public final class FST<T> extends Object implements Accountable
The format is similar to what's used by Morfologik (
See the package
for some simple examples.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
Represents a single arc.
static class |
Reads bytes stored in an FST.
static class |
Specifies allowed range of each int input label for
this FST.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
long |
arcCount |
long |
arcWithOutputCount |
static int |
static int |
If arc has this label then that arc is final/accepted
inputType |
long |
nodeCount |
Outputs<T> |
outputs |
Constructor and Description |
FST(DataInput in,
Outputs<T> outputs)
Load a previously saved FST.
FST(DataInput in,
Outputs<T> outputs,
int maxBlockBits)
Load a previously saved FST; maxBlockBits allows you to
control the size of the byte[] pages used to hold the FST bytes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
FST.Arc<T> |
findTargetArc(int labelToMatch,
FST.Arc<T> follow,
FST.Arc<T> arc,
FST.BytesReader in)
Finds an arc leaving the incoming arc, replacing the arc in place.
long |
getArcCount() |
long |
getArcWithOutputCount() |
FST.BytesReader |
Returns a
FST.BytesReader for this FST, positioned at
position 0. |
T |
getEmptyOutput() |
FST.Arc<T> |
getFirstArc(FST.Arc<T> arc)
Fills virtual 'start' arc, ie, an empty incoming arc to
the FST's start node
getInputType() |
long |
getNodeCount() |
long |
Return the memory usage of this object in bytes.
static <T> FST<T> |
read(File file,
Outputs<T> outputs)
Reads an automaton from a file.
FST.Arc<T> |
readFirstRealTargetArc(long node,
FST.Arc<T> arc,
FST.BytesReader in) |
FST.Arc<T> |
readFirstTargetArc(FST.Arc<T> follow,
FST.Arc<T> arc,
FST.BytesReader in)
Follow the
follow arc and read the first arc of its target;
this changes the provided arc (2nd arg) in-place and returns
it. |
FST.Arc<T> |
readLastTargetArc(FST.Arc<T> follow,
FST.Arc<T> arc,
FST.BytesReader in)
Follows the
follow arc and reads the last
arc of its target; this changes the provided
arc (2nd arg) in-place and returns it. |
FST.Arc<T> |
readNextArc(FST.Arc<T> arc,
FST.BytesReader in)
In-place read; returns the arc.
int |
readNextArcLabel(FST.Arc<T> arc,
FST.BytesReader in)
Peeks at next arc's label; does not alter arc.
FST.Arc<T> |
readNextRealArc(FST.Arc<T> arc,
FST.BytesReader in)
Never returns null, but you should never call this if
arc.isLast() is true.
void |
readRootArcs(FST.Arc<T>[] arcs) |
void |
save(DataOutput out) |
void |
save(File file)
Writes an automaton to a file.
static <T> boolean |
targetHasArcs(FST.Arc<T> arc)
returns true if the node at this address has any
outgoing arcs
public final FST.INPUT_TYPE inputType
public long nodeCount
public long arcCount
public long arcWithOutputCount
public static final int END_LABEL
public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCK_BITS
public FST(DataInput in, Outputs<T> outputs) throws IOException
public FST(DataInput in, Outputs<T> outputs, int maxBlockBits) throws IOException
public FST.INPUT_TYPE getInputType()
public long ramBytesUsed()
in interface Accountable
public void readRootArcs(FST.Arc<T>[] arcs) throws IOException
public T getEmptyOutput()
public void save(DataOutput out) throws IOException
public void save(File file) throws IOException
public static <T> FST<T> read(File file, Outputs<T> outputs) throws IOException
public static <T> boolean targetHasArcs(FST.Arc<T> arc)
public FST.Arc<T> getFirstArc(FST.Arc<T> arc)
public FST.Arc<T> readLastTargetArc(FST.Arc<T> follow, FST.Arc<T> arc, FST.BytesReader in) throws IOException
arc and reads the last
arc of its target; this changes the provided
(2nd arg) in-place and returns it.arc
public FST.Arc<T> readFirstTargetArc(FST.Arc<T> follow, FST.Arc<T> arc, FST.BytesReader in) throws IOException
arc and read the first arc of its target;
this changes the provided arc
(2nd arg) in-place and returns
public FST.Arc<T> readFirstRealTargetArc(long node, FST.Arc<T> arc, FST.BytesReader in) throws IOException
public FST.Arc<T> readNextArc(FST.Arc<T> arc, FST.BytesReader in) throws IOException
public int readNextArcLabel(FST.Arc<T> arc, FST.BytesReader in) throws IOException
public FST.Arc<T> readNextRealArc(FST.Arc<T> arc, FST.BytesReader in) throws IOException
public FST.Arc<T> findTargetArc(int labelToMatch, FST.Arc<T> follow, FST.Arc<T> arc, FST.BytesReader in) throws IOException
public long getNodeCount()
public long getArcCount()
public long getArcWithOutputCount()
public FST.BytesReader getBytesReader()
for this FST, positioned at
position 0.Copyright © 2000-2014 Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.