Class EntityProcessorWrapper

  • public class EntityProcessorWrapper
    extends EntityProcessor
    A Wrapper over EntityProcessor instance which performs transforms and handles multi-row outputs correctly.
    solr 1.4
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(Context context)
        Description copied from class: EntityProcessor
        This method is called when it starts processing an entity. When it comes back to the entity it is called again. So it can reset anything at that point. For a rootmost entity this is called only once for an ingestion. For sub-entities , this is called multiple once for each row from its parent entity
        Specified by:
        init in class EntityProcessor
        context - The current context
      • nextRow

        public Map<String,​Object> nextRow()
        Description copied from class: EntityProcessor
        This method helps streaming the data for each row . The implementation would fetch as many rows as needed and gives one 'row' at a time. Only this method is used during a full import
        Specified by:
        nextRow in class EntityProcessor
        A 'row'. The 'key' for the map is the column name and the 'value' is the value of that column. If there are no more rows to be returned, return 'null'
      • nextDeletedRowKey

        public Map<String,​Object> nextDeletedRowKey()
        Description copied from class: EntityProcessor
        This is used during delta-import. It gives the primary keys of the rows that are deleted from this entity. If this entity is the root entity, solr document is deleted. If this is a sub-entity, the Solr document is considered as 'changed' and will be recreated
        Specified by:
        nextDeletedRowKey in class EntityProcessor
        the pk vs value of all changed rows
      • nextModifiedParentRowKey

        public Map<String,​Object> nextModifiedParentRowKey()
        Description copied from class: EntityProcessor
        This is used during delta-import. This gives the primary keys and their values of all the rows changed in a parent entity due to changes in this entity.
        Specified by:
        nextModifiedParentRowKey in class EntityProcessor
        the pk vs value of all changed rows in the parent entity
      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Description copied from class: EntityProcessor
        Invoked for each entity at the very end of the import to do any needed cleanup tasks.
        Specified by:
        destroy in class EntityProcessor
      • getContext

        public Context getContext()
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from class: EntityProcessor
        Invoked when the Entity processor is destroyed towards the end of import.
        close in class EntityProcessor
      • getEntity

        public Entity getEntity()
      • getDatasource

        public DataSource getDatasource()
      • setDatasource

        public void setDatasource​(DataSource datasource)
      • isInitialized

        public boolean isInitialized()
      • setInitialized

        public void setInitialized​(boolean initialized)