All Classes and Interfaces

This class is the base of QueryConfigHandler and FieldConfig.
This class should be extended by nodes intending to represent range queries.
Factory for conjunctions
A AndQueryNode represents an AND boolean operation performed on a list of nodes.
A AnyQueryNode represents an ANY operator performed on a list of nodes.
Builds a BooleanQuery of SHOULD clauses, possibly with some minimum number to match.
Factory for creating basic term queries
A BooleanModifierNode has the same behaviour as ModifierQueryNode, it only indicates that this modifier was added by BooleanQuery2ModifierNodeProcessor and not by the user.
This processor is used to apply the correct ModifierQueryNode to BooleanQueryNodes children.
This processor is used to apply the correct ModifierQueryNode to BooleanQueryNodes children.
Builder for BooleanQuery
A BooleanQueryNode represents a list of elements which do not have an explicit boolean operator defined between them.
Builds a BooleanQuery object from a BooleanQueryNode object.
This processor removes every BooleanQueryNode that contains only one child and returns this child.
Builder for PayloadScoreQuery
A BoostQueryNode boosts the QueryNode tree which is under this node.
This builder basically reads the Query object set on the BoostQueryNode child using QueryTreeBuilder.QUERY_TREE_BUILDER_TAGID and applies the boost value defined in the BoostQueryNode.
This processor iterates the query node tree looking for every FieldableNode that has StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.BOOST in its config.
This interface describes a character stream that maintains line and column number positions of the characters.
Configuration options common across queryparser implementations.
QueryParser which permits complex phrase query syntax eg "(john jon jonathan~) peters*".
Base class for composite queries (such as AND/OR/NOT)
An instance of this class represents a key that is used to retrieve a value from AbstractQueryConfig.
Builder for ConstantScoreQuery
Assembles a QueryBuilder which uses only core Lucene Query objects
Assembles a QueryBuilder which uses Query objects from Lucene's sandbox and queries modules in addition to core queries.
Assembles a QueryBuilder which uses Query objects from Lucene's queries module in addition to core queries.
A DeletedQueryNode represents a node that was deleted from the query node tree.
Factory for NEAR queries
Interface for queries that can be nested as subqueries into a span near.
Helper methods for parsing XML
This builder does nothing.
A parser needs to implement EscapeQuerySyntax to allow the QueryNode to escape the queries, when the toQueryString method is called.
Type of escaping: String for escaping syntax, NORMAL for escaping reserved words (like AND) in terms
Implementation of EscapeQuerySyntax for the standard lucene syntax.
The ExtendableQueryParser enables arbitrary query parser extension based on a customizable field naming scheme.
ExtensionQuery holds all query components extracted from the original query string like the query field and the extension query string.
The Extensions class represents an extension mapping to associate ParserExtension instances with extension keys.
This class represents a generic pair.
An efficient implementation of JavaCC's CharStream interface.
A query node implements FieldableNode interface to indicate that its children and itself are associated to a specific field.
This listener listens for every field configuration request and assign a StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.BOOST to the equivalent FieldConfig based on a defined map: fieldName -> boostValue stored in StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.FIELD_BOOST_MAP.
This class represents a field configuration.
This interface should be implemented by classes that wants to listen for field configuration requests.
This listener listens for every field configuration request and assign a StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.DATE_RESOLUTION to the equivalent FieldConfig based on a defined map: fieldName -> DateTools.Resolution stored in StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.FIELD_DATE_RESOLUTION_MAP.
A FieldQueryNode represents a element that contains field/text tuple
Builds a TermQuery object from a FieldQueryNode object.
Forms an OR query of the provided query across multiple fields.
This interface should be implemented by QueryNode that holds a field and an arbitrary value.
Configuration parameters for FuzzyQuerys
Builder for FuzzyLikeThisQuery
A FuzzyQueryNode represents a element that contains field/text/similarity tuple
Builds a FuzzyQuery object from a FuzzyQueryNode object.
This processor iterates the query node tree looking for every FuzzyQueryNode, when this kind of node is found, it checks on the query configuration for StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.FUZZY_CONFIG, gets the fuzzy prefix length and default similarity from it and set to the fuzzy node.
An interval function equivalent to FuzzyQuery.
A GroupQueryNode represents a location where the original user typed real parenthesis on the query string.
Builds no object, it only returns the Query object set on the GroupQueryNode object using a QueryTreeBuilder.QUERY_TREE_BUILDER_TAGID tag.
Representation of an interval function that can be converted to IntervalsSource.
Node that represents an interval function.
Builds a Query from an IntervalQueryNode.
This processor makes sure that StandardQueryConfigHandler.ConfigurationKeys.ANALYZER is defined in the QueryConfigHandler and injects this analyzer into IntervalQueryNodes.
Builder for MoreLikeThisQuery
Builder for MatchAllDocsQuery
A MatchAllDocsQueryNode indicates that a query node tree or subtree will match all documents if executed in the index.
Builds a MatchAllDocsQuery object from a MatchAllDocsQueryNode object.
This processor converts every WildcardQueryNode that is "*:*" to MatchAllDocsQueryNode.
A MatchNoDocsQueryNode indicates that a query node tree or subtree will not match any documents if executed in the index.
Builds a MatchNoDocsQuery object from a MatchNoDocsQueryNode object.
Message Interface for a lazy loading.
Default implementation of Message interface.
Node that represents a minimum-should-match restriction on a GroupQueryNode.
A ModifierQueryNode indicates the modifier value (+,-,?,NONE) for each term on the query string.
Modifier type: such as required (REQ), prohibited (NOT)
Builds no object, it only returns the Query object set on the ModifierQueryNode object using a QueryTreeBuilder.QUERY_TREE_BUILDER_TAGID tag.
This processor is used to expand terms so the query looks for the same term in different fields.
A QueryParser which constructs queries to search multiple fields.
A MultiPhraseQueryNode indicates that its children should be used to build a MultiPhraseQuery instead of PhraseQuery.
Builds a MultiPhraseQuery object from a MultiPhraseQueryNode object.
This processor instates the default MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod, MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_BLENDED_REWRITE, for multi-term query nodes.
MessageBundles classes extend this class, to implement a bundle.
Interface that exceptions should implement to support lazy loading of messages.
A NoChildOptimizationQueryNodeProcessor removes every BooleanQueryNode, BoostQueryNode, TokenizedPhraseQueryNode or ModifierQueryNode that do not have a valid children.
A NoTokenFoundQueryNode is used if a term is convert into no tokens by the tokenizer/lemmatizer/analyzer (null).
Factory for prohibited clauses
This Format parses Long into date strings and vice-versa.
A OpaqueQueryNode is used for specify values that are not supposed to be parsed by the parser.
Processes TermRangeQuerys with open ranges.
Node that represents Intervals.or(IntervalsSource...).
Factory for disjunctions
A OrQueryNode represents an OR boolean operation performed on a list of nodes.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
Thrown when the xml queryparser encounters invalid syntax/configuration.
This class represents an extension base class to the Lucene standard QueryParser.
A PathQueryNode is used to store queries like /company/USA/California /product/shoes/brown.
Term text with a beginning and end position
Node that represents Intervals.phrase(String...).
Builds a PhraseQuery object from a TokenizedPhraseQueryNode object.
Query node for PhraseQuery's slop factor.
This processor removes invalid SlopQueryNode objects in the query node tree.
This query node represents a field query that holds a point value.
This processor is used to convert FieldQueryNodes to PointRangeQueryNodes.
Creates a range query across 1D PointValues.
This query node represents a range query composed by PointQueryNode bounds, which means the bound values are Numbers.
Builds PointValues range queries out of PointRangeQueryNodes.
This processor is used to convert TermRangeQueryNodes to PointRangeQueryNodes.
This class holds the configuration used to parse numeric queries and create PointValues queries.
This processor pipeline extends StandardQueryNodeProcessorPipeline and enables boolean precedence on it.
This query parser works exactly as the standard query parser ( StandardQueryParser ), except that it respect the boolean precedence, so <a AND b OR c AND d> is parsed to <(+a +b) (+c +d)> instead of <+a +b +c +d>.
A PrefixWildcardQueryNode represents wildcardquery that matches abc* or *.
Builds a PrefixQuery object from a PrefixWildcardQueryNode object.
A ProximityQueryNode represents a query where the terms should meet specific distance conditions.
utility class containing the distance condition and number
Distance condition: PARAGRAPH, SENTENCE, or NUMBER
This interface is used by implementors classes that builds some kind of object from a query tree.
Implemented by objects that produce Lucene Query objects from XML streams.
Factory for QueryBuilder
This class can be used to hold any query configuration and no field configuration.
A QueryNode is a interface implemented by all nodes on a QueryNode tree.
Error class with NLS support
This exception should be thrown if something wrong happens when dealing with QueryNodes.
A QueryNodeImpl is the default implementation of the interface QueryNode
Allow joining 2 QueryNode Trees, into one.
This should be thrown when an exception happens during the query parsing from string to the query node tree.
A QueryNodeProcessor is an interface for classes that process a QueryNode tree.
This is a default implementation for the QueryNodeProcessor interface, it's an abstract class, so it should be extended by classes that want to process a QueryNode tree.
A QueryNodeProcessorPipeline class should be used to build a query node processor pipeline.
This class is generated by JavaCC.
This class is generated by JavaCC.
The default operator for parsing queries.
This class is overridden by QueryParser in QueryParser.jj and acts to separate the majority of the Java code from the .jj grammar file.
Token literal values and constants.
Token literal values and constants.
This class is a helper for the query parser framework, it does all the three query parser phrases at once: text parsing, query processing and query building.
Flexible Query Parser message bundle class
Token Manager.
Token Manager.
This class defines utility methods to (help) parse query strings into Query objects.
This class should be used when there is a builder for each type of node.
A QuotedFieldQueryNode represents phrase query.
Builder for TermRangeQuery
This interface should be implemented by a QueryNode that represents some kind of range query.
A RegexpQueryNode represents RegexpQuery query Examples: /[a-z]|[0-9]/
Builds a RegexpQuery object from a RegexpQueryNode object.
Processor for Regexp queries.
A QueryNodeProcessorPipeline class removes every instance of DeletedQueryNode from a query node tree.
This processor removes every QueryNode that is not a leaf and has not children.
SimpleQueryParser is used to parse human readable query syntax.
Base class for queries that expand to sets of simple terms.
Callback to visit each matching term during "rewrite" in SimpleTerm.MatchingTermVisitor.visitMatchingTerm(Term)
A SlopQueryNode represents phrase query with a slop.
This builder basically reads the Query object set on the SlopQueryNode child using QueryTreeBuilder.QUERY_TREE_BUILDER_TAGID and applies the slop value defined in the SlopQueryNode.
Base class for building SpanQuerys
Builder for SpanFirstQuery
Builder for SpanNearQuery
Factory for SpanOrQuery
Builder for SpanNotQuery
Builder for SpanOrQuery
Builder that analyzes the text into a SpanOrQuery
Interface for retrieving a SpanQuery.
Factory for SpanQueryBuilders
Builder for SpanTermQuery
Query that matches String prefixes
Lowest level base class for surround queries
Simple single-term clause
Query that matches wildcards
This interface should be implemented by every class that wants to build Query objects from QueryNode objects.
This query configuration handler is used for almost every processor defined in the StandardQueryNodeProcessorPipeline processor pipeline.
Class holding keys for StandardQueryNodeProcessorPipeline options.
Boolean Operator: AND or OR
This pipeline has all the processors needed to process a query node tree, generated by StandardSyntaxParser, already assembled.
The StandardQueryParser is a pre-assembled query parser that supports most features of the classic Lucene query parser, allows dynamic configuration of some of its features (like multi-field expansion or wildcard query restrictions) and adds support for new query types and expressions.
This query tree builder only defines the necessary map to build a Query tree object.
Parser for the standard Lucene syntax
Token literal values and constants.
Token Manager.
String manipulation routines
QueryNode for clauses that are synonym of each other.
Builder for SynonymQueryNode.
A parser needs to implement SyntaxParser interface
Builder for TermQuery
This query node represents a range query composed by FieldQueryNode bounds, which means the bound values are strings.
Builds a TermRangeQuery object from a TermRangeQueryNode object.
This processors process TermRangeQueryNodes.
Builds a BooleanQuery from all of the terms found in the XML element using the choice of analyzer
Interface for a node that has text as a CharSequence
Describes the input token stream.
Describes the input token stream.
Describes the input token stream.
A TokenizedPhraseQueryNode represents a node created by a code that tokenizes/lemmatizes/analyzes.
Token Manager Error.
Token Manager Error.
Token Manager Error.
Exception thrown when BasicQueryFactory would exceed the limit of query clauses.
CharsSequence with escaped chars information.
UserInputQueryBuilder uses 1 of 2 strategies for thread-safe parsing: 1) Synchronizing access to "parse" calls on a previously supplied QueryParser or..
This interface should be implemented by QueryNode that holds an arbitrary value.
Node that represents Intervals.wildcard(BytesRef).
A WildcardQueryNode represents wildcard query This does not apply to phrases.
Builds a WildcardQuery object from a WildcardQueryNode object.
The StandardSyntaxParser creates PrefixWildcardQueryNode nodes which have values containing the prefixed wildcard.