See: Description
Class | Description |
MultiFieldQueryParserWrapper | Deprecated
this class will be removed soon, it's a temporary class to be
used along the transition from the old query parser to the new
QueryParserUtil |
This class defines utility methods to (help) parse query strings into
Query objects. |
QueryParserWrapper | Deprecated
this class will be removed soon, it's a temporary class to be
used along the transition from the old query parser to the new
StandardQueryParser |
This class is a helper that enables users to easily use the Lucene query
Enum | Description |
QueryParserWrapper.Operator |
The default operator for parsing queries.
The old Lucene query parser used to have only one class that performed all the parsing operations. In the new query parser structure, the parsing was divided in 3 steps: parsing (syntax), processing (semantic) and building.
The classes contained in the package org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard are used to reproduce the same behavior as the old query parser.
Check org.apache.lucene.queryParser.standard.StandardQueryParser to quick start using the Lucene query parser.
There are 2 wrapper classes that extends QueryParser and MultiFieldQueryParser. The classes implement internally the new query parser structure. These 2 classes are deprecated and should only be used when there is a need to use the old query parser interface.