Class ShapeTestUtil

  • public class ShapeTestUtil
    extends Object
    generates random cartesian geometry; heavy reuse of GeoTestUtil
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShapeTestUtil

        public ShapeTestUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • nextPolygon

        public static XYPolygon nextPolygon()
        returns next pseudorandom polygon
      • nextXYPoint

        public static XYPoint nextXYPoint()
      • nextLine

        public static XYLine nextLine()
      • nextCircle

        public static XYCircle nextCircle()
      • createRegularPolygon

        public static XYPolygon createRegularPolygon​(double centerX,
                                                     double centerY,
                                                     double radius,
                                                     int gons)
        Makes an n-gon, centered at the provided x/y, and each vertex approximately distanceMeters away from the center.

        Do not invoke me across the dateline or a pole!!

      • nextFloat

        public static float nextFloat​(Random random)
      • containsSlowly

        public static boolean containsSlowly​(XYPolygon polygon,
                                             double x,
                                             double y)
        Simple slow point in polygon check (for testing)