Class RegExp


public class RegExp extends Object
Regular Expression extension to Automaton.

Regular expressions are built from the following abstract syntax:

description of regular expression grammar
regexp ::= unionexp
unionexp ::= interexp | unionexp (union)
| interexp
interexp ::= concatexp & interexp (intersection) [OPTIONAL]
| concatexp
concatexp ::= repeatexp concatexp (concatenation)
| repeatexp
repeatexp ::= repeatexp ? (zero or one occurrence)
| repeatexp * (zero or more occurrences)
| repeatexp + (one or more occurrences)
| repeatexp {n} (n occurrences)
| repeatexp {n,} (n or more occurrences)
| repeatexp {n,m} (n to m occurrences, including both)
| complexp
complexp ::= ~ complexp (complement) [OPTIONAL]
| charclassexp
charclassexp ::= [ charclasses ] (character class)
| [^ charclasses ] (negated character class)
| simpleexp
charclasses ::= charclass charclasses
| charclass
charclass ::= charexp - charexp (character range, including end-points)
| charexp
simpleexp ::= charexp
| . (any single character)
| # (the empty language) [OPTIONAL]
| @ (any string) [OPTIONAL]
| " <Unicode string without double-quotes>  " (a string)
| ( ) (the empty string)
| ( unionexp ) (precedence override)
| < <identifier> > (named automaton) [OPTIONAL]
| <n-m> (numerical interval) [OPTIONAL]
charexp ::= <Unicode character> (a single non-reserved character)
| \d (a digit [0-9])
| \D (a non-digit [^0-9])
| \s (whitespace [ \t\n\r])
| \S (non whitespace [^\s])
| \w (a word character [a-zA-Z_0-9])
| \W (a non word character [^\w])
| \ <Unicode character>  (a single character)

The productions marked [OPTIONAL] are only allowed if specified by the syntax flags passed to the RegExp constructor. The reserved characters used in the (enabled) syntax must be escaped with backslash (\) or double-quotes ( "..."). (In contrast to other regexp syntaxes, this is required also in character classes.) Be aware that dash (-) has a special meaning in charclass expressions. An identifier is a string not containing right angle bracket (> ) or dash (-). Numerical intervals are specified by non-negative decimal integers and include both end points, and if n and m have the same number of digits, then the conforming strings must have that length (i.e. prefixed by 0's).

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static enum 
    The type of expression represented by a RegExp node.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    Syntax flag, enables all optional regexp syntax.
    static final int
    Syntax flag, enables anystring (@).
    static final int
    Allows case insensitive matching of ASCII characters.
    static final int
    Syntax flag, enables named automata (<identifier>).
    final int
    Character expression
    static final int
    Syntax flag, enables complement (~).
    final int
    Limits for repeatable type expressions
    static final int
    Syntax flag, enables empty language (#).
    final RegExp
    Child expressions held by a container type expression
    final RegExp
    Child expressions held by a container type expression
    final int
    Extents for range type expressions
    static final int
    Syntax flag, enables intersection (&).
    static final int
    Syntax flag, enables numerical intervals ( <n-m>).
    The type of expression
    final int
    Limits for repeatable type expressions
    final int
    Limits for repeatable type expressions
    static final int
    Syntax flag, enables no optional regexp syntax.
    final String
    String expression
    final int
    Extents for range type expressions
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructs new RegExp from a string.
    RegExp(String s, int syntax_flags)
    Constructs new RegExp from a string.
    RegExp(String s, int syntax_flags, int match_flags)
    Constructs new RegExp from a string.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns set of automaton identifiers that occur in this regular expression.
    The string that was used to construct the regex.
    Constructs new Automaton from this RegExp.
    toAutomaton(int determinizeWorkLimit)
    Constructs new Automaton from this RegExp.
    toAutomaton(Map<String,Automaton> automata, int determinizeWorkLimit)
    Constructs new Automaton from this RegExp.
    toAutomaton(AutomatonProvider automaton_provider, int determinizeWorkLimit)
    Constructs new Automaton from this RegExp.
    Constructs string from parsed regular expression.
    Like to string, but more verbose (shows the higherchy more clearly).

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final int INTERSECTION
      Syntax flag, enables intersection (&).
      See Also:

      public static final int COMPLEMENT
      Syntax flag, enables complement (~).
      See Also:
    • EMPTY

      public static final int EMPTY
      Syntax flag, enables empty language (#).
      See Also:

      public static final int ANYSTRING
      Syntax flag, enables anystring (@).
      See Also:

      public static final int AUTOMATON
      Syntax flag, enables named automata (<identifier>).
      See Also:

      public static final int INTERVAL
      Syntax flag, enables numerical intervals ( <n-m>).
      See Also:
    • ALL

      public static final int ALL
      Syntax flag, enables all optional regexp syntax.
      See Also:
    • NONE

      public static final int NONE
      Syntax flag, enables no optional regexp syntax.
      See Also:

      public static final int ASCII_CASE_INSENSITIVE
      Allows case insensitive matching of ASCII characters.
      See Also:
    • kind

      public final RegExp.Kind kind
      The type of expression
    • exp1

      public final RegExp exp1
      Child expressions held by a container type expression
    • exp2

      public final RegExp exp2
      Child expressions held by a container type expression
    • s

      public final String s
      String expression
    • c

      public final int c
      Character expression
    • min

      public final int min
      Limits for repeatable type expressions
    • max

      public final int max
      Limits for repeatable type expressions
    • digits

      public final int digits
      Limits for repeatable type expressions
    • from

      public final int from
      Extents for range type expressions
    • to

      public final int to
      Extents for range type expressions
  • Constructor Details

    • RegExp

      public RegExp(String s) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Constructs new RegExp from a string. Same as RegExp(s, ALL).
      s - regexp string
      IllegalArgumentException - if an error occurred while parsing the regular expression
    • RegExp

      public RegExp(String s, int syntax_flags) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Constructs new RegExp from a string.
      s - regexp string
      syntax_flags - boolean 'or' of optional syntax constructs to be enabled
      IllegalArgumentException - if an error occurred while parsing the regular expression
    • RegExp

      public RegExp(String s, int syntax_flags, int match_flags) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Constructs new RegExp from a string.
      s - regexp string
      syntax_flags - boolean 'or' of optional syntax constructs to be enabled
      match_flags - boolean 'or' of match behavior options such as case insensitivity
      IllegalArgumentException - if an error occurred while parsing the regular expression
  • Method Details

    • toAutomaton

      public Automaton toAutomaton()
      Constructs new Automaton from this RegExp. Same as toAutomaton(null) (empty automaton map).
    • toAutomaton

      public Automaton toAutomaton(int determinizeWorkLimit) throws IllegalArgumentException, TooComplexToDeterminizeException
      Constructs new Automaton from this RegExp. The constructed automaton is minimal and deterministic and has no transitions to dead states.
      determinizeWorkLimit - maximum effort to spend while determinizing the automata. If determinizing the automata would require more than this effort, TooComplexToDeterminizeException is thrown. Higher numbers require more space but can process more complex regexes. Use Operations.DEFAULT_DETERMINIZE_WORK_LIMIT as a decent default if you don't otherwise know what to specify.
      IllegalArgumentException - if this regular expression uses a named identifier that is not available from the automaton provider
      TooComplexToDeterminizeException - if determinizing this regexp requires more effort than determinizeWorkLimit states
    • toAutomaton

      public Automaton toAutomaton(AutomatonProvider automaton_provider, int determinizeWorkLimit) throws IllegalArgumentException, TooComplexToDeterminizeException
      Constructs new Automaton from this RegExp. The constructed automaton is minimal and deterministic and has no transitions to dead states.
      automaton_provider - provider of automata for named identifiers
      determinizeWorkLimit - maximum effort to spend while determinizing the automata. If determinizing the automata would require more than this effort, TooComplexToDeterminizeException is thrown. Higher numbers require more space but can process more complex regexes. Use Operations.DEFAULT_DETERMINIZE_WORK_LIMIT as a decent default if you don't otherwise know what to specify.
      IllegalArgumentException - if this regular expression uses a named identifier that is not available from the automaton provider
      TooComplexToDeterminizeException - if determinizing this regexp requires more effort than determinizeWorkLimit states
    • toAutomaton

      public Automaton toAutomaton(Map<String,Automaton> automata, int determinizeWorkLimit) throws IllegalArgumentException, TooComplexToDeterminizeException
      Constructs new Automaton from this RegExp. The constructed automaton is minimal and deterministic and has no transitions to dead states.
      automata - a map from automaton identifiers to automata (of type Automaton).
      determinizeWorkLimit - maximum effort to spend while determinizing the automata. If determinizing the automata would require more than this effort, TooComplexToDeterminizeException is thrown. Higher numbers require more space but can process more complex regexes.
      IllegalArgumentException - if this regular expression uses a named identifier that does not occur in the automaton map
      TooComplexToDeterminizeException - if determinizing this regexp requires more effort than determinizeWorkLimit states
    • getOriginalString

      public String getOriginalString()
      The string that was used to construct the regex. Compare to toString.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Constructs string from parsed regular expression.
      toString in class Object
    • toStringTree

      public String toStringTree()
      Like to string, but more verbose (shows the higherchy more clearly).
    • getIdentifiers

      public Set<String> getIdentifiers()
      Returns set of automaton identifiers that occur in this regular expression.