Interface FragmentsBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseFragmentsBuilder, ScoreOrderFragmentsBuilder, SimpleFragmentsBuilder

public interface FragmentsBuilder
FragmentsBuilder is an interface for fragments (snippets) builder classes. A FragmentsBuilder class can be plugged in to FastVectorHighlighter.
  • Method Details

    • createFragment

      String createFragment(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList) throws IOException
      create a fragment.
      reader - IndexReader of the index
      docId - document id to be highlighted
      fieldName - field of the document to be highlighted
      fieldFragList - FieldFragList object
      a created fragment or null when no fragment created
      IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
    • createFragments

      String[] createFragments(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList, int maxNumFragments) throws IOException
      create multiple fragments.
      reader - IndexReader of the index
      docId - document id to be highlighter
      fieldName - field of the document to be highlighted
      fieldFragList - FieldFragList object
      maxNumFragments - maximum number of fragments
      created fragments or null when no fragments created. size of the array can be less than maxNumFragments
      IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
    • createFragment

      String createFragment(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList, String[] preTags, String[] postTags, Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      create a fragment.
      reader - IndexReader of the index
      docId - document id to be highlighted
      fieldName - field of the document to be highlighted
      fieldFragList - FieldFragList object
      preTags - pre-tags to be used to highlight terms
      postTags - post-tags to be used to highlight terms
      encoder - an encoder that generates encoded text
      a created fragment or null when no fragment created
      IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error
    • createFragments

      String[] createFragments(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList, int maxNumFragments, String[] preTags, String[] postTags, Encoder encoder) throws IOException
      create multiple fragments.
      reader - IndexReader of the index
      docId - document id to be highlighter
      fieldName - field of the document to be highlighted
      fieldFragList - FieldFragList object
      maxNumFragments - maximum number of fragments
      preTags - pre-tags to be used to highlight terms
      postTags - post-tags to be used to highlight terms
      encoder - an encoder that generates encoded text
      created fragments or null when no fragments created. size of the array can be less than maxNumFragments
      IOException - If there is a low-level I/O error