Package org.apache.lucene.internal.tests
Internal bridges to package-private internals, for use by the lucene test framework only.
- See Also:
Interface Summary Interface Description ConcurrentMergeSchedulerAccess Access toConcurrentMergeScheduler
internals exposed to the test framework.FilterIndexInputAccess Access toFilterIndexInput
internals exposed to the test framework.IndexPackageAccess Access toorg.apache.lucene.index
package internals exposed to the test framework.IndexPackageAccess.FieldInfosBuilder Public type exposingFieldInfo
internal builders.IndexWriterAccess Access toIndexWriter
internals exposed to the test framework.SegmentReaderAccess Access toSegmentReader
internals exposed to the test framework. -
Class Summary Class Description TestSecrets A set of static methods returning accessors for internal, package-private functionality in Lucene.