Uses of Class

Packages that use CachingCollector Code to search indices. 

Uses of CachingCollector in

Methods in that return CachingCollector
static CachingCollector CachingCollector.create(boolean acceptDocsOutOfOrder, boolean cacheScores, double maxRAMMB)
          Creates a CachingCollector which does not wrap another collector.
static CachingCollector CachingCollector.create(Collector other, boolean cacheScores, double maxRAMMB)
          Create a new CachingCollector that wraps the given collector and caches documents and scores up to the specified RAM threshold.
static CachingCollector CachingCollector.create(Collector other, boolean cacheScores, int maxDocsToCache)
          Create a new CachingCollector that wraps the given collector and caches documents and scores up to the specified max docs threshold.

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