a query where the terms should meet specific distance
ProximityQueryNode.ProximityType |
utility class containing the distance condition and number
ProximityQueryNode.Type |
Distance condition: PARAGRAPH, SENTENCE, or NUMBER
QueryBuilder |
This interface is used by implementors classes that builds some kind of object from a query tree.
QueryBuilder |
Implemented by objects that produce Lucene Query objects from XML streams.
QueryBuilderFactory |
QueryConfigHandler |
This class can be used to hold any query configuration and no field configuration.
QueryNode |
A QueryNode is a interface implemented by all nodes on a QueryNode tree.
QueryNodeError |
Error class with NLS support
QueryNodeException |
This exception should be thrown if something wrong happens when dealing with QueryNode s.
QueryNodeImpl |
QueryNodeOperation |
Allow joining 2 QueryNode Trees, into one.
QueryNodeParseException |
This should be thrown when an exception happens during the query parsing from string to the query
node tree.
QueryNodeProcessor |
QueryNodeProcessorImpl |
This is a default implementation for the QueryNodeProcessor interface, it's an abstract
class, so it should be extended by classes that want to process a QueryNode tree.
QueryNodeProcessorPipeline |
QueryParser |
This class is generated by JavaCC.
QueryParser |
This class is generated by JavaCC.
QueryParser.Operator |
The default operator for parsing queries.
QueryParserBase |
This class is overridden by QueryParser in QueryParser.jj and acts to separate the majority of
the Java code from the .jj grammar file.
QueryParserConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
QueryParserConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
QueryParserHelper |
This class is a helper for the query parser framework, it does all the three query parser phrases
at once: text parsing, query processing and query building.
QueryParserMessages |
Flexible Query Parser message bundle class
QueryParserTokenManager |
Token Manager.
QueryParserTokenManager |
Token Manager.
QueryParserUtil |
This class defines utility methods to (help) parse query strings into Query objects.
QueryTreeBuilder |
This class should be used when there is a builder for each type of node.
QuotedFieldQueryNode |
RangeQueryBuilder |
RangeQueryNode<T extends FieldValuePairQueryNode<?>> |
This interface should be implemented by a QueryNode that represents some kind of range
RegexpQueryNode |
RegexpQueryNodeBuilder |
RegexpQueryNodeProcessor |
Processor for Regexp queries.
RemoveDeletedQueryNodesProcessor |
RemoveEmptyNonLeafQueryNodeProcessor |
This processor removes every QueryNode that is not a leaf and has not children.
SimpleQueryParser |
SimpleQueryParser is used to parse human readable query syntax.
SimpleTerm |
Base class for queries that expand to sets of simple terms.
SimpleTerm.MatchingTermVisitor |
SlopQueryNode |
SlopQueryNodeBuilder |
SpanBuilderBase |
SpanFirstBuilder |
SpanNearBuilder |
SpanNearClauseFactory |
SpanNotBuilder |
SpanOrBuilder |
SpanOrTermsBuilder |
SpanPositionRangeBuilder |
SpanQueryBuilder |
SpanQueryBuilderFactory |
SpanTermBuilder |
SrndPrefixQuery |
Query that matches String prefixes
SrndQuery |
Lowest level base class for surround queries
SrndTermQuery |
Simple single-term clause
SrndTruncQuery |
Query that matches wildcards
StandardQueryBuilder |
This interface should be implemented by every class that wants to build Query objects
from QueryNode objects.
StandardQueryConfigHandler |
StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys |
Class holding keys for StandardQueryNodeProcessorPipeline options.
StandardQueryConfigHandler.Operator |
Boolean Operator: AND or OR
StandardQueryNodeProcessorPipeline |
This pipeline has all the processors needed to process a query node tree, generated by StandardSyntaxParser , already assembled.
StandardQueryParser |
The StandardQueryParser is a pre-assembled query parser that supports most features of
the classic Lucene query parser,
allows dynamic configuration of some of its features (like multi-field expansion or wildcard
query restrictions) and adds support for new query types and expressions.
StandardQueryTreeBuilder |
This query tree builder only defines the necessary map to build a Query tree object.
StandardSyntaxParser |
Parser for the standard Lucene syntax
StandardSyntaxParserConstants |
Token literal values and constants.
StandardSyntaxParserTokenManager |
Token Manager.
StringUtils |
String manipulation routines
SynonymQueryNode |
QueryNode for clauses that are synonym of each other.
SynonymQueryNodeBuilder |
SyntaxParser |
TermQueryBuilder |
TermRangeQueryNode |
This query node represents a range query composed by FieldQueryNode bounds, which means
the bound values are strings.
TermRangeQueryNodeBuilder |
TermRangeQueryNodeProcessor |
TermsQueryBuilder |
Builds a BooleanQuery from all of the terms found in the XML element using the choice of analyzer
TextableQueryNode |
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
Token |
Describes the input token stream.
TokenizedPhraseQueryNode |
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
TokenMgrError |
Token Manager Error.
TooManyBasicQueries |
UnescapedCharSequence |
CharsSequence with escaped chars information.
Unordered |
UnorderedNoOverlaps |
UserInputQueryBuilder |
UserInputQueryBuilder uses 1 of 2 strategies for thread-safe parsing: 1) Synchronizing access to
"parse" calls on a previously supplied QueryParser or..
ValueQueryNode<T> |
This interface should be implemented by QueryNode that holds an arbitrary value.
Wildcard |
WildcardQueryNode |
WildcardQueryNodeBuilder |
WildcardQueryNodeProcessor |
Within |