Interface | Description |
ImpactsSource |
Source of
Impacts . |
IndexableField |
Represents a single field for indexing.
IndexableFieldType |
Describes the properties of a field.
IndexReader.CacheHelper |
A utility class that gives hooks in order to help build a cache based on
the data that is contained in this index.
IndexReader.ClosedListener |
A listener that is called when a resource gets closed.
IndexSorter |
Handles how documents should be sorted in an index, both within a segment and between
IndexSorter.ComparableProvider |
Used for sorting documents across segments
IndexSorter.DocComparator |
A comparator of doc IDs, used for sorting documents within a segment
IndexSorter.NumericDocValuesProvider |
Provide a NumericDocValues instance for a LeafReader
IndexSorter.SortedDocValuesProvider |
Provide a SortedDocValues instance for a LeafReader
IndexWriter.IndexReaderWarmer |
If has
been called (ie, this writer is in near real-time
mode), then after a merge completes, this class can be
invoked to warm the reader on the newly merged
segment, before the merge commits. |
MergePolicy.MergeContext |
This interface represents the current context of the merge selection process.
MergeScheduler.MergeSource |
Provides access to new merges and executes the actual merge
PointValues.IntersectVisitor |
We recurse the BKD tree, using a provided instance of this to guide the recursion.
QueryTimeout |
Base for query timeout implementations, which will provide a
shouldExit() method,
used with ExitableDirectoryReader . |
TwoPhaseCommit |
An interface for implementations that support 2-phase commit.
Class | Description |
AutomatonTermsEnum |
A FilteredTermsEnum that enumerates terms based upon what is accepted by a
BaseCompositeReader<R extends IndexReader> |
Base class for implementing
CompositeReader s based on an array
of sub-readers. |
BaseTermsEnum |
A base TermsEnum that adds default implementations for
BaseTermsEnum.seekExact(BytesRef, TermState)
In some cases, the default implementation may be slow and consume huge memory, so subclass SHOULD have its own
implementation if possible. |
BinaryDocValues |
A per-document numeric value.
CheckIndex |
Basic tool and API to check the health of an index and
write a new segments file that removes reference to
problematic segments.
CheckIndex.Options |
Run-time configuration options for CheckIndex commands.
CheckIndex.Status |
Returned from
CheckIndex.checkIndex() detailing the health and status of the index. |
CheckIndex.Status.DocValuesStatus |
Status from testing DocValues
CheckIndex.Status.FieldInfoStatus |
Status from testing field infos.
CheckIndex.Status.FieldNormStatus |
Status from testing field norms.
CheckIndex.Status.IndexSortStatus |
Status from testing index sort
CheckIndex.Status.LiveDocStatus |
Status from testing livedocs
CheckIndex.Status.PointsStatus |
Status from testing PointValues
CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus |
Holds the status of each segment in the index.
CheckIndex.Status.StoredFieldStatus |
Status from testing stored fields.
CheckIndex.Status.TermIndexStatus |
Status from testing term index.
CheckIndex.Status.TermVectorStatus |
Status from testing stored fields.
CheckIndex.VerifyPointsVisitor |
Walks the entire N-dimensional points space, verifying that all points fall within the last cell's boundaries.
CodecReader |
LeafReader implemented by codec APIs.
CompositeReader |
Instances of this reader type can only
be used to get stored fields from the underlying LeafReaders,
but it is not possible to directly retrieve postings.
CompositeReaderContext |
IndexReaderContext for CompositeReader instance. |
ConcurrentMergeScheduler |
MergeScheduler that runs each merge using a
separate thread. |
DirectoryReader |
DirectoryReader is an implementation of
that can read indexes in a Directory . |
DocIDMerger<T extends DocIDMerger.Sub> |
Utility class to help merging documents from sub-readers according to either simple
concatenated (unsorted) order, or by a specified index-time sort, skipping
deleted documents and remapping non-deleted documents.
DocIDMerger.Sub |
Represents one sub-reader being merged
DocValues |
This class contains utility methods and constants for DocValues
EmptyDocValuesProducer |
Abstract base class implementing a
DocValuesProducer that has no doc values. |
ExitableDirectoryReader |
ExitableDirectoryReader wraps a real index DirectoryReader and
allows for a QueryTimeout implementation object to be checked periodically
to see if the thread should exit or not. |
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableFilterAtomicReader |
Wrapper class for another FilterAtomicReader.
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableSubReaderWrapper |
Wrapper class for a SubReaderWrapper that is used by the ExitableDirectoryReader.
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableTerms |
Wrapper class for another Terms implementation that is used by ExitableFields.
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableTermsEnum |
Wrapper class for TermsEnum that is used by ExitableTerms for implementing an
exitable enumeration of terms.
FieldInfo |
Access to the Field Info file that describes document fields and whether or
not they are indexed.
FieldInfos |
Collection of
FieldInfo s (accessible by number or by name). |
FieldInvertState |
This class tracks the number and position / offset parameters of terms
being added to the index.
Fields |
Provides a
Terms index for fields that have it, and lists which fields do. |
FilterBinaryDocValues |
Delegates all methods to a wrapped
BinaryDocValues . |
FilterCodecReader |
FilterCodecReader contains another CodecReader, which it
uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the
way or providing additional functionality. |
FilterDirectoryReader |
A FilterDirectoryReader wraps another DirectoryReader, allowing implementations
to transform or extend it.
FilterDirectoryReader.SubReaderWrapper |
Factory class passed to FilterDirectoryReader constructor that allows
subclasses to wrap the filtered DirectoryReader's subreaders.
FilteredTermsEnum |
Abstract class for enumerating a subset of all terms.
FilterLeafReader |
FilterLeafReader contains another LeafReader, which it
uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the
way or providing additional functionality. |
FilterLeafReader.FilterFields |
Base class for filtering
implementations. |
FilterLeafReader.FilterPostingsEnum |
Base class for filtering
PostingsEnum implementations. |
FilterLeafReader.FilterTerms |
Base class for filtering
Terms implementations. |
FilterLeafReader.FilterTermsEnum |
Base class for filtering
TermsEnum implementations. |
FilterMergePolicy |
A wrapper for
MergePolicy instances. |
FilterNumericDocValues |
Delegates all methods to a wrapped
NumericDocValues . |
FilterSortedDocValues |
Delegates all methods to a wrapped
SortedDocValues . |
FilterSortedNumericDocValues |
Delegates all methods to a wrapped
SortedNumericDocValues . |
FilterSortedSetDocValues |
Delegates all methods to a wrapped
SortedSetDocValues . |
Impact |
Per-document scoring factors.
Impacts |
Information about upcoming impacts, ie.
ImpactsEnum |
Extension of
PostingsEnum which also provides information about
upcoming impacts. |
IndexCommit |
Expert: represents a single commit into an index as seen by the
IndexDeletionPolicy or IndexReader . |
IndexDeletionPolicy |
Expert: policy for deletion of stale
index commits . |
IndexFileNames |
This class contains useful constants representing filenames and extensions
used by lucene, as well as convenience methods for querying whether a file
name matches an extension (
matchesExtension ), as well as generating file names from a segment name,
generation and extension (
fileNameFromGeneration ,
segmentFileName ). |
IndexReader |
IndexReader is an abstract class, providing an interface for accessing a
point-in-time view of an index.
IndexReader.CacheKey |
A cache key identifying a resource that is being cached on.
IndexReaderContext |
A struct like class that represents a hierarchical relationship between
IndexReader instances. |
IndexSorter.DoubleSorter |
Sorts documents based on double values from a NumericDocValues instance
IndexSorter.FloatSorter |
Sorts documents based on float values from a NumericDocValues instance
IndexSorter.IntSorter |
Sorts documents based on integer values from a NumericDocValues instance
IndexSorter.LongSorter |
Sorts documents based on long values from a NumericDocValues instance
IndexSorter.StringSorter |
Sorts documents based on terms from a SortedDocValues instance
IndexUpgrader |
This is an easy-to-use tool that upgrades all segments of an index from previous Lucene versions
to the current segment file format.
IndexWriter |
IndexWriter creates and maintains an index. |
IndexWriter.DocStats |
DocStats for this index
IndexWriterConfig |
Holds all the configuration that is used to create an
IndexWriter . |
KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy |
IndexDeletionPolicy implementation that
keeps only the most recent commit and immediately removes
all prior commits after a new commit is done. |
LeafMetaData |
Provides read-only metadata about a leaf.
LeafReader |
LeafReader is an abstract class, providing an interface for accessing an
index. |
LeafReaderContext |
IndexReaderContext for LeafReader instances. |
LiveIndexWriterConfig |
Holds all the configuration used by
IndexWriter with few setters for
settings that can be changed on an IndexWriter instance "live". |
LogByteSizeMergePolicy |
This is a
LogMergePolicy that measures size of a
segment as the total byte size of the segment's files. |
LogDocMergePolicy |
This is a
LogMergePolicy that measures size of a
segment as the number of documents (not taking deletions
into account). |
LogMergePolicy |
This class implements a
MergePolicy that tries
to merge segments into levels of exponentially
increasing size, where each level has fewer segments than
the value of the merge factor. |
MappedMultiFields |
Fields implementation that merges multiple
Fields into one, and maps around deleted documents. |
MergePolicy |
Expert: a MergePolicy determines the sequence of
primitive merge operations.
MergePolicy.MergeSpecification |
A MergeSpecification instance provides the information
necessary to perform multiple merges.
MergePolicy.OneMerge |
OneMerge provides the information necessary to perform
an individual primitive merge operation, resulting in
a single new segment.
MergePolicy.OneMergeProgress |
Progress and state for an executing merge.
MergeRateLimiter |
This is the
RateLimiter that IndexWriter assigns to each running merge, to
give MergeScheduler s ionice like control. |
MergeScheduler |
IndexWriter uses an instance
implementing this interface to execute the merges
selected by a MergePolicy . |
MergeState |
Holds common state used during segment merging.
MergeState.DocMap |
A map of doc IDs.
MultiBits |
Concatenates multiple Bits together, on every lookup.
MultiDocValues |
A wrapper for CompositeIndexReader providing access to DocValues.
MultiDocValues.MultiSortedDocValues |
Implements SortedDocValues over n subs, using an OrdinalMap
MultiDocValues.MultiSortedSetDocValues |
Implements MultiSortedSetDocValues over n subs, using an OrdinalMap
MultiFields |
Provides a single
Fields term index view over an
IndexReader . |
MultiLeafReader |
Utility methods for working with a
IndexReader as if it were a LeafReader . |
MultiPostingsEnum |
PostingsEnum , merged from PostingsEnum
API of sub-segments. |
MultiPostingsEnum.EnumWithSlice |
Holds a
PostingsEnum along with the
corresponding ReaderSlice . |
MultiReader |
CompositeReader which reads multiple indexes, appending
their content. |
MultiTerms |
Exposes flex API, merged from flex API of
MultiTermsEnum | |
NoDeletionPolicy |
IndexDeletionPolicy which keeps all index commits around, never
deleting them. |
NoMergePolicy |
MergePolicy which never returns merges to execute. |
NoMergeScheduler |
MergeScheduler which never executes any merges. |
NumericDocValues |
A per-document numeric value.
OneMergeWrappingMergePolicy |
A wrapping merge policy that wraps the
objects returned by the wrapped merge policy. |
OrdinalMap |
Maps per-segment ordinals to/from global ordinal space, using a compact packed-ints representation.
OrdTermState |
An ordinal based
TermState |
ParallelCompositeReader |
CompositeReader which reads multiple, parallel indexes. |
ParallelLeafReader |
LeafReader which reads multiple, parallel indexes. |
PersistentSnapshotDeletionPolicy |
SnapshotDeletionPolicy which adds a persistence layer so that
snapshots can be maintained across the life of an application. |
PointValues |
Access to indexed numeric values.
PostingsEnum |
Iterates through the postings.
PrefixCodedTerms |
Prefix codes term instances (prefixes are shared).
PrefixCodedTerms.Builder |
Builds a PrefixCodedTerms: call add repeatedly, then finish.
PrefixCodedTerms.TermIterator |
An iterator over the list of terms stored in a
PrefixCodedTerms . |
QueryTimeoutImpl |
An implementation of
QueryTimeout that can be used by
the ExitableDirectoryReader class to time out and exit out
when a query takes a long time to rewrite. |
ReaderManager |
Utility class to safely share
DirectoryReader instances across
multiple threads, while periodically reopening. |
ReaderSlice |
Subreader slice from a parent composite reader.
ReaderUtil |
Common util methods for dealing with
IndexReader s and IndexReaderContext s. |
SegmentCommitInfo |
Embeds a [read-only] SegmentInfo and adds per-commit
SegmentInfo |
Information about a segment such as its name, directory, and files related
to the segment.
SegmentInfos |
A collection of segmentInfo objects with methods for operating on those
segments in relation to the file system.
SegmentInfos.FindSegmentsFile<T> |
Utility class for executing code that needs to do
something with the current segments file.
SegmentReader |
IndexReader implementation over a single segment.
SegmentReadState |
Holder class for common parameters used during read.
SegmentWriteState |
Holder class for common parameters used during write.
SerialMergeScheduler |
MergeScheduler that simply does each merge
sequentially, using the current thread. |
SimpleMergedSegmentWarmer |
A very simple merged segment warmer that just ensures
data structures are initialized.
SingleTermsEnum |
Subclass of FilteredTermsEnum for enumerating a single term.
SlowCodecReaderWrapper |
Wraps arbitrary readers for merging.
SlowImpactsEnum |
ImpactsEnum that doesn't index impacts but implements the API in a
legal way. |
SnapshotDeletionPolicy |
IndexDeletionPolicy that wraps any other
IndexDeletionPolicy and adds the ability to hold and later release
snapshots of an index. |
SoftDeletesDirectoryReaderWrapper |
This reader filters out documents that have a doc values value in the given field and treat these
documents as soft deleted.
SoftDeletesRetentionMergePolicy |
MergePolicy allows to carry over soft deleted documents across merges. |
SortedDocValues |
A per-document byte[] with presorted values.
SortedNumericDocValues |
A list of per-document numeric values, sorted
according to, long) . |
SortedSetDocValues |
A multi-valued version of
SortedDocValues . |
SortFieldProvider |
Reads/Writes a named SortField from a segment info file, used to record index sorts
SortingCodecReader |
CodecReader which supports sorting documents by a given
Sort . |
StandardDirectoryReader |
Default implementation of
DirectoryReader . |
StoredFieldVisitor |
Expert: provides a low-level means of accessing the stored field
values in an index.
Term |
A Term represents a word from text.
Terms |
Access to the terms in a specific field.
TermsEnum |
Iterator to seek (
TermsEnum.seekCeil(BytesRef) , TermsEnum.seekExact(BytesRef) ) or step through ( terms to obtain frequency information (TermsEnum.docFreq() ), PostingsEnum or PostingsEnum for the current term (TermsEnum.postings(org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum) . |
TermState |
Encapsulates all required internal state to position the associated
TermsEnum without re-seeking. |
TermStates | |
TieredMergePolicy |
Merges segments of approximately equal size, subject to
an allowed number of segments per tier.
TieredMergePolicy.MergeScore |
Holds score and explanation for a single candidate
TwoPhaseCommitTool |
A utility for executing 2-phase commit on several objects.
UpgradeIndexMergePolicy |
MergePolicy is used for upgrading all existing segments of
an index when calling IndexWriter.forceMerge(int) . |
Enum | Description |
DocValuesType |
DocValues types.
FilteredTermsEnum.AcceptStatus |
Return value, if term should be accepted or the iteration should
END . |
IndexOptions |
Controls how much information is stored in the postings lists.
IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode |
Specifies the open mode for
IndexWriter . |
MergePolicy.OneMergeProgress.PauseReason |
Reason for pausing the merge thread.
MergeTrigger |
MergeTrigger is passed to
MergePolicy.findMerges(MergeTrigger, SegmentInfos, MergePolicy.MergeContext) to indicate the
event that triggered the merge. |
PointValues.Relation |
Used by
PointValues.intersect(org.apache.lucene.index.PointValues.IntersectVisitor) to check how each recursive cell corresponds to the query. |
StoredFieldVisitor.Status |
Enumeration of possible return values for
StoredFieldVisitor.needsField(org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo) . |
TermsEnum.SeekStatus |
Represents returned result from
TermsEnum.seekCeil(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef) . |
Exception | Description |
CorruptIndexException |
This exception is thrown when Lucene detects
an inconsistency in the index.
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitingReaderException |
Exception that is thrown to prematurely terminate a term enumeration.
IndexFormatTooNewException |
This exception is thrown when Lucene detects
an index that is newer than this Lucene version.
IndexFormatTooOldException |
This exception is thrown when Lucene detects
an index that is too old for this Lucene version
IndexNotFoundException |
Signals that no index was found in the Directory.
MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException |
Thrown when a merge was explicitly aborted because
IndexWriter.abortMerges() was called. |
MergePolicy.MergeException |
Exception thrown if there are any problems while executing a merge.
TwoPhaseCommitTool.CommitFailException |
Thrown by
TwoPhaseCommitTool.execute(TwoPhaseCommit...) when an
object fails to commit(). |
TwoPhaseCommitTool.PrepareCommitFailException |
Thrown by
TwoPhaseCommitTool.execute(TwoPhaseCommit...) when an
object fails to prepareCommit(). |
is used to create an index, and to add, update and
delete documents. The IndexWriter class is thread safe, and enforces a single instance per
index. Creating an IndexWriter creates a new index or opens an existing index for writing, in a
, depending on the configuration in IndexWriterConfig
. A Directory is an abstraction that typically
represents a local file-system directory (see various implementations of FSDirectory
), but it may also stand for some other storage, such as
is used to read data from the index, and supports
searching. Many thread-safe readers may be
concurrently with a single (or no) writer. Each reader maintains a consistent "point in time"
view of an index and must be explicitly refreshed (see DirectoryReader.openIfChanged(org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader)
) in order to incorporate writes that may
occur after it is opened.
Lucene's index is composed of segments, each of which contains a subset of all the documents in the index, and is a complete searchable index in itself, over that subset. As documents are written to the index, new segments are created and flushed to directory storage. Segments are immutable; updates and deletions may only create new segments and do not modify existing ones. Over time, the writer merges groups of smaller segments into single larger ones in order to maintain an index that is efficient to search, and to reclaim dead space left behind by deleted (and updated) documents.
Each document is identified by a 32-bit number, its "docid," and is composed of a collection
of Field values of diverse types (postings, stored fields, doc values, and points). Docids come
in two flavors: global and per-segment. A document's global docid is just the sum of its
per-segment docid and that segment's base docid offset. External, high-level APIs only handle
global docids, but internal APIs that reference a LeafReader
which is a reader for a single segment, deal in per-segment docids.
Docids are assigned sequentially within each segment (starting at 0). Thus the number of documents in a segment is the same as its maximum docid; some may be deleted, but their docids are retained until the segment is merged. When segments merge, their documents are assigned new sequential docids. Accordingly, docid values must always be treated as internal implementation, not exposed as part of an application, nor stored or referenced outside of Lucene's internal APIs.
Lucene supports a variety of different document field data structures. Lucene's core, the
inverted index, is comprised of "postings." The postings, with their term dictionary, can be
thought of as a map that provides efficient lookup given a Term
(roughly, a word or token), to (the ordered list of) Document
containing that Term. Codecs may additionally record
alongside postings in order to be
able to skip over low-scoring documents at search time. Postings do not provide any way of
retrieving terms given a document, short of scanning the entire index.
Stored fields are essentially the opposite of postings, providing efficient retrieval of field
values given a docid. All stored field values for a document are stored together in a
block. Different types of stored field provide high-level datatypes such as strings and numbers
on top of the underlying bytes. Stored field values are usually retrieved by the searcher using
an implementation of StoredFieldVisitor
fields are what are sometimes referred to as
columnar, or column-stride fields, by analogy to relational database terminology, in which
documents are considered as rows, and fields, columns. DocValues fields store values per-field: a
value for every document is held in a single data structure, providing for rapid, sequential
lookup of a field-value given a docid. These fields are used for efficient value-based sorting,
and for faceting, but they are not useful for filtering.
represent numeric values using a kd-tree data
structure. Efficient 1- and higher dimensional implementations make these the choice for numeric
range and interval queries, and geo-spatial queries.
is the initial entry point into the
postings APIs, this can be obtained in several ways:
// access indexed fields for an index segment Fields fields = reader.fields(); // access term vector fields for a specified document Fields fields = reader.getTermVectors(docid);Fields implements Java's Iterable interface, so it's easy to enumerate the list of fields:
// enumerate list of fields for (String field : fields) { // access the terms for this field Terms terms = fields.terms(field); }
represents the collection of terms
within a field, exposes some metadata and statistics,
and an API for enumeration.
// metadata about the field System.out.println("positions? " + terms.hasPositions()); System.out.println("offsets? " + terms.hasOffsets()); System.out.println("payloads? " + terms.hasPayloads()); // iterate through terms TermsEnum termsEnum = terms.iterator(null); BytesRef term = null; while ((term = != null) { doSomethingWith(termsEnum.term()); }
provides an iterator over the list
of terms within a field, some statistics about the term,
and methods to access the term's documents and
// seek to a specific term boolean found = termsEnum.seekExact(new BytesRef("foobar")); if (found) { // get the document frequency System.out.println(termsEnum.docFreq()); // enumerate through documents PostingsEnum docs = termsEnum.postings(null, null); // enumerate through documents and positions PostingsEnum docsAndPositions = termsEnum.postings(null, null, PostingsEnum.FLAG_POSITIONS); }
is an extension of
that iterates over the list of
documents for a term, along with the term frequency within that document.
int docid; while ((docid = docsEnum.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { System.out.println(docid); System.out.println(docsEnum.freq()); }
PostingsEnum also allows iteration of the positions a term occurred within the document, and any additional per-position information (offsets and payload). The information available is controlled by flags passed to TermsEnum#postings
int docid; PostingsEnum postings = termsEnum.postings(null, null, PostingsEnum.FLAG_PAYLOADS | PostingsEnum.FLAG_OFFSETS); while ((docid = postings.nextDoc()) != DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS) { System.out.println(docid); int freq = postings.freq(); for (int i = 0; i < freq; i++) { System.out.println(postings.nextPosition()); System.out.println(postings.startOffset()); System.out.println(postings.endOffset()); System.out.println(postings.getPayload()); } }
: Returns the number of
documents that contain at least one occurrence of the term. This statistic
is always available for an indexed term. Note that it will also count
deleted documents, when segments are merged the statistic is updated as
those deleted documents are merged away.
: Returns the number
of occurrences of this term across all documents. Like docFreq(), it will
also count occurrences that appear in deleted documents.
: Returns the number of
unique terms in the field. This statistic may be unavailable
(returns -1
) for some Terms implementations such as
, where it cannot be efficiently
computed. Note that this count also includes terms that appear only
in deleted documents: when segments are merged such terms are also merged
away and the statistic is then updated.
: Returns the number of
documents that contain at least one occurrence of any term for this field.
This can be thought of as a Field-level docFreq(). Like docFreq() it will
also count deleted documents.
: Returns the number of
postings (term-document mappings in the inverted index) for the field. This
can be thought of as the sum of TermsEnum.docFreq()
across all terms in the field, and like docFreq() it will also count postings
that appear in deleted documents.
: Returns the number
of tokens for the field. This can be thought of as the sum of
across all terms in the
field, and like totalTermFreq() it will also count occurrences that appear in
deleted documents.
: Returns the number of
documents (including deleted documents) in the index.
: Returns the number
of live documents (excluding deleted documents) in the index.
: Returns the
number of deleted documents in the index.
: Returns the number of indexed
Document statistics are available during the indexing process for an indexed field: typically
a Similarity
implementation will store some
of these values (possibly in a lossy way), into the normalization value for the document in
its Similarity.computeNorm(org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInvertState)
: Returns the number of
tokens for this field in the document. Note that this is just the number
of times that TokenStream.incrementToken()
true, and is unrelated to the values in
: Returns the number
of tokens for this field in the document that had a position increment of zero. This
can be used to compute a document length that discounts artificial tokens
such as synonyms.
: Returns the accumulated
position value for this field in the document: computed from the values of
and including
s across multivalued
: Returns the total
character offset value for this field in the document: computed from the values of
returned by
, and including
s across multivalued
: Returns the number
of unique terms encountered for this field in the document.
: Returns the maximum
frequency across all unique terms encountered for this field in the document.
Additional user-supplied statistics can be added to the document as DocValues fields and
accessed via LeafReader.getNumericDocValues(java.lang.String)
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