Class KNearestFuzzyClassifier

    • Constructor Detail

      • KNearestFuzzyClassifier

        public KNearestFuzzyClassifier​(IndexReader indexReader,
                                       Similarity similarity,
                                       Analyzer analyzer,
                                       Query query,
                                       int k,
                                       String classFieldName,
                                       String... textFieldNames)
        indexReader - the reader on the index to be used for classification
        analyzer - an Analyzer used to analyze unseen text
        similarity - the Similarity to be used by the underlying IndexSearcher or null (defaults to BM25Similarity)
        query - a Query to eventually filter the docs used for training the classifier, or null if all the indexed docs should be used
        k - the no. of docs to select in the MLT results to find the nearest neighbor
        classFieldName - the name of the field used as the output for the classifier
        textFieldNames - the name of the fields used as the inputs for the classifier, they can contain boosting indication e.g. title^10