Uses of Class
Packages that use DataInput Package Description org.apache.lucene.codecs Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the Compressing helper Lucene 9.0 compressing Lucene 9.9 file Code to maintain and access Code to search Binary i/o API, used for all index Some utility Compression Finite state transducersorg.apache.lucene.util.packed Packed integer arrays and streams. -
Uses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.codecs
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description void
TermVectorsWriter. addProx(int numProx, DataInput positions, DataInput offsets)
Called by IndexWriter when writing new segments.void
StoredFieldsWriter.MergeVisitor. binaryField(FieldInfo fieldInfo, DataInput value, int length)
static int
CodecUtil. checkHeader(DataInput in, String codec, int minVersion, int maxVersion)
Reads and validates a header previously written withCodecUtil.writeHeader(DataOutput, String, int)
.static int
CodecUtil. checkHeaderNoMagic(DataInput in, String codec, int minVersion, int maxVersion)
except this version assumes the first int has already been read and validated from the input.static int
CodecUtil. checkIndexHeader(DataInput in, String codec, int minVersion, int maxVersion, byte[] expectedID, String expectedSuffix)
Reads and validates a header previously written withCodecUtil.writeIndexHeader(DataOutput, String, int, byte[], String)
.static byte[]
CodecUtil. checkIndexHeaderID(DataInput in, byte[] expectedID)
Expert: just reads and verifies the object ID of an index headerstatic String
CodecUtil. checkIndexHeaderSuffix(DataInput in, String expectedSuffix)
Expert: just reads and verifies the suffix of an index headerabstract void
PostingsReaderBase. decodeTerm(DataInput in, FieldInfo fieldInfo, BlockTermState state, boolean absolute)
Actually decode metadata for next termstatic int
CodecUtil. readBEInt(DataInput in)
read int value from header / footer with big endian orderstatic long
CodecUtil. readBELong(DataInput in)
read long value from header / footer with big endian ordervoid
StoredFieldsWriter. writeField(FieldInfo info, DataInput value, int length)
Writes a stored binary value from aDataInput
and alength
. -
Uses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.codecs.compressing
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.compressing with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description abstract void
Decompressor. decompress(DataInput in, int originalLength, int offset, int length, BytesRef bytes)
Decompress bytes that were stored between offsetsoffset
in the original stream from the compressed streamin
. -
Uses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.compressing
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene90.compressing with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description void
Lucene90CompressingTermVectorsWriter. addProx(int numProx, DataInput positions, DataInput offsets)
Lucene90CompressingStoredFieldsWriter. writeField(FieldInfo info, DataInput value, int length)
Uses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene99
Methods in org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene99 with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description void
Lucene99PostingsReader. decodeTerm(DataInput in, FieldInfo fieldInfo, BlockTermState _termState, boolean absolute)
static VectorSimilarityFunction
Lucene99HnswVectorsReader. readSimilarityFunction(DataInput input)
static VectorEncoding
Lucene99HnswVectorsReader. readVectorEncoding(DataInput input)
Uses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.index
Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description void
StoredFieldVisitor. binaryField(FieldInfo fieldInfo, DataInput value, int length)
Expert: Process a binary field directly from theDataInput
.abstract SortField
SortFieldProvider. readSortField(DataInput in)
Reads a SortField from serialized bytesConstructors in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type DataInput Constructor Description CorruptIndexException(String message, DataInput input)
Create exception with a message onlyCorruptIndexException(String message, DataInput input, Throwable cause)
Create exception with message and root cause.IndexFormatTooNewException(DataInput in, int version, int minVersion, int maxVersion)
Creates anIndexFormatTooNewException
IndexFormatTooOldException(DataInput in, int version, int minVersion, int maxVersion)
Creates anIndexFormatTooOldException
.IndexFormatTooOldException(DataInput in, String reason)
Creates anIndexFormatTooOldException
. -
Uses of DataInput in
Methods in with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description SortField
SortedNumericSortField.Provider. readSortField(DataInput in)
SortedSetSortField.Provider. readSortField(DataInput in)
SortField.Provider. readSortField(DataInput in)
protected static SortField.Type
SortField. readType(DataInput in)
Uses of DataInput in
Subclasses of DataInput in Modifier and Type Class Description class
Simple implementation ofChecksumIndexInput
that wraps another input and delegates calls.class
Base implementation class for bufferedIndexInput
DataInput backed by a byte array.class
Deprecated.This class was made public for internal reasons (instanceof
Extension of IndexInput, computing checksum as it goes.class
IndexInput implementation that delegates calls to another directory.class
Abstract base class for input from a file in aDirectory
wrapping a plainInputStream
.Methods in that return DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description DataInput
DataInput. clone()
Returns a clone of this stream.Methods in with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description void
ByteBuffersDataOutput. copyBytes(DataInput input, long numBytes)
ByteBuffersIndexOutput. copyBytes(DataInput input, long numBytes)
DataOutput. copyBytes(DataInput input, long numBytes)
Copy numBytes bytes from input to ourself. -
Uses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.util
Subclasses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.util Modifier and Type Class Description class
Input that transparently iterates over pagesMethods in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description static void
GroupVIntUtil. readGroupVInt(DataInput in, long[] dst, int offset)
Default implementation of read single group, for optimal performance, you should usereadGroupVInts(long[], int)
instead.static int
GroupVIntUtil. readGroupVInt(DataInput in, long remaining, GroupVIntUtil.IntReader reader, long pos, long[] dst, int offset)
Faster implementation of read single group, It read values from the buffer that would not cross boundaries. -
Uses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.util.compress
Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.compress with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description static void
LowercaseAsciiCompression. decompress(DataInput in, byte[] out, int len)
Decompress data that has been compressed withLowercaseAsciiCompression.compress(byte[], int, byte[], DataOutput)
.static int
LZ4. decompress(DataInput compressed, int decompressedLen, byte[] dest, int dOff)
Decompress at leastdecompressedLen
bytes intodest[dOff:]
. -
Uses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.util.fst
Subclasses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.util.fst Modifier and Type Class Description static class
Reads bytes stored in an FST.Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.fst with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description FSTStore
FSTStore. init(DataInput in, long numBytes)
Initialize the FSTStoreFSTStore
OffHeapFSTStore. init(DataInput in, long numBytes)
OnHeapFSTStore. init(DataInput in, long numBytes)
ByteSequenceOutputs. read(DataInput in)
CharSequenceOutputs. read(DataInput in)
IntSequenceOutputs. read(DataInput in)
NoOutputs. read(DataInput in)
abstract T
Outputs. read(DataInput in)
Decode an output value previously written withOutputs.write(Object, DataOutput)
PairOutputs. read(DataInput in)
PositiveIntOutputs. read(DataInput in)
Outputs. readFinalOutput(DataInput in)
Decode an output value previously written withOutputs.writeFinalOutput(Object, DataOutput)
FST. readLabel(DataInput in)
Reads one BYTE1/2/4 label from the providedDataInput
.static <T> FST.FSTMetadata<T>
FST. readMetadata(DataInput metaIn, Outputs<T> outputs)
Read the FST metadata from DataInputvoid
Outputs. skipFinalOutput(DataInput in)
Skip the output previously written withOutputs.writeFinalOutput(T,
; defaults to just callingOutputs.readFinalOutput(
and discarding the result.void
ByteSequenceOutputs. skipOutput(DataInput in)
CharSequenceOutputs. skipOutput(DataInput in)
IntSequenceOutputs. skipOutput(DataInput in)
Outputs. skipOutput(DataInput in)
Skip the output; defaults to just
and discarding the result.void
PairOutputs. skipOutput(DataInput in)
Constructors in org.apache.lucene.util.fst with parameters of type DataInput Constructor Description FST(FST.FSTMetadata<T> metadata, DataInput in)
Load a previously saved FST with a DataInput for metdata using anOnHeapFSTStore
with maxBlockBits set toFST.DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_BITS
FST(FST.FSTMetadata<T> metadata, DataInput in, FSTStore fstStore)
Load a previously saved FST with a metdata object and a FSTStore. -
Uses of DataInput in org.apache.lucene.util.packed
Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.packed with parameters of type DataInput Modifier and Type Method Description static PackedInts.ReaderIterator
PackedInts. getReaderIteratorNoHeader(DataInput in, PackedInts.Format format, int version, int valueCount, int bitsPerValue, int mem)
Expert: Restore aPackedInts.ReaderIterator
from a stream without reading metadata at the beginning of the stream.void
BlockPackedReaderIterator. reset(DataInput in, long valueCount)
Reset the current reader to wrap a stream ofvalueCount
values contained inin
.Constructors in org.apache.lucene.util.packed with parameters of type DataInput Constructor Description BlockPackedReaderIterator(DataInput in, int packedIntsVersion, int blockSize, long valueCount)
Sole constructor.PackedDataInput(DataInput in)
Create a new instance that wrapsin