Class Vector

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    GeoPoint, Plane

    public class Vector
    extends Object
    A 3d vector in space, not necessarily going through the origin.
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      Angular version of minimum resolution.
      static double MINIMUM_RESOLUTION
      Values that are all considered to be essentially zero have a magnitude less than this.
      static double MINIMUM_RESOLUTION_CUBED
      For cubed quantities, cube the bound.
      For squared quantities, the bound is squared too.
      double x
      The x value
      double y
      The y value
      double z
      The z value
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Vector​(double x, double y, double z)
      Construct from (U.S.) x,y,z coordinates.
      Vector​(double AX, double AY, double AZ, double BX, double BY, double BZ)
      Construct a vector that is perpendicular to two other (non-zero) vectors.
      Vector​(Vector A, double BX, double BY, double BZ)
      Construct a vector that is perpendicular to two other (non-zero) vectors.
      Vector​(Vector A, Vector B)
      Construct a vector that is perpendicular to two other (non-zero) vectors.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean crossProductEvaluateIsZero​(Vector A, Vector B, Vector point)
      Evaluate the cross product of two vectors against a point.
      double dotProduct​(double x, double y, double z)
      Do a dot product.
      double dotProduct​(Vector v)
      Do a dot product.
      boolean equals​(Object o)  
      int hashCode()  
      boolean isNumericallyIdentical​(double otherX, double otherY, double otherZ)
      Compute whether two vectors are numerically identical.
      boolean isNumericallyIdentical​(Vector other)
      Compute whether two vectors are numerically identical.
      boolean isParallel​(double otherX, double otherY, double otherZ)
      Compute whether two vectors are parallel.
      boolean isParallel​(Vector other)
      Compute whether two vectors are numerically identical.
      boolean isWithin​(Membership[] bounds, Membership... moreBounds)
      Determine if this vector, taken from the origin, describes a point within a set of planes.
      double linearDistance​(double x, double y, double z)
      Compute the straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin.
      double linearDistance​(Vector v)
      Compute the straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin.
      double linearDistanceSquared​(double x, double y, double z)
      Compute the square of a straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin.
      double linearDistanceSquared​(Vector v)
      Compute the square of a straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin.
      double magnitude()
      Compute the magnitude of this vector.
      static double magnitude​(double x, double y, double z)
      Compute a magnitude of an x,y,z value.
      double normalDistance​(double x, double y, double z)
      Compute the normal (perpendicular) distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin.
      double normalDistance​(Vector v)
      Compute the normal (perpendicular) distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin.
      double normalDistanceSquared​(double x, double y, double z)
      Compute the square of the normal distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin.
      double normalDistanceSquared​(Vector v)
      Compute the square of the normal distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin.
      Vector normalize()
      Compute a normalized unit vector based on the current vector.
      Vector rotateXY​(double angle)
      Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-y by an angle.
      Vector rotateXY​(double sinAngle, double cosAngle)
      Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-y by an angle, expressed as sin and cos.
      Vector rotateXZ​(double angle)
      Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-z by an angle.
      Vector rotateXZ​(double sinAngle, double cosAngle)
      Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-z by an angle, expressed as sin and cos.
      Vector rotateZY​(double angle)
      Rotate vector counter-clockwise in z-y by an angle.
      Vector rotateZY​(double sinAngle, double cosAngle)
      Rotate vector counter-clockwise in z-y by an angle, expressed as sin and cos.
      String toString()  
      Vector translate​(double xOffset, double yOffset, double zOffset)
      Translate vector.
    • Field Detail


        public static final double MINIMUM_RESOLUTION
        Values that are all considered to be essentially zero have a magnitude less than this.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double MINIMUM_ANGULAR_RESOLUTION
        Angular version of minimum resolution.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double MINIMUM_RESOLUTION_SQUARED
        For squared quantities, the bound is squared too.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final double MINIMUM_RESOLUTION_CUBED
        For cubed quantities, cube the bound.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • x

        public final double x
        The x value
      • y

        public final double y
        The y value
      • z

        public final double z
        The z value
    • Constructor Detail

      • Vector

        public Vector​(double x,
                      double y,
                      double z)
        Construct from (U.S.) x,y,z coordinates.
        x - is the x value.
        y - is the y value.
        z - is the z value.
      • Vector

        public Vector​(Vector A,
                      double BX,
                      double BY,
                      double BZ)
        Construct a vector that is perpendicular to two other (non-zero) vectors. If the vectors are parallel, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. Produces a normalized final vector.
        A - is the first vector
        BX - is the X value of the second
        BY - is the Y value of the second
        BZ - is the Z value of the second
      • Vector

        public Vector​(double AX,
                      double AY,
                      double AZ,
                      double BX,
                      double BY,
                      double BZ)
        Construct a vector that is perpendicular to two other (non-zero) vectors. If the vectors are parallel, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. Produces a normalized final vector.
        AX - is the X value of the first
        AY - is the Y value of the first
        AZ - is the Z value of the first
        BX - is the X value of the second
        BY - is the Y value of the second
        BZ - is the Z value of the second
      • Vector

        public Vector​(Vector A,
                      Vector B)
        Construct a vector that is perpendicular to two other (non-zero) vectors. If the vectors are parallel, IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. Produces a normalized final vector.
        A - is the first vector
        B - is the second
    • Method Detail

      • magnitude

        public static double magnitude​(double x,
                                       double y,
                                       double z)
        Compute a magnitude of an x,y,z value.
      • normalize

        public Vector normalize()
        Compute a normalized unit vector based on the current vector.
        the normalized vector, or null if the current vector has a magnitude of zero.
      • crossProductEvaluateIsZero

        public static boolean crossProductEvaluateIsZero​(Vector A,
                                                         Vector B,
                                                         Vector point)
        Evaluate the cross product of two vectors against a point. If the dot product of the resultant vector resolves to "zero", then return true.
        A - is the first vector to use for the cross product.
        B - is the second vector to use for the cross product.
        point - is the point to evaluate.
        true if we get a zero dot product.
      • dotProduct

        public double dotProduct​(Vector v)
        Do a dot product.
        v - is the vector to multiply.
        the result.
      • dotProduct

        public double dotProduct​(double x,
                                 double y,
                                 double z)
        Do a dot product.
        x - is the x value of the vector to multiply.
        y - is the y value of the vector to multiply.
        z - is the z value of the vector to multiply.
        the result.
      • isWithin

        public boolean isWithin​(Membership[] bounds,
                                Membership... moreBounds)
        Determine if this vector, taken from the origin, describes a point within a set of planes.
        bounds - is the first part of the set of planes.
        moreBounds - is the second part of the set of planes.
        true if the point is within the bounds.
      • translate

        public Vector translate​(double xOffset,
                                double yOffset,
                                double zOffset)
        Translate vector.
      • rotateXY

        public Vector rotateXY​(double angle)
        Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-y by an angle.
      • rotateXY

        public Vector rotateXY​(double sinAngle,
                               double cosAngle)
        Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-y by an angle, expressed as sin and cos.
      • rotateXZ

        public Vector rotateXZ​(double angle)
        Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-z by an angle.
      • rotateXZ

        public Vector rotateXZ​(double sinAngle,
                               double cosAngle)
        Rotate vector counter-clockwise in x-z by an angle, expressed as sin and cos.
      • rotateZY

        public Vector rotateZY​(double angle)
        Rotate vector counter-clockwise in z-y by an angle.
      • rotateZY

        public Vector rotateZY​(double sinAngle,
                               double cosAngle)
        Rotate vector counter-clockwise in z-y by an angle, expressed as sin and cos.
      • linearDistanceSquared

        public double linearDistanceSquared​(Vector v)
        Compute the square of a straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin. Monotonically increasing for arc distances up to PI.
        v - is the vector to compute a distance to.
        the square of the linear distance.
      • linearDistanceSquared

        public double linearDistanceSquared​(double x,
                                            double y,
                                            double z)
        Compute the square of a straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin. Monotonically increasing for arc distances up to PI.
        x - is the x part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        y - is the y part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        z - is the z part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        the square of the linear distance.
      • linearDistance

        public double linearDistance​(Vector v)
        Compute the straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin. Monotonically increasing for arc distances up to PI.
        v - is the vector to compute a distance to.
        the linear distance.
      • linearDistance

        public double linearDistance​(double x,
                                     double y,
                                     double z)
        Compute the straight-line distance to a point described by the vector taken from the origin. Monotonically increasing for arc distances up to PI.
        x - is the x part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        y - is the y part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        z - is the z part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        the linear distance.
      • normalDistanceSquared

        public double normalDistanceSquared​(Vector v)
        Compute the square of the normal distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin. Monotonically increasing for arc distances up to PI/2.
        v - is the vector to compute a distance to.
        the square of the normal distance.
      • normalDistanceSquared

        public double normalDistanceSquared​(double x,
                                            double y,
                                            double z)
        Compute the square of the normal distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin. Monotonically increasing for arc distances up to PI/2.
        x - is the x part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        y - is the y part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        z - is the z part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        the square of the normal distance.
      • normalDistance

        public double normalDistance​(Vector v)
        Compute the normal (perpendicular) distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin. Monotonically increasing for arc distances up to PI/2.
        v - is the vector to compute a distance to.
        the normal distance.
      • normalDistance

        public double normalDistance​(double x,
                                     double y,
                                     double z)
        Compute the normal (perpendicular) distance to a vector described by a vector taken from the origin. Monotonically increasing for arc distances up to PI/2.
        x - is the x part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        y - is the y part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        z - is the z part of the vector to compute a distance to.
        the normal distance.
      • magnitude

        public double magnitude()
        Compute the magnitude of this vector.
        the magnitude.
      • isNumericallyIdentical

        public boolean isNumericallyIdentical​(double otherX,
                                              double otherY,
                                              double otherZ)
        Compute whether two vectors are numerically identical.
        otherX - is the other vector X.
        otherY - is the other vector Y.
        otherZ - is the other vector Z.
        true if they are numerically identical.
      • isNumericallyIdentical

        public boolean isNumericallyIdentical​(Vector other)
        Compute whether two vectors are numerically identical.
        other - is the other vector.
        true if they are numerically identical.
      • isParallel

        public boolean isParallel​(double otherX,
                                  double otherY,
                                  double otherZ)
        Compute whether two vectors are parallel.
        otherX - is the other vector X.
        otherY - is the other vector Y.
        otherZ - is the other vector Z.
        true if they are parallel.
      • isParallel

        public boolean isParallel​(Vector other)
        Compute whether two vectors are numerically identical.
        other - is the other vector.
        true if they are parallel.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object