Package | Description |
---|---| |
Code to search indices.
| |
The payloads package provides Query mechanisms for finding and using payloads.
| |
This package contains the various ranking models that can be used in Lucene.
| |
The calculus of spans.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Expert: Describes the score computation for document and query, and
can distinguish a match independent of a positive value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract Explanation |
Weight.explain(AtomicReaderContext context,
int doc)
An explanation of the score computation for the named document.
Explanation |
DisjunctionMaxQuery.DisjunctionMaxWeight.explain(AtomicReaderContext context,
int doc)
Explain the score we computed for doc
Explanation |
BooleanQuery.BooleanWeight.explain(AtomicReaderContext context,
int doc) |
Explanation |
ConstantScoreQuery.ConstantWeight.explain(AtomicReaderContext context,
int doc) |
Explanation |
SortRescorer.explain(IndexSearcher searcher,
Explanation firstPassExplanation,
int docID) |
abstract Explanation |
Rescorer.explain(IndexSearcher searcher,
Explanation firstPassExplanation,
int docID)
Explains how the score for the specified document was
Explanation |
QueryRescorer.explain(IndexSearcher searcher,
Explanation firstPassExplanation,
int docID) |
Explanation |
IndexSearcher.explain(Query query,
int doc)
Returns an Explanation that describes how
doc scored against
query . |
protected Explanation |
IndexSearcher.explain(Weight weight,
int doc)
Expert: low-level implementation method
Returns an Explanation that describes how
doc scored against
weight . |
Explanation[] |
The sub-nodes of this explanation node.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Explanation.addDetail(Explanation detail)
Adds a sub-node to this explanation node.
Explanation |
SortRescorer.explain(IndexSearcher searcher,
Explanation firstPassExplanation,
int docID) |
abstract Explanation |
Rescorer.explain(IndexSearcher searcher,
Explanation firstPassExplanation,
int docID)
Explains how the score for the specified document was
Explanation |
QueryRescorer.explain(IndexSearcher searcher,
Explanation firstPassExplanation,
int docID) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Explanation |
PayloadTermQuery.PayloadTermWeight.explain(AtomicReaderContext context,
int doc) |
Explanation |
PayloadNearQuery.PayloadNearSpanWeight.explain(AtomicReaderContext context,
int doc) |
Explanation |
PayloadFunction.explain(int docId,
String field,
int numPayloadsSeen,
float payloadScore) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
abstract Explanation |
Lambda.explain(BasicStats stats)
Explains the lambda parameter.
Explanation |
LambdaDF.explain(BasicStats stats) |
Explanation |
LambdaTTF.explain(BasicStats stats) |
Explanation |
AfterEffectL.explain(BasicStats stats,
float tfn) |
abstract Explanation |
AfterEffect.explain(BasicStats stats,
float tfn)
Returns an explanation for the score.
Explanation |
AfterEffect.NoAfterEffect.explain(BasicStats stats,
float tfn) |
Explanation |
BasicModel.explain(BasicStats stats,
float tfn)
Returns an explanation for the score.
Explanation |
BasicModelIn.explain(BasicStats stats,
float tfn) |
Explanation |
AfterEffectB.explain(BasicStats stats,
float tfn) |
Explanation |
Normalization.explain(BasicStats stats,
float tf,
float len)
Returns an explanation for the normalized term frequency.
Explanation |
Normalization.NoNormalization.explain(BasicStats stats,
float tf,
float len) |
Explanation |
Distribution.explain(BasicStats stats,
float tfn,
float lambda)
Explains the score.
protected Explanation |
SimilarityBase.explain(BasicStats stats,
int doc,
Explanation freq,
float docLen)
Explains the score.
Explanation |
Similarity.SimScorer.explain(int doc,
Explanation freq)
Explain the score for a single document
Explanation |
BM25Similarity.idfExplain(CollectionStatistics collectionStats,
TermStatistics termStats)
Computes a score factor for a simple term and returns an explanation
for that score factor.
Explanation |
TFIDFSimilarity.idfExplain(CollectionStatistics collectionStats,
TermStatistics termStats)
Computes a score factor for a simple term and returns an explanation
for that score factor.
Explanation |
BM25Similarity.idfExplain(CollectionStatistics collectionStats,
TermStatistics[] termStats)
Computes a score factor for a phrase.
Explanation |
TFIDFSimilarity.idfExplain(CollectionStatistics collectionStats,
TermStatistics[] termStats)
Computes a score factor for a phrase.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Explanation |
SimilarityBase.explain(BasicStats stats,
int doc,
Explanation freq,
float docLen)
Explains the score.
protected void |
SimilarityBase.explain(Explanation expl,
BasicStats stats,
int doc,
float freq,
float docLen)
Subclasses should implement this method to explain the score.
protected void |
LMSimilarity.explain(Explanation expl,
BasicStats stats,
int doc,
float freq,
float docLen) |
protected void |
DFRSimilarity.explain(Explanation expl,
BasicStats stats,
int doc,
float freq,
float docLen) |
protected void |
LMJelinekMercerSimilarity.explain(Explanation expl,
BasicStats stats,
int doc,
float freq,
float docLen) |
protected void |
LMDirichletSimilarity.explain(Explanation expl,
BasicStats stats,
int doc,
float freq,
float docLen) |
protected void |
IBSimilarity.explain(Explanation expl,
BasicStats stats,
int doc,
float freq,
float docLen) |
Explanation |
Similarity.SimScorer.explain(int doc,
Explanation freq)
Explain the score for a single document
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Explanation |
SpanWeight.explain(AtomicReaderContext context,
int doc) |
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