Class ArcDistance

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ArcDistance
    extends Object
    implements DistanceStyle
    Arc distance computation style.
    WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
    • Field Detail

      • INSTANCE

        public static final ArcDistance INSTANCE
        An instance of the ArcDistance DistanceStyle.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArcDistance

        public ArcDistance()
    • Method Detail

      • computeDistance

        public double computeDistance​(GeoPoint point1,
                                      GeoPoint point2)
        Description copied from interface: DistanceStyle
        Compute the distance from a point to another point.
        Specified by:
        computeDistance in interface DistanceStyle
        point1 - Starting point
        point2 - Final point
        the distance
      • computeDistance

        public double computeDistance​(GeoPoint point1,
                                      double x2,
                                      double y2,
                                      double z2)
        Description copied from interface: DistanceStyle
        Compute the distance from a point to another point.
        Specified by:
        computeDistance in interface DistanceStyle
        point1 - Starting point
        x2 - Final point x
        y2 - Final point y
        z2 - Final point z
        the distance
      • computeDistance

        public double computeDistance​(PlanetModel planetModel,
                                      Plane plane,
                                      GeoPoint point,
                                      Membership... bounds)
        Description copied from interface: DistanceStyle
        Compute the distance from a plane to a point.
        Specified by:
        computeDistance in interface DistanceStyle
        planetModel - The planet model
        plane - The plane
        point - The point
        bounds - are the plane bounds
        the distance
      • computeDistance

        public double computeDistance​(PlanetModel planetModel,
                                      Plane plane,
                                      double x,
                                      double y,
                                      double z,
                                      Membership... bounds)
        Description copied from interface: DistanceStyle
        Compute the distance from a plane to a point.
        Specified by:
        computeDistance in interface DistanceStyle
        planetModel - The planet model
        plane - The plane
        x - The point x
        y - The point y
        z - The point z
        bounds - are the plane bounds
        the distance
      • findDistancePoints

        public GeoPoint[] findDistancePoints​(PlanetModel planetModel,
                                             double distanceValue,
                                             GeoPoint startPoint,
                                             Plane plane,
                                             Membership... bounds)
        Description copied from interface: DistanceStyle
        Find a GeoPoint, at a specified distance from a starting point, within the specified bounds. The GeoPoint must be in the specified plane.
        Specified by:
        findDistancePoints in interface DistanceStyle
        planetModel - is the planet model.
        distanceValue - is the distance to set the new point at, measured from point1 and on the way to point2.
        startPoint - is the starting point.
        plane - is the plane that the point must be in.
        bounds - are the constraints on where the point can be found.
        zero, one, or two points at the proper distance from startPoint.
      • findMinimumArcDistance

        public double findMinimumArcDistance​(PlanetModel planetModel,
                                             double distanceValue)
        Description copied from interface: DistanceStyle
        Given a distance metric, find the minimum arc distance represented by that distance metric.
        Specified by:
        findMinimumArcDistance in interface DistanceStyle
        planetModel - is the planet model.
        distanceValue - is the distance metric.
        the minimum arc distance that that distance value can represent given the planet model.
      • findMaximumArcDistance

        public double findMaximumArcDistance​(PlanetModel planetModel,
                                             double distanceValue)
        Description copied from interface: DistanceStyle
        Given a distance metric, find the maximum arc distance represented by the distance metric.
        Specified by:
        findMaximumArcDistance in interface DistanceStyle
        planetModel - is the planet model.
        distanceValue - is the distance metric.
        the maximum arc distance that that distance value can represent given the planet model.