Interface | Description |
Dictionary |
A simple interface representing a Dictionary.
StringDistance |
Interface for string distances.
TermFreqIterator |
Interface for enumerating term,weight pairs.
Class | Description |
CombineSuggestion |
A suggestion generated by combining one or more original query terms
DirectSpellChecker |
Simple automaton-based spellchecker.
DirectSpellChecker.ScoreTerm |
Holds a spelling correction for internal usage inside
DirectSpellChecker . |
HighFrequencyDictionary |
HighFrequencyDictionary: terms taken from the given field
of a Lucene index, which appear in a number of documents
above a given threshold.
JaroWinklerDistance |
Similarity measure for short strings such as person names.
LevensteinDistance |
Levenstein edit distance class.
LuceneDictionary |
Lucene Dictionary: terms taken from the given field
of a Lucene index.
LuceneLevenshteinDistance |
Damerau-Levenshtein (optimal string alignment) implemented in a consistent
way as Lucene's FuzzyTermsEnum with the transpositions option enabled.
NGramDistance |
N-Gram version of edit distance based on paper by Grzegorz Kondrak,
"N-gram similarity and distance".
PlainTextDictionary |
Dictionary represented by a text file.
SpellChecker |
Spell Checker class (Main class)
(initially inspired by the David Spencer code). |
SuggestWord |
SuggestWord, used in suggestSimilar method in SpellChecker class.
SuggestWordFrequencyComparator |
Frequency first, then score.
SuggestWordQueue |
Sorts SuggestWord instances
SuggestWordScoreComparator |
Score first, then frequency
TermFreqIterator.TermFreqIteratorWrapper |
Wraps a BytesRefIterator as a TermFreqIterator, with all weights
set to
1 |
WordBreakSpellChecker |
A spell checker whose sole function is to offer suggestions by combining
multiple terms into one word and/or breaking terms into multiple words.
Enum | Description |
SuggestMode |
Set of strategies for suggesting related terms
WordBreakSpellChecker.BreakSuggestionSortMethod |
Determines the order to list word break suggestions
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