Class OffHeapByteVectorValues.DenseOffHeapVectorValues

All Implemented Interfaces:
RandomAccessVectorValues, RandomAccessVectorValues.Bytes
Enclosing class:

public static class OffHeapByteVectorValues.DenseOffHeapVectorValues extends OffHeapByteVectorValues
Dense vector values that are stored off-heap. This is the most common case when every doc has a vector.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • vectorValue

      public byte[] vectorValue() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: ByteVectorValues
      Return the vector value for the current document ID. It is illegal to call this method when the iterator is not positioned: before advancing, or after failing to advance. The returned array may be shared across calls, re-used, and modified as the iterator advances.
      Specified by:
      vectorValue in class ByteVectorValues
      the vector value
    • docID

      public int docID()
      Description copied from class: DocIdSetIterator
      Returns the following:
      Specified by:
      docID in class DocIdSetIterator
    • nextDoc

      public int nextDoc() throws IOException
      Description copied from class: DocIdSetIterator
      Advances to the next document in the set and returns the doc it is currently on, or DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS if there are no more docs in the set.
      NOTE: after the iterator has exhausted you should not call this method, as it may result in unpredicted behavior.
      Specified by:
      nextDoc in class DocIdSetIterator
    • advance

      public int advance(int target) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: DocIdSetIterator
      Advances to the first beyond the current whose document number is greater than or equal to target, and returns the document number itself. Exhausts the iterator and returns DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS if target is greater than the highest document number in the set.

      The behavior of this method is undefined when called with target ≤ current , or after the iterator has exhausted. Both cases may result in unpredicted behavior.

      When target > current it behaves as if written:

       int advance(int target) {
         int doc;
         while ((doc = nextDoc()) < target) {
         return doc;
      Some implementations are considerably more efficient than that.

      NOTE: this method may be called with DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS for efficiency by some Scorers. If your implementation cannot efficiently determine that it should exhaust, it is recommended that you check for that value in each call to this method.

      Specified by:
      advance in class DocIdSetIterator
    • copy

      Description copied from interface: RandomAccessVectorValues
      Creates a new copy of this RandomAccessVectorValues. This is helpful when you need to access different values at once, to avoid overwriting the underlying vector returned.
    • getAcceptOrds

      public Bits getAcceptOrds(Bits acceptDocs)
      Description copied from interface: RandomAccessVectorValues
      Returns the Bits representing live documents. By default, this is an identity function.
      acceptDocs - the accept docs
      the accept docs
    • scorer

      public VectorScorer scorer(byte[] query) throws IOException
      Description copied from class: ByteVectorValues
      Return a VectorScorer for the given query vector. The iterator for the scorer is not the same instance as the iterator for this ByteVectorValues. It is a copy, and iteration over the scorer will not affect the iteration of this ByteVectorValues.
      Specified by:
      scorer in class ByteVectorValues
      query - the query vector
      a VectorScorer instance or null