
Facets search code.


Interface Summary
CategoryListIterator An interface for obtaining the category ordinals of documents.
FacetsAggregator Aggregates categories that were found in result documents (specified by FacetsCollector.MatchingDocs).
Heap<T> Declares an interface for heap (and heap alike) structures, handling a given type T

Class Summary
ArraysPool A thread-safe pool of int[] and float[] arrays.
CachedOrdsCountingFacetsAggregator A FacetsAggregator which updates categories values by counting their occurrences in matching documents.
CountFacetRequest Facet request for counting facets.
CountingFacetsAggregator A FacetsAggregator which counts the number of times each category appears in the given set of documents.
DepthOneFacetResultsHandler A FacetResultsHandler which counts the top-K facets at depth 1 only and always labels all result categories.
DocValuesCategoryListIterator A CategoryListIterator which reads the ordinals from a BinaryDocValues.
DrillDownQuery A Query for drill-down over categories.
DrillSideways Computes drill down and sideways counts for the provided DrillDownQuery.
DrillSideways.DrillSidewaysResult Represents the returned result from a drill sideways search.
FacetArrays Provider of arrays used for facets aggregation.
FacetRequest Defines an aggregation request for a category.
FacetResult Result of faceted search.
FacetResultNode Result of faceted search for a certain taxonomy node.
FacetResultsHandler Computes the top categories for a given FacetRequest.
FacetsAccumulator Accumulates the facets defined in the FacetSearchParams.
FacetsCollector A Collector which executes faceted search and computes the weight of requested facets.
FacetsCollector.MatchingDocs Holds the documents that were matched in the AtomicReaderContext.
FastCountingFacetsAggregator A FacetsAggregator which counts the number of times each category appears in the given set of documents.
IntRollupFacetsAggregator A FacetsAggregator which implements IntRollupFacetsAggregator.rollupValues(FacetRequest, int, int[], int[], FacetArrays) by summing the values from FacetArrays.getIntArray().
MultiFacetsAccumulator Wraps multiple FacetsAccumulator and returns a merged list of FacetResult, in the order the accumulators were given.
MultiFacetsAggregator A FacetsAggregator which chains multiple aggregators for aggregating the association values of categories that belong to the same category list.
OrdinalsCache A per-segment cache of documents' category ordinals.
OrdinalsCache.CachedOrds Holds the cached ordinals in two paralel int[] arrays.
OrdinalValueResolver Resolves an ordinal's value to given the FacetArrays.
OrdinalValueResolver.FloatValueResolver An OrdinalValueResolver which resolves ordinals value from FacetArrays.getFloatArray(), by returning the value in the array.
OrdinalValueResolver.IntValueResolver An OrdinalValueResolver which resolves ordinals value from FacetArrays.getIntArray(), by returning the value in the array.
PerCategoryListAggregator A FacetsAggregator which invokes the proper aggregator per CategoryListParams.
ReusingFacetArrays A FacetArrays which uses the ArraysPool to allocate new arrays and pool them on
SearcherTaxonomyManager Manages near-real-time reopen of both an IndexSearcher and a TaxonomyReader.
SearcherTaxonomyManager.SearcherAndTaxonomy Holds a matched pair of IndexSearcher and TaxonomyReader
SumScoreFacetRequest A FacetRequest for weighting facets by summing the scores of matching documents.
SumScoreFacetsAggregator A FacetsAggregator which updates the weight of a category by summing the scores of documents it was found in.
TaxonomyFacetsAccumulator A FacetsAccumulator suitable for accumulating categories that were indexed into a taxonomy index.
TopKFacetResultsHandler Generate Top-K results for a particular FacetRequest.
TopKInEachNodeHandler Generates FacetResult from the FacetArrays aggregated for a particular FacetRequest.
TopKInEachNodeHandler.AACO Maintains an array of AggregatedCategory.
TopKInEachNodeHandler.IntermediateFacetResultWithHash Intermediate result to hold counts from one or more partitions processed thus far.

Enum Summary
FacetRequest.ResultMode When FacetRequest.getDepth() is greater than 1, defines the structure of the result as well as how constraints such as FacetRequest.numResults and FacetRequest.getNumLabel() are applied.
FacetRequest.SortOrder Defines which categories to return.

Package Description

Facets search code.

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