Interface MatchesIterator

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface MatchesIterator
    An iterator over match positions (and optionally offsets) for a single document and field

    To iterate over the matches, call next() until it returns false, retrieving positions and/or offsets after each call. You should not call the position or offset methods before next() has been called, or after next() has returned false.

    Matches from some queries may span multiple positions. You can retrieve the positions of individual matching terms on the current match by calling getSubMatches().

    Matches are ordered by start position, and then by end position. Match intervals may overlap.

    See Also:
    Weight.matches(LeafReaderContext, int)
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int endOffset()
      The ending offset of the current match, or -1 if offsets are not available
      int endPosition()
      The end position of the current match, or -1 if positions are not available
      Query getQuery()
      Returns the Query causing the current match
      MatchesIterator getSubMatches()
      Returns a MatchesIterator that iterates over the positions and offsets of individual terms within the current match
      boolean next()
      Advance the iterator to the next match position
      int startOffset()
      The starting offset of the current match, or -1 if offsets are not available
      int startPosition()
      The start position of the current match, or -1 if positions are not available
    • Method Detail

      • next

        boolean next()
              throws IOException
        Advance the iterator to the next match position
        true if matches have not been exhausted
      • startPosition

        int startPosition()
        The start position of the current match, or -1 if positions are not available

        Should only be called after next() has returned true

      • endPosition

        int endPosition()
        The end position of the current match, or -1 if positions are not available

        Should only be called after next() has returned true

      • startOffset

        int startOffset()
                 throws IOException
        The starting offset of the current match, or -1 if offsets are not available

        Should only be called after next() has returned true

      • endOffset

        int endOffset()
               throws IOException
        The ending offset of the current match, or -1 if offsets are not available

        Should only be called after next() has returned true

      • getSubMatches

        MatchesIterator getSubMatches()
                               throws IOException
        Returns a MatchesIterator that iterates over the positions and offsets of individual terms within the current match

        Returns null if there are no submatches (ie the current iterator is at the leaf level)

        Should only be called after next() has returned true

      • getQuery

        Query getQuery()
        Returns the Query causing the current match

        If this MatchesIterator has been returned from a getSubMatches() call, then returns a TermQuery equivalent to the current match

        Should only be called after next() has returned true