Uses of Class

Packages that use LongBitSet
org.apache.lucene.util Some utility classes. 

Uses of LongBitSet in org.apache.lucene.util

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util that return LongBitSet
 LongBitSet LongBitSet.clone()
static LongBitSet LongBitSet.ensureCapacity(LongBitSet bits, long numBits)
          If the given LongBitSet is large enough to hold numBits, returns the given bits, otherwise returns a new LongBitSet which can hold the requested number of bits.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type LongBitSet
 void LongBitSet.and(LongBitSet other)
          this = this AND other
 void LongBitSet.andNot(LongBitSet other)
          this = this AND NOT other
static LongBitSet LongBitSet.ensureCapacity(LongBitSet bits, long numBits)
          If the given LongBitSet is large enough to hold numBits, returns the given bits, otherwise returns a new LongBitSet which can hold the requested number of bits.
 boolean LongBitSet.intersects(LongBitSet other)
          returns true if the sets have any elements in common
 void LongBitSet.or(LongBitSet other)
          this = this OR other
 void LongBitSet.xor(LongBitSet other)
          this = this XOR other

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