Package org.apache.lucene.util.hnsw
Navigable Small-World graph, nominally Hierarchical but currently only has a single layer.
Provides efficient approximate nearest neighbor search for high dimensional vectors.
Interface Summary Interface Description CloseableRandomVectorScorerSupplier A supplier that createsRandomVectorScorer
from an ordinal.HnswBuilder Interface for builder building theOnHeapHnswGraph
HnswGraphMerger Abstraction of merging multiple graphs into one on-heap graphIntToIntFunction Native int to int functionRandomAccessVectorValues Provides random access to vectors by dense ordinal.RandomAccessVectorValues.Bytes Byte vector values.RandomAccessVectorValues.Floats Float vector values.RandomVectorScorer ARandomVectorScorer
for scoring random nodes in batches against an abstract query.RandomVectorScorerSupplier A supplier that createsRandomVectorScorer
from an ordinal. -
Class Summary Class Description BlockingFloatHeap A blocking bounded min heap that stores floats.ConcurrentHnswMerger This merger merges graph in a concurrent manner, by usingHnswConcurrentMergeBuilder
FloatHeap A bounded min heap that stores floats.HnswConcurrentMergeBuilder A graph builder that manages multiple workers, it only supports adding the whole graph all at once.HnswGraph Hierarchical Navigable Small World graph.HnswGraph.ArrayNodesIterator NodesIterator that accepts nodes as an integer array.HnswGraph.CollectionNodesIterator Nodes iterator based on set representation of nodes.HnswGraph.NodesIterator Iterator over the graph nodes on a certain level, Iterator also provides the size – the total number of nodes to be iterated over.HnswGraphBuilder Builder for HNSW graph.HnswGraphBuilder.GraphBuilderKnnCollector A restricted, specialized knnCollector that can be used when building a graph.HnswGraphSearcher Searches an HNSW graph to find nearest neighbors to a query vector.IncrementalHnswGraphMerger This selects the biggest Hnsw graph from the provided merge state and initializes a new HnswGraphBuilder with that graph as a starting point.InitializedHnswGraphBuilder This creates a graph builder that is initialized with the provided HnswGraph.NeighborArray NeighborArray encodes the neighbors of a node and their mutual scores in the HNSW graph as a pair of growable arrays.NeighborQueue NeighborQueue uses aLongHeap
to store lists of arcs in an HNSW graph, represented as a neighbor node id with an associated score packed together as a sortable long, which is sorted primarily by score.OnHeapHnswGraph AnHnswGraph
where all nodes and connections are held in memory.OrdinalTranslatedKnnCollector Wraps a provided KnnCollector object, translating the provided vectorId ordinal to a documentIdRandomVectorScorer.AbstractRandomVectorScorer Creates a default scorer for random access vectors.