All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base query maker.
Add a document, optionally of a certain size.
Add a faceted document.
Adds an input index to an existing index, using IndexWriter.addIndexes(Directory...) or IndexWriter.addIndexes(CodecReader...).
Test algorithm, as read from file
A factory to create an analyzer.
Analyzer factory construction task.
Run the benchmark algorithm.
Clear statistics data.
Close index writer.
Close index reader.
Close taxonomy index.
Close taxonomy reader.
Commits the IndexWriter.
Commits the Taxonomy Index.
Perf run configuration properties.
Various benchmarking constants (mostly defaults)
Consumes a ContentSource.
Base class for source of data for benchmarking
Represents content from a specified source, such as TREC, Reuters etc.
Create an index.
Create a taxonomy index.
Simple HTML Parser extracting title, meta tags, and body text that is based on NekoHTML.
The actual parser to read HTML documents
A ContentSource using the Dir collection for its input.
Iterator over the files in the directory
Output of parsing (e.g.
Creates Document objects.
Document state, supports reuse of field instances across documents (see reuseFields parameter).
Utility: extract doc names from an index
A ContentSource which reads the English Wikipedia dump.
A QueryMaker that uses common and uncommon actual Wikipedia queries for searching the English Wikipedia collection.
Extract the downloaded Wikipedia dump into separate files for indexing.
Source items for facets.
Create queries from a FileReader.
Flush Index Task uses flushNextBuffer() to flush documents at thread level
Runs forceMerge on the index.
Formatting utilities (for reports).
A line parser for data.
HTML Parsing Interface for test purposes
Judge if a document is relevant for a quality query.
A ContentSource reading one line at a time as a Document from a single file.
LineDocSource.LineParser which sets field names and order by the header - any header - of the lines file.
Reader of a single input line into DocData.
LineDocSource.LineParser which ignores the header passed to its constructor and assumes simply that field names and their order are the same as in WriteLineDocTask.DEFAULT_FIELDS
Creates documents whose content is a long number starting from Long.MIN_VALUE + 10.
Creates queries whose content is a spelled-out long number starting from Long.MIN_VALUE + 10.
Spawns a BG thread that periodically (defaults to 3.0 seconds, but accepts param in seconds) wakes up and asks IndexWriter for a near real-time reader.
Create a new Analyzer and set it in the getRunData() for use by all future tasks.
Task to support benchmarking collation.
Different Collation implementations: currently limited to what is provided in the JDK and ICU.
Set a Locale for use in benchmarking.
Increment the counter for properties maintained by Round Number.
Exception indicating there is no more data.
Open an index writer.
Open an index reader.
Open a taxonomy index.
Open a taxonomy index reader.
Data maintained by a performance test run.
An abstract task to be tested for performance.
Test run data points collected as the test proceeds.
Opens a reader and prints basic statistics.
Main entry point for running a quality benchmark.
Suggest Quality queries based on an index contents.
A QualityQuery has an ID and some name-value pairs.
Parse a QualityQuery into a Lucene query.
Results of quality benchmark run for a single query or for a set of queries.
A certain rank in which a relevant doc was found.
Command-line tool for doing a TREC evaluation run.
Create queries for the test.
Simple implementation of a random facet source
Read index (abstract) task.
Simple task to test performance of tokenizers.
Reopens IndexReader and closes old IndexReader.
Report all statistics with no aggregations.
Textual report of current statistics.
Report (abstract) task - all report tasks extend this task.
Report by-name-prefix statistics with no aggregations.
Report all statistics grouped/aggregated by name and round.
Report all statistics aggregated by name.
Report all prefix matching statistics grouped/aggregated by name and round.
Report by-name-prefix statistics aggregated by name.
Reset inputs so that the test run would behave, input wise, as if it just started.
Reset all index and input data and call gc, erase index and dir, does NOT clear statistics.
Reset all index and input data and call gc, does NOT erase index/dir, does NOT clear statistics.
A ContentSource reading from the Reuters collection.
A QueryMaker that makes queries devised manually (by Grant Ingersoll) for searching in the Reuters collection.
Rollback the index writer.
Sample performance test written programmatically - no algorithm file is needed here.
Search task.
Search and Traverse and Retrieve docs task.
Search and Traverse and Retrieve docs task using a FieldVisitor loading only the requested fields.
Search and Traverse and Retrieve docs task.
Search and Traverse task.
Does search w/ a custom collector
Does sort search on specified field.
Set a performance test configuration property.
Simplistic quality query parser.
A QueryMaker that makes queries for a collection created using SingleDocSource.
Create sloppy phrase queries for performance test, in an index created using simple doc maker.
Creates the same document each time SingleDocSource.getNextDocData(DocData) is called.
Adds fields appropriate for sorting: country, random_string and sort_field (int).
Indexes spatial data according to a configured SpatialStrategy with optional shape transformation via a configured SpatialDocMaker.ShapeConverter.
Converts one shape to another.
Reads spatial data from the body field docs from an internally created LineDocSource.
Stream utilities.
File format type
Create a log ready for submission.
Sequence of parallel or sequential tasks.
Statistics for a task run.
Read topics of TREC 1MQ track.
Implements a ContentSource over the TREC collection.
Parser for trec doc content, invoked on doc text excluding <DOC> and <DOCNO> which are handled in TrecContentSource.
Types of trec parse paths,
Parser for the FBIS docs in trec disks 4+5 collection format
Parser for the FR94 docs in trec disks 4+5 collection format
Parser for the FT docs in trec disks 4+5 collection format
Parser for the GOV2 collection format
Judge if given document is relevant to given quality query, based on Trec format for judgements.
Parser for the FT docs in trec disks 4+5 collection format
Parser for trec docs which selects the parser to apply according to the source files path, defaulting to TrecGov2Parser.
Read TREC topics.
Update a document, using IndexWriter.updateDocument, optionally with of a certain size.
Simply waits for the specified (via the parameter) amount of time.
Warm reader task: retrieve all reader documents.
A WriteLineDocTask which for Wikipedia input, will write category pages to another file, while remaining pages will be written to the original file.
A task which writes documents, one line per document.