Package | Description |
---|---| |
Code to search indices.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Represents hits returned by,int,Sort) . |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected static TopDocs |
This is used in case topDocs() is called with illegal parameters, or there
simply aren't (enough) results.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TopDocs |
TopDocs.merge(int start,
int topN,
TopDocs[] shardHits,
boolean setShardIndex)
Same as
merge(int, TopDocs[]) but also ignores the top
start top docs. |
static TopDocs |
TopDocs.merge(int topN,
TopDocs[] shardHits)
Returns a new TopDocs, containing topN results across
the provided TopDocs, sorting by score.
protected TopDocs |
TopFieldCollector.newTopDocs(ScoreDoc[] results,
int start) |
protected TopDocs |
TopDocsCollector.newTopDocs(ScoreDoc[] results,
int start)
Returns a
TopDocs instance containing the given results. |
protected TopDocs |
TopScoreDocCollector.newTopDocs(ScoreDoc[] results,
int start) |
TopDocs |
QueryRescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs firstPassTopDocs,
int topN) |
abstract TopDocs |
Rescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs firstPassTopDocs,
int topN)
Rescore an initial first-pass
TopDocs . |
TopDocs |
SortRescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs firstPassTopDocs,
int topN) |
static TopDocs |
QueryRescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs topDocs,
Query query,
double weight,
int topN)
Sugar API, calling {#rescore} using a simple linear
combination of firstPassScore + weight * secondPassScore
TopDocs | query,
int n)
Finds the top
hits for query . |
TopDocs |
IndexSearcher.searchAfter(ScoreDoc after,
Query query,
int numHits)
Finds the top
hits for query where all results are after a previous
result (after ). |
TopDocs |
IndexSearcher.searchAfter(ScoreDoc after,
Query query,
int n,
Sort sort)
Finds the top
hits for query where all results are after a previous
result (after ). |
TopDocs |
Returns the top docs that were collected by this collector.
TopDocs |
TopDocsCollector.topDocs(int start)
Returns the documents in the range [start ..
TopDocs |
TopDocsCollector.topDocs(int start,
int howMany)
Returns the documents in the range [start ..
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TopDocs |
TopDocs.merge(int start,
int topN,
TopDocs[] shardHits,
boolean setShardIndex)
Same as
merge(int, TopDocs[]) but also ignores the top
start top docs. |
static TopDocs |
TopDocs.merge(int topN,
TopDocs[] shardHits)
Returns a new TopDocs, containing topN results across
the provided TopDocs, sorting by score.
TopDocs |
QueryRescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs firstPassTopDocs,
int topN) |
abstract TopDocs |
Rescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs firstPassTopDocs,
int topN)
Rescore an initial first-pass
TopDocs . |
TopDocs |
SortRescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs firstPassTopDocs,
int topN) |
static TopDocs |
QueryRescorer.rescore(IndexSearcher searcher,
TopDocs topDocs,
Query query,
double weight,
int topN)
Sugar API, calling {#rescore} using a simple linear
combination of firstPassScore + weight * secondPassScore
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