All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
SearchTask, SearchTravTask, SearchWithSortTask, WarmTask

public abstract class ReadTask extends PerfTask
Read index (abstract) task. Sub classes implement withSearch(), withWarm(), withTraverse() and withRetrieve() methods to configure the actual action.

Note: All ReadTasks reuse the reader if it is already open. Otherwise a reader is opened at start and closed at the end.

The search.num.hits config parameter sets the top number of hits to collect during searching. If print.hits.field is set, then each hit is printed along with the value of that field.

Other side effects: none.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • doLogic

      public int doLogic() throws Exception
      Description copied from class: PerfTask
      Perform the task once (ignoring repetitions specification) Return number of work items done by this task. For indexing that can be number of docs added. For warming that can be number of scanned items, etc.
      Specified by:
      doLogic in class PerfTask
      number of work items done by this task.
    • withTopDocs

      protected int withTopDocs(IndexSearcher searcher, Query q, TopDocs hits) throws Exception
    • createCollector

      protected Collector createCollector() throws Exception
    • retrieveDoc

      protected Document retrieveDoc(StoredFields storedFields, int id) throws IOException
    • getQueryMaker

      public abstract QueryMaker getQueryMaker()
      Return query maker used for this task.
    • withSearch

      public abstract boolean withSearch()
      Return true if search should be performed.
    • withCollector

      public boolean withCollector()
    • withWarm

      public abstract boolean withWarm()
      Return true if warming should be performed.
    • withTraverse

      public abstract boolean withTraverse()
      Return true if, with search, results should be traversed.
    • withTotalHits

      public boolean withTotalHits()
      Whether totalHits should be computed (only useful with field sort)
    • traversalSize

      public int traversalSize()
      Specify the number of hits to traverse. Tasks should override this if they want to restrict the number of hits that are traversed when withTraverse() is true. Must be greater than 0.

      Read task calculates the traversal as: Math.min(hits.length(), traversalSize())

    • setup

      public void setup() throws Exception
      Description copied from class: PerfTask
      Task setup work that should not be measured for that specific task. By default it does nothing, but tasks can implement this, moving work from PerfTask.doLogic() to this method. Only the work done in PerfTask.doLogic() is measured for this task. Notice that higher level (sequence) tasks containing this task would then measure larger time than the sum of their contained tasks.
      setup in class PerfTask
    • numHits

      public int numHits()
      Specify the number of hits to retrieve. Tasks should override this if they want to restrict the number of hits that are collected during searching. Must be greater than 0.
      10 by default, or search.num.hits config if set.
    • withRetrieve

      public abstract boolean withRetrieve()
      Return true if, with search and results traversing, docs should be retrieved.
    • getSort

      protected Sort getSort()