org.apache.lucene.analysis |
Text analysis.
org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard |
org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes |
General-purpose attributes for text analysis.
org.apache.lucene.codecs |
Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the index.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.compressing |
Compressing helper classes.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.hnsw |
HNSW vector helper classes.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90 |
Lucene 9.0 file format.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.blocktree |
BlockTree terms dictionary.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.compressing |
Lucene 9.0 compressing format.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene94 |
Lucene 9.4 file format.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene95 |
Lucene 9.5 file format.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene99 |
Lucene 9.9 file format.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.perfield |
Postings format that can delegate to different formats per-field.
org.apache.lucene.document |
The logical representation of a Document for indexing and
org.apache.lucene.geo |
Geospatial Utility Implementations for Lucene Core
org.apache.lucene.index |
Code to maintain and access indices.
org.apache.lucene.internal.hppc |
Internal copy of a subset of classes from the HPPC library.
org.apache.lucene.internal.tests |
Internal bridges to package-private internals, for use by the lucene test framework only.
org.apache.lucene.internal.vectorization |
Internal implementations to support SIMD vectorization.
| |
Code to search indices.
| |
Comparators, used to compare hits so as to determine their sort order when collecting the top
results with TopFieldCollector .
| |
Classes related to vector search: knn and vector fields.
| |
This package contains the various ranking models that can be used in Lucene.
| |
Binary i/o API, used for all index data.
org.apache.lucene.util |
Some utility classes.
org.apache.lucene.util.automaton |
Finite-state automaton for regular expressions.
org.apache.lucene.util.bkd |
Block KD-tree, implementing the generic spatial data structure described in this paper.
org.apache.lucene.util.compress |
Compression utilities.
org.apache.lucene.util.fst |
Finite state transducers
org.apache.lucene.util.graph |
Utility classes for working with token streams as graphs.
org.apache.lucene.util.hnsw |
Navigable Small-World graph, nominally Hierarchical but currently only has a single layer.
org.apache.lucene.util.mutable |
Comparable object wrappers
org.apache.lucene.util.packed |
Packed integer arrays and streams.
org.apache.lucene.util.quantization |
Provides quantization methods for scaling vector values to smaller data types and possibly fewer