Package org.apache.lucene.index

Class Summary
BalancedSegmentMergePolicy Merge policy that tries to balance not doing large segment merges with not accumulating too many segments in the index, to provide for better performance in near real-time setting.
FieldNormModifier Given a directory and a list of fields, updates the fieldNorms in place for every document.
IndexSorter Sort an index by document importance factor.
IndexSplitter Command-line tool that enables listing segments in an index, copying specific segments to another index, and deleting segments from an index.
MultiPassIndexSplitter This tool splits input index into multiple equal parts.
MultiPassIndexSplitter.FakeDeleteIndexReader This class pretends that it can write deletions to the underlying index.
PKIndexSplitter Split an index based on a Filter.
TermVectorAccessor Transparent access to the vector space model, either via TermFreqVector or by resolving it from the inverted index.

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