Class Suggester

  • public class Suggester
    extends Object
    A generator for misspelled word corrections based on Hunspell flags. The suggestions are searched for in two main ways:
    1. Modification: trying to insert/remove/delete/swap parts of the word to get something acceptable. The performance of this part depends heavily on the contents of TRY, MAP, REP, KEY directives in the .aff file. To speed up this part, consider using withFragmentChecker(org.apache.lucene.analysis.hunspell.FragmentChecker).
    2. Enumeration: if the modification hasn't produced "good enough" suggestions, the whole dictionary is scanned and simple affixes are added onto the entries to check if that produces anything similar to the given misspelled word. This depends on the dictionary size and the affix count, and it can take noticeable amount of time. To speed this up, withSuggestibleEntryCache() can be used.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Suggester

        public Suggester​(Dictionary dictionary)
    • Method Detail

      • withSuggestibleEntryCache

        public Suggester withSuggestibleEntryCache()
        Returns a copy of this suggester instance with better "Enumeration" phase performance (see Suggester documentation), but using more memory. With this option, the dictionary entries are stored as fast-to-iterate plain words instead of highly compressed prefix trees.
      • withFragmentChecker

        public Suggester withFragmentChecker​(FragmentChecker checker)
        Returns a copy of this suggester instance with FragmentChecker hint that can improve the performance of the "Modification" phase performance.
      • suggestNoTimeout

        public List<String> suggestNoTimeout​(String word,
                                             Runnable checkCanceled)
        Compute suggestions for the given misspelled word
        word - the misspelled word to calculate suggestions for
        checkCanceled - an object that's periodically called, allowing to interrupt or suggestion generation by throwing an exception
      • suggestWithTimeout

        public List<String> suggestWithTimeout​(String word,
                                               long timeLimitMs,
                                               Runnable checkCanceled)
                                        throws SuggestionTimeoutException
        word - the misspelled word to calculate suggestions for
        timeLimitMs - the duration limit in milliseconds after which the computation is interruped by an exception
        checkCanceled - an object that's periodically called, allowing to interrupt or suggestion generation by throwing an exception
        SuggestionTimeoutException - if the computation takes too long. Use SuggestionTimeoutException.getPartialResult() to get the suggestions computed up to that point