Package org.apache.lucene.util.automaton
Finite-state automaton for regular expressions.
This package contains a full DFA/NFA implementation with Unicode alphabet and support for all standard (and a number of non-standard) regular expression operations.
The most commonly used functionality is located in the classes
and Automaton
For more information, go to the package home page at
- WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
Interface Summary Interface Description AutomatonProvider Automaton provider forRegExp.
Class Summary Class Description Automata Construction of basic automata.Automaton Represents an automaton and all its states and transitions.Automaton.Builder Records new states and transitions and thenAutomaton.Builder.finish()
creates theAutomaton
.ByteRunAutomaton Automaton representation for matching UTF-8 byte[].CharacterRunAutomaton Automaton representation for matching char[].CompiledAutomaton Immutable class holding compiled details for a given Automaton.DaciukMihovAutomatonBuilder Builds a minimal, deterministicAutomaton
that accepts a set of strings.FiniteStringsIterator Iterates all accepted strings.LevenshteinAutomata Class to construct DFAs that match a word within some edit distance.LimitedFiniteStringsIterator FiniteStringsIterator
which limits the number of iterated accepted strings.MinimizationOperations Operations for minimizing automata.Operations Automata operations.RegExp Regular Expression extension toAutomaton
.RunAutomaton Finite-state automaton with fast run operation.StatePair Pair of states.Transition Holds one transition from anAutomaton
.UTF32ToUTF8 Converts UTF-32 automata to the equivalent UTF-8 representation. -
Enum Summary Enum Description CompiledAutomaton.AUTOMATON_TYPE Automata are compiled into different internal forms for the most efficient execution depending upon the language they accept.RegExp.Kind The type of expression represented by a RegExp node. -
Exception Summary Exception Description TooComplexToDeterminizeException This exception is thrown when determinizing an automaton would require too much work.