Class IncrementalHnswGraphMerger

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class IncrementalHnswGraphMerger
    extends Object
    implements HnswGraphMerger
    This selects the biggest Hnsw graph from the provided merge state and initializes a new HnswGraphBuilder with that graph as a starting point.
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IncrementalHnswGraphMerger

        public IncrementalHnswGraphMerger​(FieldInfo fieldInfo,
                                          RandomVectorScorerSupplier scorerSupplier,
                                          int M,
                                          int beamWidth)
        fieldInfo - FieldInfo for the field being merged
    • Method Detail

      • addReader

        public IncrementalHnswGraphMerger addReader​(KnnVectorsReader reader,
                                                    MergeState.DocMap docMap,
                                                    Bits liveDocs)
                                             throws IOException
        Adds a reader to the graph merger if it meets the following criteria: 1. Does not contain any deleted docs 2. Is a HnswGraphProvider/PerFieldKnnVectorReader 3. Has the most docs of any previous reader that met the above criteria
        Specified by:
        addReader in interface HnswGraphMerger
        reader - KnnVectorsReader to add to the merger
        docMap - MergeState.DocMap for the reader
        liveDocs - Bits representing live docs, can be null
        IOException - If an error occurs while reading from the merge state
      • createBuilder

        protected HnswBuilder createBuilder​(DocIdSetIterator mergedVectorIterator,
                                            int maxOrd)
                                     throws IOException
        Builds a new HnswGraphBuilder using the biggest graph from the merge state as a starting point. If no valid readers were added to the merge state, a new graph is created.
        mergedVectorIterator - iterator over the vectors in the merged segment
        maxOrd - max num of vectors that will be merged into the graph
        IOException - If an error occurs while reading from the merge state
      • merge

        public OnHeapHnswGraph merge​(DocIdSetIterator mergedVectorIterator,
                                     InfoStream infoStream,
                                     int maxOrd)
                              throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: HnswGraphMerger
        Merge and produce the on heap graph
        Specified by:
        merge in interface HnswGraphMerger
        mergedVectorIterator - iterator over the vectors in the merged segment
        infoStream - optional info stream to set to builder
        maxOrd - max number of vectors that will be added to the graph
        merged graph
        IOException - during merge
      • getNewOrdMapping

        protected final int[] getNewOrdMapping​(DocIdSetIterator mergedVectorIterator,
                                               BitSet initializedNodes)
                                        throws IOException
        Creates a new mapping from old ordinals to new ordinals and returns the total number of vectors in the newly merged segment.
        mergedVectorIterator - iterator over the vectors in the merged segment
        initializedNodes - track what nodes have been initialized
        the mapping from old ordinals to new ordinals
        IOException - If an error occurs while reading from the merge state