Uses of Interface
Packages that use Bits Package Description org.apache.lucene.codecs Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the Lucene 9.0 file Lucene 9.5 file Lucene 9.9 file Postings format that can delegate to different formats Code to maintain and access Code to search Some utility Navigable Small-World graph, nominally Hierarchical but currently only has a single layer. -
Uses of Bits in org.apache.lucene.codecs
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs that return Bits Modifier and Type Method Description abstract Bits
LiveDocsFormat. readLiveDocs(Directory dir, SegmentCommitInfo info, IOContext context)
Read live docs bits.Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs with parameters of type Bits Modifier and Type Method Description abstract void
KnnVectorsReader. search(String field, byte[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
Return the k nearest neighbor documents as determined by comparison of their vector values for this field, to the given vector, by the field's similarity function.abstract void
KnnVectorsReader. search(String field, float[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
Return the k nearest neighbor documents as determined by comparison of their vector values for this field, to the given vector, by the field's similarity function.abstract void
LiveDocsFormat. writeLiveDocs(Bits bits, Directory dir, SegmentCommitInfo info, int newDelCount, IOContext context)
Persist live docs bits. -
Uses of Bits in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90 that return Bits Modifier and Type Method Description Bits
Lucene90LiveDocsFormat. readLiveDocs(Directory dir, SegmentCommitInfo info, IOContext context)
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90 with parameters of type Bits Modifier and Type Method Description void
Lucene90LiveDocsFormat. writeLiveDocs(Bits bits, Directory dir, SegmentCommitInfo info, int newDelCount, IOContext context)
Uses of Bits in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene95
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene95 that return Bits Modifier and Type Method Description Bits
OffHeapByteVectorValues.DenseOffHeapVectorValues. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
OffHeapFloatVectorValues.DenseOffHeapVectorValues. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene95 with parameters of type Bits Modifier and Type Method Description Bits
OffHeapByteVectorValues.DenseOffHeapVectorValues. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
OffHeapFloatVectorValues.DenseOffHeapVectorValues. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
Uses of Bits in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene99
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene99 that return Bits Modifier and Type Method Description Bits
OffHeapQuantizedByteVectorValues.DenseOffHeapVectorValues. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene99 with parameters of type Bits Modifier and Type Method Description Bits
OffHeapQuantizedByteVectorValues.DenseOffHeapVectorValues. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
Lucene99HnswVectorsReader. search(String field, byte[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
Lucene99HnswVectorsReader. search(String field, float[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
Uses of Bits in org.apache.lucene.codecs.perfield
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.perfield with parameters of type Bits Modifier and Type Method Description void
PerFieldKnnVectorsFormat.FieldsReader. search(String field, byte[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
PerFieldKnnVectorsFormat.FieldsReader. search(String field, float[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
Uses of Bits in org.apache.lucene.index
Classes in org.apache.lucene.index that implement Bits Modifier and Type Class Description class
Concatenates multiple Bits together, on every lookup.Fields in org.apache.lucene.index declared as Bits Modifier and Type Field Description Bits[]
MergeState. liveDocs
Live docs for each readerMethods in org.apache.lucene.index that return Bits Modifier and Type Method Description Bits
SegmentReader. getHardLiveDocs()
Returns the live docs that are not hard-deleted.Bits
FilterCodecReader. getLiveDocs()
FilterLeafReader. getLiveDocs()
abstract Bits
LeafReader. getLiveDocs()
Returns theBits
representing live (not deleted) docs.static Bits
MultiBits. getLiveDocs(IndexReader reader)
Returns a singleBits
instance for this reader, merging live Documents on the fly.Bits
ParallelLeafReader. getLiveDocs()
SegmentReader. getLiveDocs()
SortingCodecReader. getLiveDocs()
Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type Bits Modifier and Type Method Description void
CodecReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, byte[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
CodecReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, float[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableFilterAtomicReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, byte[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitableFilterAtomicReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, float[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
FilterLeafReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, byte[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
FilterLeafReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, float[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
LeafReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, byte[] target, int k, Bits acceptDocs, int visitedLimit)
Return the k nearest neighbor documents as determined by comparison of their vector values for this field, to the given vector, by the field's similarity function.abstract void
LeafReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, byte[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
Return the k nearest neighbor documents as determined by comparison of their vector values for this field, to the given vector, by the field's similarity function.TopDocs
LeafReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, float[] target, int k, Bits acceptDocs, int visitedLimit)
Return the k nearest neighbor documents as determined by comparison of their vector values for this field, to the given vector, by the field's similarity function.abstract void
LeafReader. searchNearestVectors(String field, float[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
Return the k nearest neighbor documents as determined by comparison of their vector values for this field, to the given vector, by the field's similarity function.void
ParallelLeafReader. searchNearestVectors(String fieldName, byte[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
ParallelLeafReader. searchNearestVectors(String fieldName, float[] target, KnnCollector knnCollector, Bits acceptDocs)
Constructors in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type Bits Constructor Description MergeState(MergeState.DocMap[] docMaps, SegmentInfo segmentInfo, FieldInfos mergeFieldInfos, StoredFieldsReader[] storedFieldsReaders, TermVectorsReader[] termVectorsReaders, NormsProducer[] normsProducers, DocValuesProducer[] docValuesProducers, FieldInfos[] fieldInfos, Bits[] liveDocs, FieldsProducer[] fieldsProducers, PointsReader[] pointsReaders, KnnVectorsReader[] knnVectorsReaders, int[] maxDocs, InfoStream infoStream, Executor intraMergeTaskExecutor, boolean needsIndexSort)
Create a new merge instance. -
Uses of Bits in
Methods in that return Bits Modifier and Type Method Description Bits
DocIdSet. bits()
Optionally provides aBits
interface for random access to matching documents.Methods in with parameters of type Bits Modifier and Type Method Description protected TopDocs
ByteVectorSimilarityQuery. approximateSearch(LeafReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs, int visitLimit)
protected TopDocs
FloatVectorSimilarityQuery. approximateSearch(LeafReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs, int visitLimit)
protected TopDocs
KnnByteVectorQuery. approximateSearch(LeafReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs, int visitedLimit, KnnCollectorManager knnCollectorManager)
protected TopDocs
KnnFloatVectorQuery. approximateSearch(LeafReaderContext context, Bits acceptDocs, int visitedLimit, KnnCollectorManager knnCollectorManager)
BulkScorer. score(LeafCollector collector, Bits acceptDocs)
Scores and collects all matching documents.abstract int
BulkScorer. score(LeafCollector collector, Bits acceptDocs, int min, int max)
Collects matching documents in a range and return an estimation of the next matching document which is on or aftermax
ConstantScoreQuery.ConstantBulkScorer. score(LeafCollector collector, Bits acceptDocs, int min, int max)
Weight.DefaultBulkScorer. score(LeafCollector collector, Bits acceptDocs, int min, int max)
Uses of Bits in org.apache.lucene.util
Classes in org.apache.lucene.util that implement Bits Modifier and Type Class Description static class
Bits impl of the specified length with all bits set.static class
Bits impl of the specified length with no bits set.class
Base implementation for a bit set.class
BitSet of fixed length (numBits), backed by accessible (FixedBitSet.getBits()
) long[], accessed with an int index, implementingBits
A bit set that only stores longs that have at least one bit which is set.Fields in org.apache.lucene.util declared as Bits Modifier and Type Field Description static Bits[]
Methods in org.apache.lucene.util that return Bits Modifier and Type Method Description Bits
FixedBitSet. asReadOnlyBits()
Convert this instance to read-onlyBits
NotDocIdSet. bits()
Methods in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type Bits Modifier and Type Method Description static FixedBitSet
FixedBitSet. copyOf(Bits bits)
Make a copy of the given bits. -
Uses of Bits in org.apache.lucene.util.hnsw
Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.hnsw that return Bits Modifier and Type Method Description default Bits
RandomAccessVectorValues. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
Returns theBits
representing live documents.Bits
RandomVectorScorer.AbstractRandomVectorScorer. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
default Bits
RandomVectorScorer. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
Returns theBits
representing live documents.Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.hnsw with parameters of type Bits Modifier and Type Method Description HnswGraphMerger
HnswGraphMerger. addReader(KnnVectorsReader reader, MergeState.DocMap docMap, Bits liveDocs)
Adds a reader to the graph merger to record the stateIncrementalHnswGraphMerger
IncrementalHnswGraphMerger. addReader(KnnVectorsReader reader, MergeState.DocMap docMap, Bits liveDocs)
Adds a reader to the graph merger if it meets the following criteria: 1.default Bits
RandomAccessVectorValues. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
Returns theBits
representing live documents.Bits
RandomVectorScorer.AbstractRandomVectorScorer. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
default Bits
RandomVectorScorer. getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
Returns theBits
representing live documents.static KnnCollector
HnswGraphSearcher. search(RandomVectorScorer scorer, int topK, OnHeapHnswGraph graph, Bits acceptOrds, int visitedLimit)
, this method is thread safe.static void
HnswGraphSearcher. search(RandomVectorScorer scorer, KnnCollector knnCollector, HnswGraph graph, Bits acceptOrds)
Searches HNSW graph for the nearest neighbors of a query vector.