Class | Description |
AssertingIndexSearcher |
Helper class that adds some extra checks to ensure correct
usage of
IndexSearcher and Weight . |
AssertingQuery |
Assertion-enabled query.
AssertingScorer |
Wraps a Scorer with additional checks
BaseExplanationTestCase |
Tests primitive queries (ie: that rewrite to themselves) to
insure they match the expected set of docs, and that the score of each
match is equal to the value of the scores explanation.
BulkScorerWrapperScorer |
BulkScorer -backed scorer. |
CheckHits |
Utility class for asserting expected hits in tests.
CheckHits.ExplanationAsserter |
Asserts that the score explanation for every document matching a
query corresponds with the true score.
CheckHits.ExplanationAssertingSearcher |
an IndexSearcher that implicitly checks hte explanation of every match
whenever it executes a search.
CheckHits.SetCollector |
Just collects document ids into a set.
QueryUtils |
Utility class for sanity-checking queries.
QueryUtils.FCInvisibleMultiReader |
This is a MultiReader that can be used for randomly wrapping other readers
without creating FieldCache insanity.
RandomApproximationQuery |
Query that adds random approximations to its scorers. |
ScorerIndexSearcher | |
SearchEquivalenceTestBase |
Simple base class for checking search equivalence.
ShardSearchingTestBase |
Base test class for simulating distributed search across multiple shards.
ShardSearchingTestBase.SearcherAndVersion |
An IndexSearcher and associated version (lease)
Exception | Description |
ShardSearchingTestBase.SearcherExpiredException |
Thrown when the lease for a searcher has expired.
The primary classes are:
: Useful methods for testing Query classes.
: Base class for simulating distributed search.
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