Package org.apache.lucene.util.packed
Packed integer arrays and streams.
The packed package provides
- sequential and random access capable arrays of positive longs,
- routines for efficient serialization and deserialization of streams of packed integers.
The main access point is the PackedInts
In-memory structures
- Only supports positive longs.
- Requires the number of bits per value to be known in advance.
- Random-access for both writing and reading.
- Same as PackedInts.Mutable but grows the number of bits per values when needed.
- Useful to build a PackedInts.Mutable from a read-once stream of longs.
- Slices data into fixed-size blocks stored in GrowableWriters.
- Supports more than 2B values.
- You should use PackedLongValues instead if you don't need random write access.
PackedLongValues.deltaPackedBuilder(int, float)
- Can store any sequence of longs.
- Compression is good when values are close to each other.
- Supports random reads, but only sequential writes.
- Can address up to 2^42 values.
PackedLongValues.packedBuilder(int, float)
- Same as deltaPackedBuilder but assumes values are 0-based.
PackedLongValues.monotonicBuilder(int, float)
- Same as deltaPackedBuilder except that compression is good when the stream is a succession of affine functions.
Disk-based structures
- Only supports positive longs.
- Requires the number of bits per value to be known in advance.
- Supports both fast sequential access with low memory footprint with ReaderIterator and random-access by either loading values in memory or leaving them on disk with Reader.
- Splits the stream into fixed-size blocks.
- Compression is good when values are close to each other.
- Can address up to 2B * blockSize values.
- Same as the non-monotonic variants except that compression is good when the stream is a succession of affine functions.
- The reason why there is no sequential access is that if you need sequential access, you should rather delta-encode and use BlockPackedWriter.
- Writes sequences of longs where each long can use any number of bits.
Interface Summary Interface Description PackedInts.Decoder A decoder for packed integers.PackedInts.Encoder An encoder for packed integers.PackedInts.ReaderIterator Run-once iterator interface, to decode previously saved PackedInts. -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractPagedMutable<T extends AbstractPagedMutable<T>> Base implementation forPagedMutable
.BlockPackedReaderIterator Reader for sequences of longs written withBlockPackedWriter
.BlockPackedWriter A writer for large sequences of longs.DirectMonotonicReader Retrieves an instance previously written byDirectMonotonicWriter
.DirectMonotonicReader.Meta In-memory metadata that needs to be kept around forDirectMonotonicReader
to read data from disk.DirectMonotonicWriter Write monotonically-increasing sequences of integers.DirectReader Retrieves an instance previously written byDirectWriter
DirectWriter Class for writing packed integers to be directly read from Directory.GrowableWriter ImplementsPackedInts.Mutable
, but grows the bit count of the underlying packed ints on-demand.MonotonicBlockPackedReader Provides random access to a stream written withMonotonicBlockPackedWriter
.MonotonicBlockPackedWriter A writer for large monotonically increasing sequences of positive longs.PackedDataInput ADataInput
wrapper to read unaligned, variable-length packed integers.PackedDataOutput ADataOutput
wrapper to write unaligned, variable-length packed integers.PackedInts Simplistic compression for array of unsigned long values.PackedInts.FormatAndBits Simple class that holds a format and a number of bits per value.PackedInts.Mutable A packed integer array that can be modified.PackedInts.NullReader APackedInts.Reader
which has all its values equal to 0 (bitsPerValue = 0).PackedInts.Reader A read-only random access array of positive integers.PackedInts.Writer A write-once Writer.PackedLongValues Utility class to compress integers into aLongValues
instance.PackedLongValues.Builder A Builder for aPackedLongValues
instance.PagedGrowableWriter PagedMutable APagedMutable
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Enum Summary Enum Description PackedInts.Format A format to write packed ints.