Uses of Class

Packages that use Outputs
org.apache.lucene.util.fst Finite state transducers 

Uses of Outputs in org.apache.lucene.util.fst

Subclasses of Outputs in org.apache.lucene.util.fst
 class ByteSequenceOutputs
          An FST Outputs implementation where each output is a sequence of bytes.
 class CharSequenceOutputs
          An FST Outputs implementation where each output is a sequence of characters.
 class IntSequenceOutputs
          An FST Outputs implementation where each output is a sequence of ints.
 class NoOutputs
          A null FST Outputs implementation; use this if you just want to build an FSA.
 class PairOutputs<A,B>
          An FST Outputs implementation, holding two other outputs.
 class PositiveIntOutputs
          An FST Outputs implementation where each output is a non-negative long value.

Fields in org.apache.lucene.util.fst declared as Outputs
 Outputs<T> FST.outputs

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util.fst with parameters of type Outputs
<T> FST<T> file, Outputs<T> outputs)
          Reads an automaton from a file.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.util.fst with parameters of type Outputs
Builder(FST.INPUT_TYPE inputType, int minSuffixCount1, int minSuffixCount2, boolean doShareSuffix, boolean doShareNonSingletonNodes, int shareMaxTailLength, Outputs<T> outputs, Builder.FreezeTail<T> freezeTail, boolean doPackFST, float acceptableOverheadRatio, boolean allowArrayArcs, int bytesPageBits)
          Instantiates an FST/FSA builder with all the possible tuning and construction tweaks.
Builder(FST.INPUT_TYPE inputType, Outputs<T> outputs)
          Instantiates an FST/FSA builder without any pruning.
FST(DataInput in, Outputs<T> outputs)
          Load a previously saved FST.
FST(DataInput in, Outputs<T> outputs, int maxBlockBits)
          Load a previously saved FST; maxBlockBits allows you to control the size of the byte[] pages used to hold the FST bytes.
PairOutputs(Outputs<A> outputs1, Outputs<B> outputs2)
PairOutputs(Outputs<A> outputs1, Outputs<B> outputs2)

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