Package | Description |
org.apache.lucene.codecs |
Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the index.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.blocktree |
BlockTree terms dictionary.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.compressing |
StoredFieldsFormat that allows cross-document and cross-field compression of stored fields.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene3x |
Codec to support Lucene 3.x indexes (readonly)
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene40 |
Lucene 4.0 file format.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene41 |
Lucene 4.1 file format.
org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene46 |
Lucene 4.6 file format.
org.apache.lucene.index |
Code to maintain and access indices.
| |
Code to search indices.
| |
Binary i/o API, used for all index data.
org.apache.lucene.util |
Some utility classes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract StoredFieldsReader |
StoredFieldsFormat.fieldsReader(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo si,
FieldInfos fn,
IOContext context)
Returns a
StoredFieldsReader to load stored
fields. |
abstract StoredFieldsWriter |
StoredFieldsFormat.fieldsWriter(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo si,
IOContext context)
Returns a
StoredFieldsWriter to write stored
fields. |
abstract SegmentInfo | directory,
String segmentName,
IOContext context)
SegmentInfo data from a directory. |
abstract FieldInfos | directory,
String segmentName,
String segmentSuffix,
IOContext iocontext)
Read the
FieldInfos previously written with FieldInfosWriter . |
abstract Bits |
LiveDocsFormat.readLiveDocs(Directory dir,
SegmentCommitInfo info,
IOContext context)
Read live docs bits.
abstract TermVectorsReader |
TermVectorsFormat.vectorsReader(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
IOContext context)
Returns a
TermVectorsReader to read term
vectors. |
abstract TermVectorsWriter |
TermVectorsFormat.vectorsWriter(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
IOContext context)
Returns a
TermVectorsWriter to write term
vectors. |
abstract void |
SegmentInfoWriter.write(Directory dir,
SegmentInfo info,
FieldInfos fis,
IOContext ioContext)
SegmentInfo data. |
abstract void |
FieldInfosWriter.write(Directory directory,
String segmentName,
String segmentSuffix,
FieldInfos infos,
IOContext context)
Writes the provided
FieldInfos to the
directory. |
abstract void |
LiveDocsFormat.writeLiveDocs(MutableBits bits,
Directory dir,
SegmentCommitInfo info,
int newDelCount,
IOContext context)
Persist live docs bits.
Constructor and Description |
BlockTreeTermsReader(Directory dir,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
SegmentInfo info,
PostingsReaderBase postingsReader,
IOContext ioContext,
String segmentSuffix,
int indexDivisor)
Sole constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StoredFieldsReader |
CompressingStoredFieldsFormat.fieldsReader(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo si,
FieldInfos fn,
IOContext context) |
StoredFieldsWriter |
CompressingStoredFieldsFormat.fieldsWriter(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo si,
IOContext context) |
TermVectorsReader |
CompressingTermVectorsFormat.vectorsReader(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
IOContext context) |
TermVectorsWriter |
CompressingTermVectorsFormat.vectorsWriter(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
IOContext context) |
Constructor and Description |
CompressingStoredFieldsReader(Directory d,
SegmentInfo si,
String segmentSuffix,
FieldInfos fn,
IOContext context,
String formatName,
CompressionMode compressionMode)
Sole constructor.
CompressingStoredFieldsWriter(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo si,
String segmentSuffix,
IOContext context,
String formatName,
CompressionMode compressionMode,
int chunkSize)
Sole constructor.
CompressingTermVectorsReader(Directory d,
SegmentInfo si,
String segmentSuffix,
FieldInfos fn,
IOContext context,
String formatName,
CompressionMode compressionMode)
Sole constructor.
CompressingTermVectorsWriter(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo si,
String segmentSuffix,
IOContext context,
String formatName,
CompressionMode compressionMode,
int chunkSize)
Sole constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SegmentInfo | directory,
String segmentName,
IOContext context)
static void |
Lucene3xSegmentInfoReader.readLegacyInfos(SegmentInfos infos,
Directory directory,
IndexInput input,
int format)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StoredFieldsReader |
Lucene40StoredFieldsFormat.fieldsReader(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo si,
FieldInfos fn,
IOContext context) |
StoredFieldsWriter |
Lucene40StoredFieldsFormat.fieldsWriter(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo si,
IOContext context) |
SegmentInfo | dir,
String segment,
IOContext context)
Bits |
Lucene40LiveDocsFormat.readLiveDocs(Directory dir,
SegmentCommitInfo info,
IOContext context) |
TermVectorsReader |
Lucene40TermVectorsFormat.vectorsReader(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
IOContext context) |
TermVectorsWriter |
Lucene40TermVectorsFormat.vectorsWriter(Directory directory,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
IOContext context) |
void |
Lucene40SegmentInfoWriter.write(Directory dir,
SegmentInfo si,
FieldInfos fis,
IOContext ioContext)
Save a single segment's info.
void |
Lucene40LiveDocsFormat.writeLiveDocs(MutableBits bits,
Directory dir,
SegmentCommitInfo info,
int newDelCount,
IOContext context) |
Constructor and Description |
Lucene40PostingsReader(Directory dir,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
IOContext ioContext,
String segmentSuffix)
Sole constructor.
Lucene40StoredFieldsReader(Directory d,
SegmentInfo si,
FieldInfos fn,
IOContext context)
Sole constructor.
Lucene40StoredFieldsWriter(Directory directory,
String segment,
IOContext context)
Sole constructor.
Lucene40TermVectorsReader(Directory d,
SegmentInfo si,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
IOContext context)
Sole constructor.
Lucene40TermVectorsWriter(Directory directory,
String segment,
IOContext context)
Sole constructor.
Constructor and Description |
Lucene41PostingsReader(Directory dir,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
IOContext ioContext,
String segmentSuffix)
Sole constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SegmentInfo | dir,
String segment,
IOContext context) |
void |
Lucene46SegmentInfoWriter.write(Directory dir,
SegmentInfo si,
FieldInfos fis,
IOContext ioContext)
Save a single segment's info.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Directory |
Where this segment resides.
protected Directory |
Directory that holds the index. |
Directory |
Directory index is in.
Directory |
Directory where this segment will be written
to. |
Directory |
Directory where this segment is read from. |
protected Directory |
The index directory.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Directory |
Returns the directory this index resides in.
Directory |
Returns the directory this index resides in.
Directory |
Returns the Directory used by this index.
abstract Directory |
Returns the
Directory for the index. |
Directory |
Returns the
Directory of the index that hit
the exception. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
IndexWriter.addIndexes(Directory... dirs)
Adds all segments from an array of indexes into this index.
long |
TrackingIndexWriter.addIndexes(Directory... dirs)
IndexWriter.addIndexes(Directory...) and
returns the generation that reflects this change. |
void |
MergePolicy.OneMerge.checkAborted(Directory dir)
Called periodically by
IndexWriter while
merging to see if the merge is aborted. |
Collection<String> |
SegmentInfos.files(Directory dir,
boolean includeSegmentsFile)
Returns all file names referenced by SegmentInfo
instances matching the provided Directory (ie files
associated with any "external" segments are skipped).
static long |
SegmentInfos.getLastCommitGeneration(Directory directory)
Get the generation of the most recent commit to the
index in this directory (N in the segments_N file).
static String |
SegmentInfos.getLastCommitSegmentsFileName(Directory directory)
Get the filename of the segments_N file for the most
recent commit to the index in this Directory.
static boolean |
DirectoryReader.indexExists(Directory directory)
true if an index likely exists at
the specified directory. |
static boolean |
IndexWriter.isLocked(Directory directory)
true iff the index in the named directory is
currently locked. |
static List<IndexCommit> |
DirectoryReader.listCommits(Directory dir)
Returns all commit points that exist in the Directory.
static DirectoryReader | directory)
static DirectoryReader | directory)
Returns a IndexReader reading the index in the given
static DirectoryReader | directory,
int termInfosIndexDivisor)
static DirectoryReader | directory,
int termInfosIndexDivisor)
Expert: Returns a IndexReader reading the index in the given
Directory with the given termInfosIndexDivisor.
void | directory)
Find the latest commit (
segments_N file ) and
load all SegmentCommitInfo s. |
void | directory,
String segmentFileName)
Read a particular segmentFileName.
String |
MergePolicy.OneMerge.segString(Directory dir)
Returns a readable description of the current merge
String |
MergePolicy.MergeSpecification.segString(Directory dir)
Returns a description of the merges in this
String |
SegmentInfos.toString(Directory directory)
Returns readable description of this segment.
String |
SegmentCommitInfo.toString(Directory dir,
int pendingDelCount)
Returns a description of this segment.
String |
SegmentInfo.toString(Directory dir,
int delCount)
Used for debugging.
static void |
IndexWriter.unlock(Directory directory)
Forcibly unlocks the index in the named directory.
static String |
SegmentInfos.write3xInfo(Directory dir,
SegmentInfo si,
IOContext context)
static void |
SegmentInfos.writeSegmentsGen(Directory dir,
long generation)
A utility for writing the
IndexFileNames.SEGMENTS_GEN file to a
Directory . |
Constructor and Description |
CheckIndex(Directory dir)
Create a new CheckIndex on the directory.
DirectoryReader(Directory directory,
AtomicReader[] segmentReaders)
Expert: Constructs a
DirectoryReader on the given subReaders. |
IndexUpgrader(Directory dir,
IndexWriterConfig iwc,
boolean deletePriorCommits)
Creates index upgrader on the given directory, using an
IndexWriter using the given
config. |
IndexUpgrader(Directory dir,
Version matchVersion)
Creates index upgrader on the given directory, using an
IndexWriter using the given
matchVersion . |
IndexUpgrader(Directory dir,
Version matchVersion,
InfoStream infoStream,
boolean deletePriorCommits)
Creates index upgrader on the given directory, using an
IndexWriter using the given
matchVersion . |
IndexWriter(Directory d,
IndexWriterConfig conf)
Constructs a new IndexWriter per the settings given in
conf . |
MergePolicy.MergeException(String message,
Directory dir)
Create a
MergeException . |
MergePolicy.MergeException(Throwable exc,
Directory dir)
Create a
MergeException . |
MergeState.CheckAbort(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge,
Directory dir)
Creates a #CheckAbort instance.
PersistentSnapshotDeletionPolicy(IndexDeletionPolicy primary,
Directory dir)
PersistentSnapshotDeletionPolicy wraps another
IndexDeletionPolicy to enable flexible
snapshotting, passing IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE_OR_APPEND
by default. |
PersistentSnapshotDeletionPolicy(IndexDeletionPolicy primary,
Directory dir,
IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode mode)
PersistentSnapshotDeletionPolicy wraps another
IndexDeletionPolicy to enable flexible snapshotting. |
ReaderManager(Directory dir)
Creates and returns a new ReaderManager from the given
Directory . |
SegmentInfo(Directory dir,
Version version,
String name,
int docCount,
boolean isCompoundFile,
Codec codec,
Map<String,String> diagnostics)
Construct a new complete SegmentInfo instance from input.
SegmentInfo(Directory dir,
Version version,
String name,
int docCount,
boolean isCompoundFile,
Codec codec,
Map<String,String> diagnostics,
Map<String,String> attributes)
Construct a new complete SegmentInfo instance from input.
SegmentInfos.FindSegmentsFile(Directory directory)
Sole constructor.
SegmentReadState(Directory dir,
SegmentInfo info,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
IOContext context,
int termsIndexDivisor)
Create a
SegmentReadState . |
SegmentReadState(Directory dir,
SegmentInfo info,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
IOContext context,
int termsIndexDivisor,
String segmentSuffix)
Create a
SegmentReadState . |
SegmentWriteState(InfoStream infoStream,
Directory directory,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
int termIndexInterval,
org.apache.lucene.index.BufferedUpdates segUpdates,
IOContext context)
Sole constructor.
SegmentWriteState(InfoStream infoStream,
Directory directory,
SegmentInfo segmentInfo,
FieldInfos fieldInfos,
int termIndexInterval,
org.apache.lucene.index.BufferedUpdates segUpdates,
IOContext context,
String segmentSuffix)
Constructor which takes segment suffix.
Constructor and Description |
SearcherManager(Directory dir,
SearcherFactory searcherFactory)
Creates and returns a new SearcherManager from the given
Directory . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Base implementation for a concrete
Directory . |
class |
Class for accessing a compound stream.
class |
Expert: A Directory instance that switches files between
two other Directory instances.
class |
Directory implementation that delegates calls to another directory.
class |
Base class for Directory implementations that store index
files in the file system.
class |
Directory implementation that uses
mmap for reading, and FSDirectory.FSIndexOutput for writing. |
class |
FSDirectory implementation that uses java.nio's FileChannel's
positional read, which allows multiple threads to read from the same file
without synchronizing. |
class |
Wraps a
around any provided delegate directory, to
be used during NRT search. |
class |
A memory-resident
Directory implementation. |
class |
class |
A straightforward implementation of
using |
class |
A delegating Directory that records which files were
written to and deleted.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Directory | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Directory |
Return the wrapped
Directory . |
Directory |
CompoundFileDirectory.getDirectory() |
Directory |
Return the primary directory
Directory |
Return the secondary directory
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RateLimitedDirectoryWrapper.copy(Directory to,
String src,
String dest,
IOContext context) |
void |
TrackingDirectoryWrapper.copy(Directory to,
String src,
String dest,
IOContext context) |
void |
Directory.copy(Directory to,
String src,
String dest,
IOContext context)
Copies the file src to
Directory to under the new
file name dest. |
Constructor and Description |
CompoundFileDirectory(Directory directory,
String fileName,
IOContext context,
boolean openForWrite)
Create a new CompoundFileDirectory.
FileSwitchDirectory(Set<String> primaryExtensions,
Directory primaryDir,
Directory secondaryDir,
boolean doClose) |
FilterDirectory(Directory in)
Sole constructor, typically called from sub-classes.
NRTCachingDirectory(Directory delegate,
double maxMergeSizeMB,
double maxCachedMB)
We will cache a newly created output if 1) it's a
flush or a merge and the estimated size of the merged segment is <=
maxMergeSizeMB, and 2) the total cached bytes is <=
RAMDirectory(Directory dir,
IOContext context)
Creates a new
RAMDirectory instance from a different
Directory implementation. |
RateLimitedDirectoryWrapper(Directory wrapped) |
TrackingDirectoryWrapper(Directory in) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Class<? extends Directory> |
CommandLineUtil.loadDirectoryClass(String clazzName)
Loads a specific Directory implementation
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
IOUtils.deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(Directory dir,
String... files)
Deletes all given files, suppressing all thrown IOExceptions.
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