Uses of Class
Packages that use BytesRef Package Description org.apache.lucene.analysis Text General-purpose attributes for text Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the Compressing helper Lucene 9.0 file BlockTree terms Lucene 9.0 compressing The logical representation of aDocument
for indexing and Code to maintain and access Code to search Comparators, used to compare hits so as to determine their sort order when collecting the top results withTopFieldCollector
.org.apache.lucene.util Some utility Finite-state automaton for regular Block KD-tree, implementing the generic spatial data structure described in this Finite state transducers -
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.analysis
Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description protected BytesRef
TokenStreamToAutomaton. changeToken(BytesRef in)
Subclass and implement this if you need to change the token (such as escaping certain bytes) before it's turned into a graph.BytesRef
Analyzer. normalize(String fieldName, String text)
Normalize a string down to the representation that it would have in the index.Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description protected BytesRef
TokenStreamToAutomaton. changeToken(BytesRef in)
Subclass and implement this if you need to change the token (such as escaping certain bytes) before it's turned into a graph. -
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes
Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
BytesTermAttributeImpl. getBytesRef()
CharTermAttributeImpl. getBytesRef()
TermToBytesRefAttribute. getBytesRef()
Retrieve this attribute's BytesRef.BytesRef
PayloadAttribute. getPayload()
Returns this Token's payload.BytesRef
PayloadAttributeImpl. getPayload()
Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description void
BytesTermAttribute. setBytesRef(BytesRef bytes)
Sets theBytesRef
of the termvoid
BytesTermAttributeImpl. setBytesRef(BytesRef bytes)
PayloadAttribute. setPayload(BytesRef payload)
Sets this Token's payload.void
PayloadAttributeImpl. setPayload(BytesRef payload)
Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes with parameters of type BytesRef Constructor Description PayloadAttributeImpl(BytesRef payload)
Initialize this attribute with the given payload. -
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.codecs
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description abstract void
PushPostingsWriterBase. addPosition(int position, BytesRef payload, int startOffset, int endOffset)
Add a new position and payload, and start/end offset.abstract void
TermVectorsWriter. addPosition(int position, int startOffset, int endOffset, BytesRef payload)
Adds a term position and offsetsabstract void
MutablePointTree. getValue(int i, BytesRef packedValue)
with a reference to the packed bytes of the i-th value.abstract void
TermVectorsWriter. startTerm(BytesRef term, int freq)
Adds a term and its term frequencyfreq
.abstract void
StoredFieldsWriter. writeField(FieldInfo info, BytesRef value)
Writes a stored binary value.abstract BlockTermState
PostingsWriterBase. writeTerm(BytesRef term, TermsEnum termsEnum, FixedBitSet docsSeen, NormsProducer norms)
Write all postings for one term; use the providedTermsEnum
to pull aPostingsEnum
PushPostingsWriterBase. writeTerm(BytesRef term, TermsEnum termsEnum, FixedBitSet docsSeen, NormsProducer norms)
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.codecs.compressing
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.compressing with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description abstract void
Decompressor. decompress(DataInput in, int originalLength, int offset, int length, BytesRef bytes)
Decompress bytes that were stored between offsetsoffset
in the original stream from the compressed streamin
. -
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90 with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description void
Lucene90PostingsWriter. addPosition(int position, BytesRef payload, int startOffset, int endOffset)
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.blocktree
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.blocktree that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
FieldReader. getMax()
FieldReader. getMin()
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.blocktree with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description TermsEnum
FieldReader. intersect(CompiledAutomaton compiled, BytesRef startTerm)
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.compressing
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.compressing with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description void
Lucene90CompressingTermVectorsWriter. addPosition(int position, int startOffset, int endOffset, BytesRef payload)
Lucene90CompressingTermVectorsWriter. startTerm(BytesRef term, int freq)
Lucene90CompressingStoredFieldsWriter. writeField(FieldInfo info, BytesRef value)
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.document
Methods in org.apache.lucene.document that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
BinaryRangeDocValues. binaryValue()
DoubleField. binaryValue()
Field. binaryValue()
FloatField. binaryValue()
IntField. binaryValue()
KeywordField. binaryValue()
LongField. binaryValue()
StringField. binaryValue()
Document. getBinaryValue(String name)
Returns an array of bytes for the first (or only) field that has the name specified as the method parameter.BytesRef
StoredValue. getBinaryValue()
Retrieve a binary value.BytesRef[]
Document. getBinaryValues(String name)
Returns an array of byte arrays for of the fields that have the name specified as the method parameter.static BytesRef
DoublePoint. pack(double... point)
Pack a double point into a BytesRefstatic BytesRef
FloatPoint. pack(float... point)
Pack a float point into a BytesRefstatic BytesRef
IntPoint. pack(int... point)
Pack an integer point into a BytesRefstatic BytesRef
LongPoint. pack(long... point)
Pack a long point into a BytesRefMethods in org.apache.lucene.document with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description static LatLonShapeDocValuesField
LatLonShape. createDocValueField(String fieldName, BytesRef binaryValue)
create aLatLonShapeDocValuesField
from an existing encoded representationstatic XYShapeDocValuesField
XYShape. createDocValueField(String fieldName, BytesRef binaryValue)
create aXYShapeDocValuesField
from an existing encoded representationstatic LatLonShapeDocValues
LatLonShape. createLatLonShapeDocValues(BytesRef bytesRef)
Factory method for creating theLatLonShapeDocValues
static XYShapeDocValues
XYShape. createXYShapeDocValues(BytesRef bytesRef)
Factory method for creating theXYShapeDocValues
static Query
KeywordField. newExactQuery(String field, BytesRef value)
Create a query for matching an exactBytesRef
value.static Query
KeywordField. newSetQuery(String field, BytesRef... values)
Create a query for matching any of a set of providedBytesRef
values.static Query
SortedDocValuesField. newSlowExactQuery(String field, BytesRef value)
Create a query for matching an exactBytesRef
value.static Query
SortedSetDocValuesField. newSlowExactQuery(String field, BytesRef value)
Create a query for matching an exactBytesRef
value.static Query
SortedDocValuesField. newSlowRangeQuery(String field, BytesRef lowerValue, BytesRef upperValue, boolean lowerInclusive, boolean upperInclusive)
Create a range query that matches all documents whose value is betweenlowerValue
included.static Query
SortedSetDocValuesField. newSlowRangeQuery(String field, BytesRef lowerValue, BytesRef upperValue, boolean lowerInclusive, boolean upperInclusive)
Create a range query that matches all documents whose value is betweenlowerValue
.static Query
SortedDocValuesField. newSlowSetQuery(String field, BytesRef... values)
Create a query matching any of the specified values.static Query
SortedSetDocValuesField. newSlowSetQuery(String field, BytesRef... values)
Create a query matching any of the specified values.void
StoredValue. setBinaryValue(BytesRef value)
Set a binary value.void
DoublePoint. setBytesValue(BytesRef bytes)
Field. setBytesValue(BytesRef value)
Expert: change the value of this field.void
FloatPoint. setBytesValue(BytesRef bytes)
InetAddressPoint. setBytesValue(BytesRef bytes)
IntPoint. setBytesValue(BytesRef bytes)
KeywordField. setBytesValue(BytesRef value)
LongPoint. setBytesValue(BytesRef bytes)
StringField. setBytesValue(BytesRef value)
static void
LongPoint. unpack(BytesRef bytesRef, int start, long[] buf)
Unpack a BytesRef into a long point.Constructors in org.apache.lucene.document with parameters of type BytesRef Constructor Description BinaryDocValuesField(String name, BytesRef value)
Create a new binary DocValues field.Field(String name, BytesRef bytes, IndexableFieldType type)
Create field with binary value.KeywordField(String name, BytesRef value, Field.Store stored)
Creates a new KeywordField.LatLonShapeDocValues(BytesRef binaryValue)
protected ctor for instantiating a lat lon doc value based on an already retrieved binary formatLatLonShapeDocValuesField(String name, BytesRef binaryValue)
Creates aLatLonShapeDocValueField
from a given serialized valueSortedDocValuesField(String name, BytesRef bytes)
Create a new sorted DocValues field.SortedSetDocValuesField(String name, BytesRef bytes)
Create a new sorted DocValues field.StoredField(String name, BytesRef value)
Create a stored-only field with the given binary value.StoredField(String name, BytesRef bytes, FieldType type)
Expert: allows you to customize theFieldType
.StoredValue(BytesRef value)
Ctor for binary values.StringField(String name, BytesRef value, Field.Store stored)
Creates a new binary StringField, indexing the provided binary (BytesRef) value as a single token.XYShapeDocValues(BytesRef binaryValue)
protected ctor for instantiating a cartesian doc value based on an already retrieved binary formatXYShapeDocValuesField(String name, BytesRef binaryValue)
Creates aXYShapeDocValueField
from a given serialized value -
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.index
Fields in org.apache.lucene.index declared as BytesRef Modifier and Type Field Description protected BytesRef
FilteredTermsEnum. actualTerm
Which term the enum is currently positioned to.Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description abstract BytesRef
BinaryDocValues. binaryValue()
Returns the binary value for the current document ID.BytesRef
FilterBinaryDocValues. binaryValue()
IndexableField. binaryValue()
Non-null if this field has a binary valueBytesRef
Term. bytes()
Returns the bytes of this term, these should not be modified.BytesRef
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableTerms. getMax()
MultiTerms. getMax()
Terms. getMax()
Returns the largest term (in lexicographic order) in the field.BytesRef
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableTerms. getMin()
MultiTerms. getMin()
Terms. getMin()
Returns the smallest term (in lexicographic order) in the field.BytesRef
FilterLeafReader.FilterPostingsEnum. getPayload()
MultiPostingsEnum. getPayload()
abstract BytesRef
PostingsEnum. getPayload()
Returns the payload at this position, or null if no payload was indexed.BytesRef
SlowImpactsEnum. getPayload()
FilterSortedDocValues. lookupOrd(int ord)
FilterSortedSetDocValues. lookupOrd(long ord)
MultiDocValues.MultiSortedDocValues. lookupOrd(int ord)
MultiDocValues.MultiSortedSetDocValues. lookupOrd(long ord)
abstract BytesRef
SortedDocValues. lookupOrd(int ord)
Retrieves the value for the specified ordinal.abstract BytesRef
SortedSetDocValues. lookupOrd(long ord)
Retrieves the value for the specified ordinal.BytesRef
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableTermsEnum. next()
FilteredTermsEnum. next()
FilterLeafReader.FilterTermsEnum. next()
MultiTermsEnum. next()
PrefixCodedTerms.TermIterator. next()
protected BytesRef
AutomatonTermsEnum. nextSeekTerm(BytesRef term)
protected BytesRef
FilteredTermsEnum. nextSeekTerm(BytesRef currentTerm)
On the first call
or ifFilteredTermsEnum.accept(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)
, this method will be called to eventually seek the underlying TermsEnum to a new position.BytesRef
FilteredTermsEnum. term()
FilterLeafReader.FilterTermsEnum. term()
MultiTermsEnum. term()
abstract BytesRef
TermsEnum. term()
Returns current term.Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description protected FilteredTermsEnum.AcceptStatus
AutomatonTermsEnum. accept(BytesRef term)
Returns true if the term matches the automaton.protected abstract FilteredTermsEnum.AcceptStatus
FilteredTermsEnum. accept(BytesRef term)
Return if term is accepted, not accepted or the iteration should ended (and possibly seek).protected FilteredTermsEnum.AcceptStatus
SingleTermsEnum. accept(BytesRef term)
PrefixCodedTerms.Builder. add(String field, BytesRef bytes)
add a term.static PostingsEnum
MultiTerms. getTermPostingsEnum(IndexReader r, String field, BytesRef term)
for the specified field and term.static PostingsEnum
MultiTerms. getTermPostingsEnum(IndexReader r, String field, BytesRef term, int flags)
for the specified field and term, with control over whether freqs, positions, offsets or payloads are required.TermsEnum
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableTerms. intersect(CompiledAutomaton compiled, BytesRef startTerm)
MultiTerms. intersect(CompiledAutomaton compiled, BytesRef startTerm)
Terms. intersect(CompiledAutomaton compiled, BytesRef startTerm)
Returns a TermsEnum that iterates over all terms and documents that are accepted by the providedCompiledAutomaton
FilterSortedDocValues. lookupTerm(BytesRef key)
FilterSortedSetDocValues. lookupTerm(BytesRef key)
SortedDocValues. lookupTerm(BytesRef key)
exists, returns its ordinal, else returns-insertionPoint-1
, likeArrays.binarySearch
SortedSetDocValues. lookupTerm(BytesRef key)
exists, returns its ordinal, else returns-insertionPoint-1
, likeArrays.binarySearch
.protected BytesRef
AutomatonTermsEnum. nextSeekTerm(BytesRef term)
protected BytesRef
FilteredTermsEnum. nextSeekTerm(BytesRef currentTerm)
On the first call
or ifFilteredTermsEnum.accept(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef)
, this method will be called to eventually seek the underlying TermsEnum to a new position.TermsEnum.SeekStatus
FilteredTermsEnum. seekCeil(BytesRef term)
This enum does not support seeking!TermsEnum.SeekStatus
FilterLeafReader.FilterTermsEnum. seekCeil(BytesRef text)
MultiTermsEnum. seekCeil(BytesRef term)
abstract TermsEnum.SeekStatus
TermsEnum. seekCeil(BytesRef text)
Seeks to the specified term, if it exists, or to the next (ceiling) term.boolean
BaseTermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef text)
BaseTermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef term, TermState state)
FilteredTermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef term)
This enum does not support seeking!void
FilteredTermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef term, TermState state)
This enum does not support seeking!boolean
FilterLeafReader.FilterTermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef text)
FilterLeafReader.FilterTermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef term, TermState state)
MultiTermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef term)
abstract boolean
TermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef text)
Attempts to seek to the exact term, returning true if the term is found.abstract void
TermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef term, TermState state)
Expert: Seeks a specific position byTermState
previously obtained fromTermsEnum.termState()
.protected void
FilteredTermsEnum. setInitialSeekTerm(BytesRef term)
Use this method to set the initialBytesRef
to seek before iterating.static String
Term. toString(BytesRef termText)
Returns human-readable form of the term text.long
IndexWriter. updateBinaryDocValue(Term term, String field, BytesRef value)
Constructors in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type BytesRef Constructor Description SingleTermsEnum(TermsEnum tenum, BytesRef termText)
Creates a newSingleTermsEnum
.Term(String fld, BytesRef bytes)
Constructs a Term with the given field and bytes. -
Uses of BytesRef in
Methods in that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
MaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute. getCompetitiveTerm()
This is the term ornull
of the term that triggered the boost change.BytesRef
MaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttributeImpl. getCompetitiveTerm()
TermRangeQuery. getLowerTerm()
Returns the lower value of this range queryBytesRef
MultiPhraseQuery.UnionFullPostingsEnum. getPayload()
MultiPhraseQuery.UnionPostingsEnum. getPayload()
TermRangeQuery. getUpperTerm()
Returns the upper value of this range queryBytesRef
FuzzyTermsEnum. next()
abstract BytesRef
PointInSetQuery.Stream. next()
FuzzyTermsEnum. term()
TermStatistics. term()
The term text.BytesRef
FieldComparator.TermValComparator. value(int slot)
Methods in that return types with arguments of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description Comparator<BytesRef>
SortField. getBytesComparator()
Methods in with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description SynonymQuery.Builder
SynonymQuery.Builder. addTerm(BytesRef term, float boost)
Adds the providedterm
as a synonym, document frequencies of this term will be boosted byboost
FieldComparator.TermValComparator. compareValues(BytesRef val1, BytesRef val2)
FuzzyTermsEnum. seekCeil(BytesRef text)
FuzzyTermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef text)
FuzzyTermsEnum. seekExact(BytesRef term, TermState state)
MaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttribute. setCompetitiveTerm(BytesRef competitiveTerm)
This is the term ornull
of the term that triggered the boost change.void
MaxNonCompetitiveBoostAttributeImpl. setCompetitiveTerm(BytesRef competitiveTerm)
FieldComparator.TermValComparator. setTopValue(BytesRef value)
static Automaton
PrefixQuery. toAutomaton(BytesRef prefix)
Build an automaton accepting all terms with the specified prefix.static Automaton
TermRangeQuery. toAutomaton(BytesRef lowerTerm, BytesRef upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper)
Method parameters in with type arguments of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description void
SortField. setBytesComparator(Comparator<BytesRef> b)
Constructors in with parameters of type BytesRef Constructor Description PhraseQuery(int slop, String field, BytesRef... terms)
Create a phrase query which will match documents that contain the given list of terms at consecutive positions infield
, and at a maximum edit distance ofslop
.PhraseQuery(String field, BytesRef... terms)
Create a phrase query which will match documents that contain the given list of terms at consecutive positions infield
.TermInSetQuery(String field, BytesRef... terms)
TermInSetQuery(MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod rewriteMethod, String field, BytesRef... terms)
Creates a newTermInSetQuery
from the given array of terms.TermRangeQuery(String field, BytesRef lowerTerm, BytesRef upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper)
Constructs a query selecting all terms greater/equal thanlowerTerm
but less/equal thanupperTerm
.TermRangeQuery(String field, BytesRef lowerTerm, BytesRef upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper, MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod rewriteMethod)
Constructs a query selecting all terms greater/equal thanlowerTerm
but less/equal thanupperTerm
.TermStatistics(BytesRef term, long docFreq, long totalTermFreq)
Creates statistics instance for a term.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type BytesRef Constructor Description TermInSetQuery(String field, Collection<BytesRef> terms)
TermInSetQuery(MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod rewriteMethod, String field, Collection<BytesRef> terms)
Creates a newTermInSetQuery
from the given collection of terms. -
Uses of BytesRef in
Methods in that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
TermOrdValComparator. value(int slot)
Methods in with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description int
TermOrdValComparator. compareValues(BytesRef val1, BytesRef val2)
TermOrdValComparator. setTopValue(BytesRef value)
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.util
Fields in org.apache.lucene.util declared as BytesRef Modifier and Type Field Description static BytesRef
UnicodeUtil. BIG_TERM
A binary term consisting of a number of 0xff bytes, likely to be bigger than other terms (e.g.BytesRef
QueryBuilder.TermAndBoost. term
the termFields in org.apache.lucene.util with type parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Field Description static Comparator<BytesRef>
Default comparator: sorts in binary (codepoint) orderMethods in org.apache.lucene.util that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
BytesRef. clone()
Returns a shallow clone of this instance (the underlying bytes are not copied and will be shared by both the returned object and this object.static BytesRef
BytesRef. deepCopyOf(BytesRef other)
Creates a new BytesRef that points to a copy of the bytes fromother
BytesRefArray. get(BytesRefBuilder spare, int index)
Returns the n'th element of thisBytesRefArray
BytesRefBuilder. get()
Return aBytesRef
that points to the internal content of this builder.BytesRef
BytesRefHash. get(int bytesID, BytesRef ref)
Populates and returns aBytesRef
with the bytes for the given bytesID.static BytesRef
StringHelper. intsRefToBytesRef(IntsRef ints)
BytesRefIterator. next()
Increments the iteration to the nextBytesRef
in the iterator.BytesRef
OfflineSorter.ByteSequencesReader. next()
Reads the next entry into the providedBytesRef
BytesRefBuilder. toBytesRef()
Build a newBytesRef
that has the same content as this buffer.Methods in org.apache.lucene.util that return types with arguments of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description Comparator<BytesRef>
OfflineSorter. getComparator()
Returns the comparator in use to sort entriesMethods in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description int
BytesRefHash. add(BytesRef bytes)
Adds a newBytesRef
ByteBlockPool. append(BytesRef bytes)
Appends the bytes in the providedBytesRef
at the current
BytesRefArray. append(BytesRef bytes)
Appends a copy of the givenBytesRef
to thisBytesRefArray
BytesRefBuilder. append(BytesRef ref)
Append the provided bytes to this builder.protected abstract int
BytesRefComparator. byteAt(BytesRef ref, int i)
Return the unsigned byte to use for comparison at indexi
, or-1
if all bytes that are useful for comparisons are exhausted.static int
StringHelper. bytesDifference(BytesRef priorTerm, BytesRef currentTerm)
Compares twoBytesRef
, element by element, and returns the number of elements common to both arrays (from the start of each).boolean
BytesRef. bytesEquals(BytesRef other)
Expert: compares the bytes against another BytesRef, returning true if the bytes are equal.static int
UnicodeUtil. codePointCount(BytesRef utf8)
Returns the number of code points in this UTF8
BytesRefComparator. compare(BytesRef o1, BytesRef o2)
BytesRef. compareTo(BytesRef other)
Unsigned byte order comparisonvoid
PagedBytes. copy(BytesRef bytes, BytesRef out)
Copy BytesRef in, setting BytesRef out to the result.void
BytesRefBuilder. copyBytes(BytesRef ref)
Replace the content of this builder with the provided bytes.long
PagedBytes. copyUsingLengthPrefix(BytesRef bytes)
Copy bytes in, writing the length as a 1 or 2 byte vInt prefix.void
CharsRefBuilder. copyUTF8Bytes(BytesRef bytes)
Copy the provided bytes, interpreted as UTF-8 bytes.void
IntsRefBuilder. copyUTF8Bytes(BytesRef bytes)
Copy the given UTF-8 bytes into this builder.static BytesRef
BytesRef. deepCopyOf(BytesRef other)
Creates a new BytesRef that points to a copy of the bytes fromother
static boolean
StringHelper. endsWith(BytesRef ref, BytesRef suffix)
iff the ref ends with the given suffix.void
PagedBytes.Reader. fill(BytesRef b, long start)
Reads length as 1 or 2 byte vInt prefix, starting at start.void
PagedBytes.Reader. fillSlice(BytesRef b, long start, int length)
Gets a slice out ofPagedBytes
starting at start with a given
BytesRefHash. find(BytesRef bytes)
Returns the id of the givenBytesRef
BytesRefHash. get(int bytesID, BytesRef ref)
Populates and returns aBytesRef
with the bytes for the given bytesID.static int
StringHelper. murmurhash3_x86_32(BytesRef bytes, int seed)
ByteBlockPool. setBytesRef(BytesRef term, int textStart)
ByteBlockPool. setRawBytesRef(BytesRef ref, long offset)
static int
StringHelper. sortKeyLength(BytesRef priorTerm, BytesRef currentTerm)
Returns the length ofcurrentTerm
needed for use as a sort key.static boolean
StringHelper. startsWith(byte[] ref, BytesRef prefix)
iff the ref starts with the given prefix.static boolean
StringHelper. startsWith(BytesRef ref, BytesRef prefix)
iff the ref starts with the given prefix.static int
UnicodeUtil. UTF8toUTF16(BytesRef bytesRef, char[] chars)
Utility method forUnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(byte[], int, int, char[])
static int
UnicodeUtil. UTF8toUTF32(BytesRef utf8, int[] ints)
This method assumes valid UTF8 input.void
OfflineSorter.ByteSequencesWriter. write(BytesRef ref)
Writes a BytesRef.Method parameters in org.apache.lucene.util with type arguments of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRefIterator
BytesRefArray. iterator(Comparator<BytesRef> comp)
Returns aBytesRefIterator
with point in time semantics.BytesRefArray.SortState
BytesRefArray. sort(Comparator<BytesRef> comp, IntBinaryOperator tieComparator)
Returns aBytesRefArray.SortState
representing the order of elements in this array.Constructors in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type BytesRef Constructor Description TermAndBoost(BytesRef term, float boost)
Creates a new TermAndBoostConstructor parameters in org.apache.lucene.util with type arguments of type BytesRef Constructor Description OfflineSorter(Directory dir, String tempFileNamePrefix, Comparator<BytesRef> comparator)
Defaults constructor with a custom comparator.OfflineSorter(Directory dir, String tempFileNamePrefix, Comparator<BytesRef> comparator, OfflineSorter.BufferSize ramBufferSize, int maxTempfiles, int valueLength, ExecutorService exec, int maxPartitionsInRAM)
All-details constructor. -
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.util.automaton
Fields in org.apache.lucene.util.automaton declared as BytesRef Modifier and Type Field Description BytesRef
CompiledAutomaton. commonSuffixRef
Shared common suffix accepted by the automaton.BytesRef
CompiledAutomaton. term
this is the singleton term.Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.automaton that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
CompiledAutomaton. floor(BytesRef input, BytesRefBuilder output)
Finds largest term accepted by this Automaton, that's <= the provided input term.static BytesRef
Operations. getCommonPrefixBytesRef(Automaton a)
Returns the longest BytesRef that is a prefix of all accepted strings and visits each state at most once.static BytesRef
Operations. getCommonSuffixBytesRef(Automaton a)
Returns the longest BytesRef that is a suffix of all accepted strings.Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.automaton with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
CompiledAutomaton. floor(BytesRef input, BytesRefBuilder output)
Finds largest term accepted by this Automaton, that's <= the provided input term.static Automaton
Automata. makeBinary(BytesRef term)
Returns a new (deterministic) automaton that accepts the single given binary term.static Automaton
Automata. makeBinaryInterval(BytesRef min, boolean minInclusive, BytesRef max, boolean maxInclusive)
Creates a new deterministic, minimal automaton accepting all binary terms in the specified interval.Method parameters in org.apache.lucene.util.automaton with type arguments of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description static Automaton
DaciukMihovAutomatonBuilder. build(Collection<BytesRef> input)
Build a minimal, deterministic automaton from a sorted list ofBytesRef
representing strings in UTF-8.static Automaton
Automata. makeStringUnion(Collection<BytesRef> utf8Strings)
Returns a new (deterministic and minimal) automaton that accepts the union of the given collection ofBytesRef
s representing UTF-8 encoded strings. -
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.util.bkd
Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.bkd that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
PointValue. packedValue()
Returns the packed values for the dimensionsBytesRef
PointValue. packedValueDocIDBytes()
Returns the byte representation of the packed value together with the docIDMethods in org.apache.lucene.util.bkd with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description static void
MutablePointTreeReaderUtils. partition(BKDConfig config, int maxDoc, int splitDim, int commonPrefixLen, MutablePointTree reader, int from, int to, int mid, BytesRef scratch1, BytesRef scratch2)
Partition points aroundmid
.static void
MutablePointTreeReaderUtils. sortByDim(BKDConfig config, int sortedDim, int[] commonPrefixLengths, MutablePointTree reader, int from, int to, BytesRef scratch1, BytesRef scratch2)
Sort points on the given dimension. -
Uses of BytesRef in org.apache.lucene.util.fst
Fields in org.apache.lucene.util.fst declared as BytesRef Modifier and Type Field Description BytesRef
BytesRefFSTEnum.InputOutput. input
Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.fst that return BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
ByteSequenceOutputs. add(BytesRef prefix, BytesRef output)
ByteSequenceOutputs. common(BytesRef output1, BytesRef output2)
ByteSequenceOutputs. getNoOutput()
ByteSequenceOutputs. read(DataInput in)
ByteSequenceOutputs. subtract(BytesRef output, BytesRef inc)
static BytesRef
Util. toBytesRef(IntsRef input, BytesRefBuilder scratch)
Just converts IntsRef to BytesRef; you must ensure the int values fit into a byte.Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.fst with parameters of type BytesRef Modifier and Type Method Description BytesRef
ByteSequenceOutputs. add(BytesRef prefix, BytesRef output)
ByteSequenceOutputs. common(BytesRef output1, BytesRef output2)
static <T> T
Util. get(FST<T> fst, BytesRef input)
Looks up the output for this input, or null if the input is not acceptedString
ByteSequenceOutputs. outputToString(BytesRef output)
ByteSequenceOutputs. ramBytesUsed(BytesRef output)
BytesRefFSTEnum. seekCeil(BytesRef target)
Seeks to smallest term that's >= target.BytesRefFSTEnum.InputOutput<T>
BytesRefFSTEnum. seekExact(BytesRef target)
Seeks to exactly this term, returning null if the term doesn't exist.BytesRefFSTEnum.InputOutput<T>
BytesRefFSTEnum. seekFloor(BytesRef target)
Seeks to biggest term that's <= target.BytesRef
ByteSequenceOutputs. subtract(BytesRef output, BytesRef inc)
static IntsRef
Util. toIntsRef(BytesRef input, IntsRefBuilder scratch)
Just takes unsigned byte values from the BytesRef and converts into an IntsRef.void
ByteSequenceOutputs. write(BytesRef prefix, DataOutput out)