Class StoredFieldsWriter

    • Constructor Detail

      • StoredFieldsWriter

        protected StoredFieldsWriter()
        Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically implicit.)
    • Method Detail

      • startDocument

        public abstract void startDocument()
                                    throws IOException
        Called before writing the stored fields of the document. writeField will be called for each stored field. Note that this is called even if the document has no stored fields.
      • finishDocument

        public void finishDocument()
                            throws IOException
        Called when a document and all its fields have been added.
      • finish

        public abstract void finish​(int numDocs)
                             throws IOException
        Called before close(), passing in the number of documents that were written. Note that this is intentionally redundant (equivalent to the number of calls to startDocument(), but a Codec should check that this is the case to detect the JRE bug described in LUCENE-1282.
      • merge

        public int merge​(MergeState mergeState)
                  throws IOException
        Merges in the stored fields from the readers in mergeState. The default implementation skips over deleted documents, and uses startDocument(), writeField, and finish(int), returning the number of documents that were written. Implementations can override this method for more sophisticated merging (bulk-byte copying, etc).