All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AlcoholicMergePolicy |
Merge policy for testing, it is like an alcoholic.
AllDeletedFilterReader |
Filters the incoming reader and makes all documents appear deleted.
AssertingCodec |
Acts like the default codec but with additional asserts.
AssertingCollector |
A collector that asserts that it is used correctly.
AssertingDirectoryReader |
AssertingDocValuesFormat |
Just like the default but with additional asserts.
AssertingIndexSearcher |
Helper class that adds some extra checks to ensure correct usage of IndexSearcher and
Weight .
AssertingKnnVectorsFormat |
Wraps the default KnnVectorsFormat and provides additional assertions.
AssertingLeafReader |
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingBinaryDocValues |
Wraps a BinaryDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingBits |
Wraps a Bits but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingFields |
Wraps a Fields but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingImpactsEnum |
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingNumericDocValues |
Wraps a NumericDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingPointValues |
Wraps a SortedSetDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingPostingsEnum |
Wraps a docsenum with additional checks
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingSortedDocValues |
Wraps a SortedDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingSortedNumericDocValues |
Wraps a SortedNumericDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingSortedSetDocValues |
Wraps a SortedSetDocValues but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingStoredFields |
Wraps a StoredFields but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingTerms |
Wraps a Terms but with additional asserts
AssertingLeafReader.AssertingTermVectors |
Wraps a TermVectors but with additional asserts
AssertingLiveDocsFormat |
Just like the default live docs format but with additional asserts.
AssertingMatches |
An implementation of Matches with additional consistency checks.
AssertingNormsFormat |
Just like the default but with additional asserts.
AssertingPointsFormat |
Just like the default point format but with additional asserts.
AssertingPostingsFormat |
Just like the default postings format but with additional asserts.
AssertingQuery |
Assertion-enabled query.
AssertingScorable |
Wraps another Scorable and asserts that scores are reasonable and only called when positioned
AssertingScorer |
Wraps a Scorer with additional checks
AssertingSimilarity |
wraps a similarity with checks for testing
AssertingStoredFieldsFormat |
Just like the default stored fields format but with additional asserts.
AssertingTermVectorsFormat |
Just like the default vectors format but with additional asserts.
AutomatonTestUtil |
Utilities for testing automata.
AutomatonTestUtil.RandomAcceptedStrings |
Lets you retrieve random strings accepted by an Automaton.
BaseBitSetTestCase<T extends BitSet> |
Base test case for BitSets.
BaseChunkedDirectoryTestCase |
Base class for Directories that "chunk" the input into blocks.
BaseCompoundFormatTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for a compound format.
BaseCompressingDocValuesFormatTestCase |
BaseDirectoryTestCase |
BaseDirectoryWrapper |
Calls check index on close.
BaseDocIdSetTestCase<T extends DocIdSet> |
BaseDocValuesFormatTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for a docvalues format.
BaseExplanationTestCase |
Tests primitive queries (ie: that rewrite to themselves) to insure they match the expected set of
docs, and that the score of each match is equal to the value of the scores explanation.
BaseFieldInfoFormatTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for fis format.
BaseGeoPointTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for a geospatial impl (high level fields and queries) NOTE: This
test focuses on geospatial (distance queries, polygon queries, etc) indexing and search, not any
underlying storage format or encoding: it merely supplies two hooks for the encoding so that
tests can be exact.
BaseIndexFileFormatTestCase |
Common tests to all index formats.
BaseIndexFileFormatTestCase.FileTrackingDirectoryWrapper |
A directory that tracks created files that haven't been deleted.
BaseIndexFileFormatTestCase.ReadBytesDirectoryWrapper |
A directory that tracks read bytes.
BaseKnnVectorsFormatTestCase |
BaseLiveDocsFormatTestCase |
Abstract class that performs basic testing of a codec's LiveDocsFormat .
BaseLockFactoryTestCase |
Base class for per-LockFactory tests.
BaseMergePolicyTestCase |
BaseMergePolicyTestCase.IOStats |
Statistics about bytes written to storage.
BaseMergePolicyTestCase.MockMergeContext |
Simple mock merge context for tests
BaseNormsFormatTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for a norms format.
BasePointsFormatTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for a points format.
BasePostingsFormatTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for a postings format.
BaseRangeFieldQueryTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for a RangeField query.
BaseRangeFieldQueryTestCase.Range |
base class for range verification
BaseRangeFieldQueryTestCase.Range.QueryType |
supported query relations
BaseSegmentInfoFormatTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for si format.
BaseSimilarityTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for a similarity.
BaseStoredFieldsFormatTestCase |
BaseTermVectorsFormatTestCase |
BaseTermVectorsFormatTestCase.Options |
A combination of term vectors options.
BaseTermVectorsFormatTestCase.RandomTokenStream |
Produces a random TokenStream based off of provided terms.
BaseTestCheckIndex |
Base class for CheckIndex tests.
BaseTokenStreamFactoryTestCase |
Base class for testing tokenstream factories.
BaseTokenStreamTestCase |
Base class for all Lucene unit tests that use TokenStreams.
BaseTokenStreamTestCase.CheckClearAttributesAttribute |
Attribute that records if it was cleared or not.
BaseTokenStreamTestCase.CheckClearAttributesAttributeImpl |
Attribute that records if it was cleared or not.
BaseXYPointTestCase |
Abstract class to do basic tests for a xy spatial impl (high level fields and queries)
BlockScoreQueryWrapper |
Query wrapper that reduces the size of max-score blocks to more easily detect problems with the
max-score logic.
BulkScorerWrapperScorer |
CannedBinaryTokenStream |
TokenStream from a canned list of binary (BytesRef-based) tokens.
CannedBinaryTokenStream.BinaryToken |
Represents a binary token.
CannedTokenStream |
TokenStream from a canned list of Tokens.
CheapBastardCodec |
Codec that tries to use as little ram as possible because he spent all his money on beer
CheckHits |
Utility class for asserting expected hits in tests.
CheckHits.ExplanationAsserter |
Asserts that the score explanation for every document matching a query corresponds with the
true score.
CheckHits.ExplanationAssertingSearcher |
an IndexSearcher that implicitly checks hte explanation of every match whenever it executes a
CheckHits.MatchesAsserter |
Asserts that the Matches from a query is non-null whenever the document its created for
is a hit.
CheckHits.SetCollector |
Just collects document ids into a set.
CollationTestBase |
Base test class for testing Unicode collation.
CompressingCodec |
ConfigurableMCodec |
This codec allows customization of the number of connections made for an hnsw index.
CorruptingIndexOutput |
Corrupts on bit of a file after close
CrankyCodec |
Codec for testing that throws random IOExceptions
CrankyTokenFilter |
Throws IOException from random Tokenstream methods.
DeflateWithPresetCompressingCodec |
DisableFsyncFS |
Disables actual calls to fsync.
DisablingBulkScorerQuery |
A Query wrapper that disables bulk-scoring optimizations.
DocHelper |
Helper functions for tests that handles documents
DummyCompressingCodec |
CompressionCodec that does not compress data, useful for testing.
DummyTotalHitCountCollector |
EarthDebugger |
Draws shapes on the earth surface and renders using the very cool
EmojiTokenizationTestUnicode_12_1 |
This class was automatically generated by
English |
Converts numbers to english strings for testing.
ExtrasFS |
Adds extra files/subdirectories when directories are created.
FailOnNonBulkMergesInfoStream |
Hackidy-Häck-Hack to cause a test to fail on non-bulk merges
FailureMarker |
FastCompressingCodec |
FastDecompressionCompressingCodec |
FieldFilterLeafReader |
A FilterLeafReader that exposes only a subset of fields from the underlying wrapped
FilterAsynchronousFileChannel |
A FilterAsynchronousFileChannel contains another AsynchronousFileChannel , which
it uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing
additional functionality.
FilterDirectoryStream |
A FilterDirectoryStream contains another DirectoryStream , which it uses as its
basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional
FilterFileChannel |
A FilterFileChannel contains another FileChannel , which it uses as its basic
source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional
FilterFileStore |
A FilterFileStore contains another FileStore , which it uses as its basic source
of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterFileSystem |
A FilterFileSystem contains another FileSystem , which it uses as its basic source
of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterFileSystemProvider |
A FilterFileSystemProvider contains another FileSystemProvider , which it uses as
its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional
FilterInputStream2 |
A FilterInputStream2 contains another InputStream , which it uses as its basic
source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional
FilterOutputStream2 |
A FilterOutputStream2 contains another OutputStream , which it uses as its basic
source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional
FilterPath |
A FilterPath contains another Path , which it uses as its basic source of data,
possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
FilterSeekableByteChannel |
A FilterSeekableByteChannel contains another SeekableByteChannel , which it uses
as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional
FixedBitSetCollector |
Collector that accumulates matching docs in a FixedBitSet
ForceMergePolicy |
FSTTester<T> |
Helper class to test FSTs.
FSTTester.InputOutput<T> |
Holds one input/output pair.
GeoTestUtil |
static methods for testing geo
HandleLimitFS |
FileSystem that throws exception if file handles in use exceeds a specified limit.
HandleLimitFS.MaxOpenHandles |
An annotation
HandleTrackingFS |
Base class for tracking file handles.
HighCompressionCompressingCodec |
LeakFS |
FileSystem that tracks open handles.
LineFileDocs |
Minimal port of benchmark's LneDocSource + DocMaker, so tests can enum docs from a line file
created by benchmark's WriteLineDoc task
LookaheadTokenFilter<T extends LookaheadTokenFilter.Position> |
An abstract TokenFilter to make it easier to build graph token filters requiring some lookahead.
LookaheadTokenFilter.Position |
Holds all state for a single position; subclass this to record other state at each position.
LuceneFixedGap |
LuceneJUnit3MethodProvider |
Backwards compatible test* method provider (public, non-static).
LuceneTestCase |
Base class for all Lucene unit tests, Junit3 or Junit4 variant.
LuceneTestCase.AwaitsFix |
Annotation for tests which exhibit a known issue and are temporarily disabled.
LuceneTestCase.BadApple |
Annotation for tests that fail frequently and are not executed in Jenkins builds to not spam
mailing lists with false reports.
LuceneTestCase.Monster |
Annotation for monster tests that require special setup (e.g.
LuceneTestCase.Nightly |
Annotation for tests that should only be run during nightly builds.
LuceneTestCase.SuppressCodecs |
Annotation for test classes that should avoid certain codec types (because they are expensive,
for example).
LuceneTestCase.SuppressFileSystems |
Annotation for test classes that should avoid mock filesystem types (because they test a bug
that only happens on linux, for example).
LuceneTestCase.SuppressFsync |
Annotation for test classes that should avoid always omit actual fsync calls from reaching the
LuceneTestCase.SuppressReproduceLine |
Suppress the default reproduce with: ant test... Your own listener can be added as
needed for your build.
LuceneTestCase.SuppressSysoutChecks |
LuceneTestCase.SuppressTempFileChecks |
Marks any suites which are known not to close all the temporary files.
LuceneTestCase.ThrowingConsumer<T> |
A Consumer that can throw any checked exception.
LuceneTestCase.ThrowingRunnable |
A runnable that can throw any checked exception.
LuceneTestCase.Weekly |
Annotation for tests that should only be run during weekly builds
LuceneVarGapDocFreqInterval |
LuceneVarGapFixedInterval |
LZ4WithPresetCompressingCodec |
MatchesTestBase |
MatchesTestBase.TermMatch |
Encapsulates a term position, start and end offset
MergingCodecReader |
CodecReader wrapper that performs all reads using the merging instance of the index
MergingDirectoryReaderWrapper |
MismatchedDirectoryReader |
MismatchedLeafReader |
Shuffles field numbers around to try to trip bugs where field numbers are assumed to always be
consistent across segments.
MockAnalyzer |
Analyzer for testing
MockBytesAnalyzer |
Analyzer for testing that encodes terms as UTF-16 bytes.
MockCharFilter |
the purpose of this charfilter is to send offsets out of bounds if the analyzer doesn't use
correctOffset or does incorrect offset math.
MockDirectoryWrapper |
This is a Directory Wrapper that adds methods intended to be used only by unit tests.
MockDirectoryWrapper.Failure |
Objects that represent fail-able conditions.
MockDirectoryWrapper.FakeIOException |
Use this when throwing fake IOException , e.g.
MockDirectoryWrapper.Throttling |
Enum for controlling hard disk throttling.
MockFileSystemTestCase |
Base class for testing mockfilesystems.
MockFixedLengthPayloadFilter |
TokenFilter that adds random fixed-length payloads.
MockGraphTokenFilter |
Randomly inserts overlapped (posInc=0) tokens with posLength sometimes > 1.
MockHoleInjectingTokenFilter |
Randomly injects holes (similar to what a stopfilter would do)
MockIndexInputWrapper |
Used by MockDirectoryWrapper to create an input stream that keeps track of when it's been closed.
MockIndexOutputWrapper |
Used to create an output stream that will throw an IOException on fake disk full, track max disk
space actually used, and maybe throw random IOExceptions.
MockIndexWriterEventListener |
Mock IndexWriterEventListener to verify invocation of event methods
MockLowerCaseFilter |
MockPayloadAnalyzer |
Wraps a whitespace tokenizer with a filter that sets the first token, and odd tokens to posinc=1,
and all others to 0, encoding the position as pos: XXX in the payload.
MockRandomLookaheadTokenFilter |
MockRandomMergePolicy |
MergePolicy that makes random decisions for testing.
MockRandomPostingsFormat |
Randomly combines terms index impl w/ postings impls.
MockReaderWrapper |
Wraps a Reader, and can throw random or fixed exceptions, and spoon feed read chars.
MockSynonymAnalyzer |
adds synonym of "dog" for "dogs", and synonym of "cavy" for "guinea pig".
MockSynonymFilter |
adds synonym of "dog" for "dogs", and synonym of "cavy" for "guinea pig".
MockTokenFilter |
A tokenfilter for testing that removes terms accepted by a DFA.
MockTokenizer |
Tokenizer for testing.
MockUTF16TermAttributeImpl |
MockVariableLengthPayloadFilter |
TokenFilter that adds random variable-length payloads.
NullInfoStream |
Prints nothing.
OwnCacheKeyMultiReader |
A MultiReader that has its own cache key, occasionally useful for testing purposes.
PerThreadPKLookup |
Utility class to do efficient primary-key (only 1 doc contains the given term) lookups by
segment, re-using the enums.
PointsStackTracker |
QueryUtils |
Utility class for sanity-checking queries.
QuickPatchThreadsFilter |
Last minute patches.
RAMOnlyPostingsFormat |
Stores all postings data in RAM, but writes a small token (header + single int) to identify which
"slot" the index is using in RAM HashMap.
RamUsageTester |
Crawls object graph to collect RAM usage for testing
RamUsageTester.Accumulator |
An accumulator of object references.
RandomApproximationQuery |
A Query that adds random approximations to its scorers.
RandomCodec |
Codec that assigns per-field random postings formats.
RandomIndexWriter |
Silly class that randomizes the indexing experience.
RandomIndexWriter.TestPoint |
Simple interface that is executed for each TP InfoStream component
RandomPostingsTester |
Helper class extracted from BasePostingsFormatTestCase to exercise a postings format.
RandomPostingsTester.FieldAndTerm |
Holds one field, term and ord.
RandomPostingsTester.Option |
Which features to test.
RandomPostingsTester.SeedPostings |
Given the same random seed this always enumerates the same random postings
RandomSimilarity |
Similarity implementation that randomizes Similarity implementations per-field.
RawDirectoryWrapper |
Delegates all operations, even optional ones, to the wrapped directory.
Rethrow |
Sneaky: rethrowing checked exceptions as unchecked ones.
Rot13CypherTestUtil |
Test utility for simple ROT13 cipher (
RunListenerPrintReproduceInfo |
A suite listener printing a "reproduce string".
ScorerIndexSearcher |
SearchEquivalenceTestBase |
Simple base class for checking search equivalence.
ShapeTestUtil |
generates random cartesian geometry; heavy reuse of GeoTestUtil
ShardSearchingTestBase |
Base test class for simulating distributed search across multiple shards.
ShardSearchingTestBase.SearcherAndVersion |
An IndexSearcher and associated version (lease)
ShardSearchingTestBase.SearcherExpiredException |
Thrown when the lease for a searcher has expired.
ShuffleFS |
Gives an unpredictable, but deterministic order to directory listings.
SimplePayloadFilter |
Simple payload filter that sets the payload as pos: XXXX
StringMockResourceLoader |
Fake resource loader for tests: works if you want to fake reading a single file
STUniformSplitRot13PostingsFormat |
SuppressingConcurrentMergeScheduler |
TestBloomFilteredLucenePostings |
TestRuleAssertionsRequired |
Require assertions for Lucene packages.
TestRuleIgnoreAfterMaxFailures |
This rule keeps a count of failed tests (suites) and will result in an AssumptionViolatedException after a given number of failures for all tests following this
TestRuleIgnoreTestSuites |
This rule will cause the suite to be assumption-ignored if the test class implements a given
marker interface and a special property is not set.
TestRuleIgnoreTestSuites.NestedTestSuite |
Marker interface for nested suites that should be ignored if executed in stand-alone mode.
TestRuleLimitSysouts |
This test rule serves two purposes:
it fails the test if it prints too much to stdout and stderr (tests that chatter too much
are discouraged)
the rule ensures an absolute hard limit of stuff written to stdout and stderr to prevent
accidental infinite loops from filling all available disk space with persisted output.
TestRuleLimitSysouts.Limit |
An annotation specifying the limit of bytes per class.
TestRuleMarkFailure |
A rule for marking failed tests and suites.
TestRuleRestoreSystemProperties |
Restore a given set of system properties to a snapshot taken at the beginning of the rule.
TestRuleStoreClassName |
TestSecurityManager |
TestUtil |
General utility methods for Lucene unit tests.
ThreadedIndexingAndSearchingTestCase |
Utility class that spawns multiple indexing and searching threads.
ThrottledIndexOutput |
Intentionally slow IndexOutput for testing.
TimeUnits |
time unit constants for use in annotations.
Token |
A Token is an occurrence of a term from the text of a field.
TokenStreamToDot |
Consumes a TokenStream and outputs the dot (graphviz) string (graph).
UniformSplitRot13PostingsFormat |
ValidatingTokenFilter |
A TokenFilter that checks consistency of the tokens (eg offsets are consistent with one another).
VerboseFS |
FileSystem that records all major destructive filesystem activities.
VerifyTestClassNamingConvention |
Enforce test naming convention.
VirusCheckingFS |
Acts like a virus checker on Windows, where random programs may open the files you just wrote in
an unfriendly way preventing deletion (e.g.
VocabularyAssert |
Utility class for doing vocabulary-based stemming tests
WindowsFS |
FileSystem that (imperfectly) acts like windows.
WordBreakTestUnicode_12_1_0 |
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