Interface | Description |
Component2D |
2D Geometry object that supports spatial relationships with bounding boxes,
triangles and points.
Class | Description |
EdgeTree |
Internal tree node: represents geometry edge from lat1,lon1 to lat2,lon2.
GeoEncodingUtils |
reusable geopoint encoding methods
GeoEncodingUtils.DistancePredicate |
A predicate that checks whether a given point is within a distance of another point.
GeoEncodingUtils.PolygonPredicate |
A predicate that checks whether a given point is within a polygon.
GeoUtils |
Basic reusable geo-spatial utility methods
Polygon |
Represents a closed polygon on the earth's surface.
Polygon2D |
2D polygon implementation represented as a balanced interval tree of edges.
Rectangle |
Represents a lat/lon rectangle.
Enum | Description |
Component2D.WithinRelation |
Used by withinTriangle to check the within relationship between a triangle and the query shape
GeoUtils.WindingOrder |
used to define the orientation of 3 points
-1 = Clockwise
0 = Colinear
1 = Counter-clockwise
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