Class IndexSortSortedNumericDocValuesRangeQuery

  • public class IndexSortSortedNumericDocValuesRangeQuery
    extends Query
    A range query that can take advantage of the fact that the index is sorted to speed up execution. If the index is sorted on the same field as the query, it performs binary search on the field's numeric doc values to find the documents at the lower and upper ends of the range.

    This optimized execution strategy is only used if the following conditions hold:

    • The index is sorted, and its primary sort is on the same field as the query.
    • The query field has either SortedNumericDocValues or NumericDocValues.
    • The sort field is of type SortField.Type.LONG or SortField.Type.INT.
    • The segments must have at most one field value per document (otherwise we cannot easily determine the matching document IDs through a binary search).
    If any of these conditions isn't met, the search is delegated to fallbackQuery.

    This fallback must be an equivalent range query -- it should produce the same documents and give constant scores. As an example, an IndexSortSortedNumericDocValuesRangeQuery might be constructed as follows:

       String field = "field";
       long lowerValue = 0, long upperValue = 10;
       Query fallbackQuery = LongPoint.newRangeQuery(field, lowerValue, upperValue);
       Query rangeQuery = new IndexSortSortedNumericDocValuesRangeQuery(
           field, lowerValue, upperValue, fallbackQuery);
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.