Class TopDocsCollector<T extends ScoreDoc>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    TopFieldCollector, TopScoreDocCollector

    public abstract class TopDocsCollector<T extends ScoreDoc>
    extends Object
    implements Collector
    A base class for all collectors that return a TopDocs output. This collector allows easy extension by providing a single constructor which accepts a PriorityQueue as well as protected members for that priority queue and a counter of the number of total hits.
    Extending classes can override any of the methods to provide their own implementation, as well as avoid the use of the priority queue entirely by passing null to TopDocsCollector(PriorityQueue). In that case however, you might want to consider overriding all methods, in order to avoid a NullPointerException.
    • Field Detail


        public static final TopDocs EMPTY_TOPDOCS
        This is used in case topDocs() is called with illegal parameters, or there simply aren't (enough) results.
        NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
      • pq

        protected final PriorityQueue<T extends ScoreDoc> pq
        The priority queue which holds the top documents. Note that different implementations of PriorityQueue give different meaning to 'top documents'. HitQueue for example aggregates the top scoring documents, while other PQ implementations may hold documents sorted by other criteria.
      • totalHits

        protected int totalHits
        The total number of documents that the collector encountered.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TopDocsCollector

        protected TopDocsCollector​(PriorityQueue<T> pq)
    • Method Detail

      • populateResults

        protected void populateResults​(ScoreDoc[] results,
                                       int howMany)
        Populates the results array with the ScoreDoc instances. This can be overridden in case a different ScoreDoc type should be returned.
      • newTopDocs

        protected TopDocs newTopDocs​(ScoreDoc[] results,
                                     int start)
        Returns a TopDocs instance containing the given results. If results is null it means there are no results to return, either because there were 0 calls to collect() or because the arguments to topDocs were invalid.
      • getTotalHits

        public int getTotalHits()
        The total number of documents that matched this query.
      • topDocsSize

        protected int topDocsSize()
        The number of valid PQ entries
      • topDocs

        public TopDocs topDocs()
        Returns the top docs that were collected by this collector.
      • topDocs

        public TopDocs topDocs​(int start)
        Returns the documents in the range [start .. pq.size()) that were collected by this collector. Note that if start >= pq.size(), an empty TopDocs is returned.
        This method is convenient to call if the application always asks for the last results, starting from the last 'page'.
        NOTE: you cannot call this method more than once for each search execution. If you need to call it more than once, passing each time a different start, you should call topDocs() and work with the returned TopDocs object, which will contain all the results this search execution collected.
      • topDocs

        public TopDocs topDocs​(int start,
                               int howMany)
        Returns the documents in the range [start .. start+howMany) that were collected by this collector. Note that if start >= pq.size(), an empty TopDocs is returned, and if pq.size() - start < howMany, then only the available documents in [start .. pq.size()) are returned.
        This method is useful to call in case pagination of search results is allowed by the search application, as well as it attempts to optimize the memory used by allocating only as much as requested by howMany.
        NOTE: you cannot call this method more than once for each search execution. If you need to call it more than once, passing each time a different range, you should call topDocs() and work with the returned TopDocs object, which will contain all the results this search execution collected.