Class TermRangeQuery

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TermRangeQuery extends AutomatonQuery
A Query that matches documents within an range of terms.

This query matches the documents looking for terms that fall into the supplied range according to BytesRef.compareTo(BytesRef).

NOTE: TermRangeQuery performs significantly slower than point-based ranges as it needs to visit all terms that match the range and merges their matches.

This query uses the MultiTermQuery.CONSTANT_SCORE_BLENDED_REWRITE rewrite method.

  • Constructor Details

    • TermRangeQuery

      public TermRangeQuery(String field, BytesRef lowerTerm, BytesRef upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper)
      Constructs a query selecting all terms greater/equal than lowerTerm but less/equal than upperTerm.

      If an endpoint is null, it is said to be "open". Either or both endpoints may be open. Open endpoints may not be exclusive (you can't select all but the first or last term without explicitly specifying the term to exclude.)

      field - The field that holds both lower and upper terms.
      lowerTerm - The term text at the lower end of the range
      upperTerm - The term text at the upper end of the range
      includeLower - If true, the lowerTerm is included in the range.
      includeUpper - If true, the upperTerm is included in the range.
    • TermRangeQuery

      public TermRangeQuery(String field, BytesRef lowerTerm, BytesRef upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper, MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod rewriteMethod)
      Constructs a query selecting all terms greater/equal than lowerTerm but less/equal than upperTerm.

      If an endpoint is null, it is said to be "open". Either or both endpoints may be open. Open endpoints may not be exclusive (you can't select all but the first or last term without explicitly specifying the term to exclude.)

      field - The field that holds both lower and upper terms.
      lowerTerm - The term text at the lower end of the range
      upperTerm - The term text at the upper end of the range
      includeLower - If true, the lowerTerm is included in the range.
      includeUpper - If true, the upperTerm is included in the range.
      rewriteMethod - the rewrite method to use when building the final query
  • Method Details

    • toAutomaton

      public static Automaton toAutomaton(BytesRef lowerTerm, BytesRef upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper)
    • newStringRange

      public static TermRangeQuery newStringRange(String field, String lowerTerm, String upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper)
      Factory that creates a new TermRangeQuery using Strings for term text.
    • newStringRange

      public static TermRangeQuery newStringRange(String field, String lowerTerm, String upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper, MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod rewriteMethod)
      Factory that creates a new TermRangeQuery using Strings for term text.
    • getLowerTerm

      public BytesRef getLowerTerm()
      Returns the lower value of this range query
    • getUpperTerm

      public BytesRef getUpperTerm()
      Returns the upper value of this range query
    • includesLower

      public boolean includesLower()
      Returns true if the lower endpoint is inclusive
    • includesUpper

      public boolean includesUpper()
      Returns true if the upper endpoint is inclusive
    • toString

      public String toString(String field)
      Prints a user-readable version of this query.
      toString in class AutomatonQuery
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Description copied from class: Query
      Override and implement query hash code properly in a subclass. This is required so that QueryCache works properly.
      hashCode in class AutomatonQuery
      See Also:
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      Description copied from class: Query
      Override and implement query instance equivalence properly in a subclass. This is required so that QueryCache works properly.

      Typically a query will be equal to another only if it's an instance of the same class and its document-filtering properties are identical to those of the other instance. Utility methods are provided for certain repetitive code.

      equals in class AutomatonQuery
      See Also: