Class UnifiedHighlighter

    • Method Detail

      • setHandleMultiTermQuery

        public void setHandleMultiTermQuery​(boolean handleMtq)
      • setHighlightPhrasesStrictly

        public void setHighlightPhrasesStrictly​(boolean highlightPhrasesStrictly)
      • setPassageRelevancyOverSpeed

        public void setPassageRelevancyOverSpeed​(boolean passageRelevancyOverSpeed)
      • setMaxLength

        public void setMaxLength​(int maxLength)
      • setMaxNoHighlightPassages

        public void setMaxNoHighlightPassages​(int defaultMaxNoHighlightPassages)
      • setCacheFieldValCharsThreshold

        public void setCacheFieldValCharsThreshold​(int cacheFieldValCharsThreshold)
      • setWeightMatches

        public void setWeightMatches​(boolean weightMatches)
      • shouldHandleMultiTermQuery

        protected boolean shouldHandleMultiTermQuery​(String field)
        Returns whether MultiTermQuery derivatives will be highlighted. By default it's enabled. MTQ highlighting can be expensive, particularly when using offsets in postings.
      • shouldHighlightPhrasesStrictly

        protected boolean shouldHighlightPhrasesStrictly​(String field)
        Returns whether position sensitive queries (e.g. phrases and SpanQueryies) should be highlighted strictly based on query matches (slower) versus any/all occurrences of the underlying terms. By default it's enabled, but there's no overhead if such queries aren't used.
      • shouldPreferPassageRelevancyOverSpeed

        protected boolean shouldPreferPassageRelevancyOverSpeed​(String field)
      • extractTerms

        protected static Set<Term> extractTerms​(Query query)
        Extracts matching terms
      • getFieldMatcher

        protected Predicate<String> getFieldMatcher​(String field)
        Returns the predicate to use for extracting the query part that must be highlighted. By default only queries that target the current field are kept. (AKA requireFieldMatch)
      • getMaskedFields

        protected Set<String> getMaskedFields​(String field)
      • getMaxLength

        public int getMaxLength()
        The maximum content size to process. Content will be truncated to this size before highlighting. Typically snippets closer to the beginning of the document better summarize its content.
      • getMaxNoHighlightPassages

        protected int getMaxNoHighlightPassages​(String field)
        Returns the number of leading passages (as delineated by the BreakIterator) when no highlights could be found. If it's less than 0 (the default) then this defaults to the maxPassages parameter given for each request. If this is 0 then the resulting highlight is null (not formatted).
      • getCacheFieldValCharsThreshold

        public int getCacheFieldValCharsThreshold()
        Limits the amount of field value pre-fetching until this threshold is passed. The highlighter internally highlights in batches of documents sized on the sum field value length (in chars) of the fields to be highlighted (bounded by getMaxLength() for each field). By setting this to 0, you can force documents to be fetched and highlighted one at a time, which you usually shouldn't do. The default is 524288 chars which translates to about a megabyte. However, note that the highlighter sometimes ignores this and highlights one document at a time (without caching a bunch of documents in advance) when it can detect there's no point in it -- such as when all fields will be highlighted via re-analysis as one example.
      • getIndexSearcher

        public IndexSearcher getIndexSearcher()
        ... as passed in from constructor.
      • getIndexAnalyzer

        public Analyzer getIndexAnalyzer()
        ... as passed in from constructor.
      • getFieldInfo

        protected FieldInfo getFieldInfo​(String field)
        Called by the default implementation of getOffsetSource(String). If there is no searcher then we simply always return null.
      • highlight

        public String[] highlight​(String field,
                                  Query query,
                                  TopDocs topDocs)
                           throws IOException
        Highlights the top passages from a single field.
        field - field name to highlight. Must have a stored string value and also be indexed with offsets.
        query - query to highlight.
        topDocs - TopDocs containing the summary result documents to highlight.
        Array of formatted snippets corresponding to the documents in topDocs. If no highlights were found for a document, the first sentence for the field will be returned.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred during processing
        IllegalArgumentException - if field was indexed without IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS
      • highlight

        public String[] highlight​(String field,
                                  Query query,
                                  TopDocs topDocs,
                                  int maxPassages)
                           throws IOException
        Highlights the top-N passages from a single field.
        field - field name to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
        query - query to highlight.
        topDocs - TopDocs containing the summary result documents to highlight.
        maxPassages - The maximum number of top-N ranked passages used to form the highlighted snippets.
        Array of formatted snippets corresponding to the documents in topDocs. If no highlights were found for a document, the first maxPassages sentences from the field will be returned.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred during processing
        IllegalArgumentException - if field was indexed without IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS
      • highlightFields

        public Map<String,​String[]> highlightFields​(String[] fields,
                                                          Query query,
                                                          TopDocs topDocs)
                                                   throws IOException
        Highlights the top passages from multiple fields.

        Conceptually, this behaves as a more efficient form of:

         Map m = new HashMap();
         for (String field : fields) {
         m.put(field, highlight(field, query, topDocs));
         return m;
        fields - field names to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
        query - query to highlight.
        topDocs - TopDocs containing the summary result documents to highlight.
        Map keyed on field name, containing the array of formatted snippets corresponding to the documents in topDocs. If no highlights were found for a document, the first sentence from the field will be returned.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred during processing
        IllegalArgumentException - if field was indexed without IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS
      • highlightFields

        public Map<String,​String[]> highlightFields​(String[] fields,
                                                          Query query,
                                                          TopDocs topDocs,
                                                          int[] maxPassages)
                                                   throws IOException
        Highlights the top-N passages from multiple fields.

        Conceptually, this behaves as a more efficient form of:

         Map m = new HashMap();
         for (String field : fields) {
         m.put(field, highlight(field, query, topDocs, maxPassages));
         return m;
        fields - field names to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
        query - query to highlight.
        topDocs - TopDocs containing the summary result documents to highlight.
        maxPassages - The maximum number of top-N ranked passages per-field used to form the highlighted snippets.
        Map keyed on field name, containing the array of formatted snippets corresponding to the documents in topDocs. If no highlights were found for a document, the first maxPassages sentences from the field will be returned.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred during processing
        IllegalArgumentException - if field was indexed without IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS
      • highlightFields

        public Map<String,​String[]> highlightFields​(String[] fieldsIn,
                                                          Query query,
                                                          int[] docidsIn,
                                                          int[] maxPassagesIn)
                                                   throws IOException
        Highlights the top-N passages from multiple fields, for the provided int[] docids.
        fieldsIn - field names to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
        query - query to highlight.
        docidsIn - containing the document IDs to highlight.
        maxPassagesIn - The maximum number of top-N ranked passages per-field used to form the highlighted snippets.
        Map keyed on field name, containing the array of formatted snippets corresponding to the documents in docidsIn. If no highlights were found for a document, the first maxPassages from the field will be returned.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred during processing
        IllegalArgumentException - if field was indexed without IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS
      • highlightFieldsAsObjects

        protected Map<String,​Object[]> highlightFieldsAsObjects​(String[] fieldsIn,
                                                                      Query query,
                                                                      int[] docIdsIn,
                                                                      int[] maxPassagesIn)
                                                               throws IOException
        Expert: highlights the top-N passages from multiple fields, for the provided int[] docids, to custom Object as returned by the PassageFormatter. Use this API to render to something other than String.
        fieldsIn - field names to highlight. Must have a stored string value.
        query - query to highlight.
        docIdsIn - containing the document IDs to highlight.
        maxPassagesIn - The maximum number of top-N ranked passages per-field used to form the highlighted snippets.
        Map keyed on field name, containing the array of formatted snippets corresponding to the documents in docIdsIn. If no highlights were found for a document, the first maxPassages from the field will be returned.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred during processing
        IllegalArgumentException - if field was indexed without IndexOptions.DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS_AND_OFFSETS
      • highlightWithoutSearcher

        public Object highlightWithoutSearcher​(String field,
                                               Query query,
                                               String content,
                                               int maxPassages)
                                        throws IOException
        Highlights text passed as a parameter. This requires the IndexSearcher provided to this highlighter is null. This use-case is more rare. Naturally, the mode of operation will be UnifiedHighlighter.OffsetSource.ANALYSIS. The result of this method is whatever the PassageFormatter returns. For the DefaultPassageFormatter and assuming content has non-zero length, the result will be a non-null string -- so it's safe to call Object.toString() on it in that case.
        field - field name to highlight (as found in the query).
        query - query to highlight.
        content - text to highlight.
        maxPassages - The maximum number of top-N ranked passages used to form the highlighted snippets.
        result of the PassageFormatter -- probably a String. Might be null.
        IOException - if an I/O error occurred during processing
      • hasUnrecognizedQuery

        protected boolean hasUnrecognizedQuery​(Predicate<String> fieldMatcher,
                                               Query query)
      • requiresRewrite

        protected Boolean requiresRewrite​(SpanQuery spanQuery)
        When highlighting phrases accurately, we need to know which SpanQuery's need to have Query.rewrite(IndexSearcher) called on them. It helps performance to avoid it if it's not needed. This method will be invoked on all SpanQuery instances recursively. If you have custom SpanQuery queries then override this to check instanceof and provide a definitive answer. If the query isn't your custom one, simply return null to have the default rules apply, which govern the ones included in Lucene.
      • preSpanQueryRewrite

        protected Collection<Query> preSpanQueryRewrite​(Query query)
        When highlighting phrases accurately, we may need to handle custom queries that aren't supported in the WeightedSpanTermExtractor as called by the PhraseHelper. Should custom query types be needed, this method should be overriden to return a collection of queries if appropriate, or null if nothing to do. If the query is not custom, simply returning null will allow the default rules to apply.
        query - Query to be highlighted
        A Collection of Query object(s) if needs to be rewritten, otherwise null.
      • loadFieldValues

        protected List<CharSequence[]> loadFieldValues​(String[] fields,
                                                       DocIdSetIterator docIter,
                                                       int cacheCharsThreshold)
                                                throws IOException
        Loads the String values for each docId by field to be highlighted. By default this loads from stored fields by the same name as given, but a subclass can change the source. The returned Strings must be identical to what was indexed (at least for postings or term-vectors offset sources). This method must load fields for at least one document from the given DocIdSetIterator but need not return all of them; by default the character lengths are summed and this method will return early when cacheCharsThreshold is exceeded. Specifically if that number is 0, then only one document is fetched no matter what. Values in the array of CharSequence will be null if no value was found.