Class AbstractSolrQueryFacet

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    QueryFacet, RangeFacet

    public abstract class AbstractSolrQueryFacet
    extends AnalyticsFacet
    Solr Query Facets are AnalyticsFacets that are calculated after the document streaming phase has occurred in the AnalyticsDriver (during which StreamingFacets and overall expressions are calculated). AbstractSolrQueryFacets should not be confused with QueryFacets, which are a specific sub-type.

    The filtering for these facets is done through issuing additional Solr queries, and collecting on the resulting documents. Unlike streaming facets, which have an unspecified amount of facet values (facet buckets), the amount of facet values is determined by the user and a Solr query is issued for each requested facet value.