Class CompletionQuery

Direct Known Subclasses:
ContextQuery, PrefixCompletionQuery, RegexCompletionQuery

public abstract class CompletionQuery extends Query
Abstract Query that match documents containing terms with a specified prefix filtered by BitsProducer. This should be used to query against any SuggestFields or ContextSuggestFields of documents.

Use SuggestIndexSearcher.suggest(CompletionQuery, int, boolean) to execute any query that provides a concrete implementation of this query. Example below shows using this query to retrieve the top 5 documents.

  SuggestIndexSearcher searcher = new SuggestIndexSearcher(reader);
  TopSuggestDocs suggestDocs = searcher.suggest(query, 5);
This query rewrites to an appropriate CompletionQuery depending on the type (SuggestField or ContextSuggestField) of the field the query is run against.
WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
  • Constructor Details

    • CompletionQuery

      protected CompletionQuery(Term term, BitsProducer filter)
      Creates a base Completion query against a term with a filter to scope the documents
  • Method Details