Uses of Class

Packages that use CategoryPath
org.apache.lucene.facet.example.simple Simple faceted indexing and search sample 
org.apache.lucene.facet.index Indexing of document categories 
org.apache.lucene.facet.index.attributes Category attributes and their properties for indexing 
org.apache.lucene.facet.index.categorypolicy Policies for indexing categories 
org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params Indexing-time specifications for handling facets 
org.apache.lucene.facet.index.streaming Expert: attributes streaming definition for indexing facets Faceted Search API Parameters for Faceted Search Results of Faceted Search 
org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy Taxonomy of Categories Taxonomy implemented using a Lucene-Index 
org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache Improves indexing time by caching a map of CategoryPath to their Ordinal 
org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.cl2o Category->Ordinal caching implementation using an optimized data-structures 
org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.lru An LRU cache implementation for the CategoryPath to Ordinal map 

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.example.association

Fields in org.apache.lucene.facet.example.association declared as CategoryPath
static CategoryPath[][] AssociationUtils.categories
          Categories: categories[D][N] == category-path with association no.

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.example.multiCL

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.example.multiCL with parameters of type CategoryPath
static void MultiCLIndexer.index( indexDir, taxoDir, FacetIndexingParams iParams, String[] docTitles, String[] docTexts, CategoryPath[][] cPaths)
          More advanced method for specifying custom indexing params, doc texts, doc titles and category paths.
static void MultiCLIndexer.index(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter iw, DirectoryTaxonomyWriter taxo, FacetIndexingParams iParams, String[] docTitles, String[] docTexts, CategoryPath[][] cPaths)
          More advanced method for specifying custom indexing params, doc texts, doc titles and category paths.

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.example.simple

Fields in org.apache.lucene.facet.example.simple declared as CategoryPath
static CategoryPath[][] SimpleUtils.categories
          Categories: categories[D][N] == category-path no.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.example.simple that return types with arguments of type CategoryPath
static List<CategoryPath> SimpleUtils.categoryPathArrayToList(CategoryPath... categoryPaths)
          Utility method: List of category paths out of an array of them...

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.example.simple with parameters of type CategoryPath
static List<CategoryPath> SimpleUtils.categoryPathArrayToList(CategoryPath... categoryPaths)
          Utility method: List of category paths out of an array of them...

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.index

Fields in org.apache.lucene.facet.index with type parameters of type CategoryPath
protected  Map<CategoryPath,CategoryAttribute>

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.index with parameters of type CategoryPath
 CategoryAttribute CategoryContainer.addCategory(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          Add a category.
 CategoryAttribute CategoryContainer.addCategory(CategoryPath categoryPath, CategoryProperty... properties)
          Add a category with multiple properties.
 CategoryAttribute CategoryContainer.addCategory(CategoryPath categoryPath, CategoryProperty property)
          Add a category with a property.
 CategoryAttribute CategoryContainer.getCategoryAttribute(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          Get the CategoryAttribute this container has for a certain category, or null if the category is not in the container.

Method parameters in org.apache.lucene.facet.index with type arguments of type CategoryPath
 CategoryDocumentBuilder CategoryDocumentBuilder.setCategoryPaths(Iterable<CategoryPath> categoryPaths)
          Set the categories of the document builder from an Iterable of CategoryPath objects.

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.attributes

Fields in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.attributes declared as CategoryPath
protected  CategoryPath CategoryAttributeImpl.categoryPath
          The category path instance.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.attributes that return CategoryPath
 CategoryPath CategoryAttribute.getCategoryPath()
          Returns the value of this attribute: a category path.
 CategoryPath CategoryAttributeImpl.getCategoryPath()
          Returns the category path value.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.attributes with parameters of type CategoryPath
 void CategoryAttribute.setCategoryPath(CategoryPath cp)
          Sets the category path value of this attribute.
 void CategoryAttributeImpl.setCategoryPath(CategoryPath cp)

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.attributes with parameters of type CategoryPath
CategoryAttributeImpl(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          Construct a CategoryAttributeImpl with the given CategoryPath.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.attributes with type arguments of type CategoryPath
CategoryAttributesIterable(Iterable<CategoryPath> inputIterable)

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.categorypolicy

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.categorypolicy with parameters of type CategoryPath
 boolean PathPolicy.shouldAdd(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          Check whether a given category path should be added to the stream.
 boolean DefaultPathPolicy.shouldAdd(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          Filters out (returns false) CategoryPaths equal or less than TaxonomyReader.ROOT_ORDINAL.
 boolean NonTopLevelPathPolicy.shouldAdd(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          Filters out (returns false) CategoryPaths equal or less than TaxonomyReader.ROOT_ORDINAL.

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params with parameters of type CategoryPath
 void PerDimensionIndexingParams.addCategoryListParams(CategoryPath category, CategoryListParams clParams)
          Add a CategoryListParams for a given CategoryPath's dimension or "zero-th" category.
 int FacetIndexingParams.drillDownTermText(CategoryPath path, char[] buffer)
          Return the drilldown Term-Text which does not need to do any allocations.
 int DefaultFacetIndexingParams.drillDownTermText(CategoryPath path, char[] buffer)
 CategoryListParams PerDimensionIndexingParams.getCategoryListParams(CategoryPath category)
          Get the CategoryListParams based on the dimension or "zero-th category" of the specified CategoryPath.
 CategoryListParams FacetIndexingParams.getCategoryListParams(CategoryPath category)
          The name of the category-list to put this category in, or null if this category should not be aggregatable.
 CategoryListParams DefaultFacetIndexingParams.getCategoryListParams(CategoryPath category)

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.streaming

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.streaming with parameters of type CategoryPath
protected  CategoryListPayloadStream CountingListTokenizer.getPayloadStream(CategoryPath categoryPath, int ordinal)

Uses of CategoryPath in

Methods in with parameters of type CategoryPath
static DrillDown.query(FacetIndexingParams iParams, CategoryPath... paths)
          Return a query for drilling down into all given categories (AND).
static DrillDown.query(FacetIndexingParams iParams, baseQuery, CategoryPath... paths)
          Turn a base query into a drilling-down query for all given category paths (AND).
static DrillDown.query(FacetSearchParams sParams, CategoryPath... paths)
          Return a query for drilling down into all given categories (AND).
static DrillDown.query(FacetSearchParams sParams, baseQuery, CategoryPath... paths)
          Turn a base query into a drilling-down query for all given category paths (AND).
static DrillDown.query( baseQuery, CategoryPath... paths)
          Turn a base query into a drilling-down query using the default FacetSearchParams
static org.apache.lucene.index.Term DrillDown.term(FacetIndexingParams iParams, CategoryPath path)
          Return a term for drilling down into a category.
static org.apache.lucene.index.Term DrillDown.term(FacetSearchParams sParams, CategoryPath path)

Uses of CategoryPath in

Methods in that return CategoryPath
 CategoryPath FacetRequest.getCategoryPath()
          The root category of this facet request.

Constructors in with parameters of type CategoryPath
CountFacetRequest(CategoryPath path, int num)
          Create a count facet request for a given node in the taxonomy.
FacetRequest(CategoryPath path, int numResults)
          Initialize the request with a given path, and a requested number of facets results.
ScoreFacetRequest(CategoryPath path, int num)
          Create a score facet request for a given node in the taxonomy.

Uses of CategoryPath in

Constructors in with parameters of type CategoryPath
AssociationFloatSumFacetRequest(CategoryPath path, int num)
          Create a float association facet request for a given node in the taxonomy.
AssociationIntSumFacetRequest(CategoryPath path, int num)
          Create an integer association facet request for a given node in the taxonomy.

Uses of CategoryPath in

Methods in that return CategoryPath
 CategoryPath MutableFacetResultNode.getLabel()
 CategoryPath FacetResultNode.getLabel()
          Category path of the category of this result, or null if not computed, because the application did not request to compute it.
 CategoryPath MutableFacetResultNode.getLabel(TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
 CategoryPath FacetResultNode.getLabel(TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
          Category path of the category of this result.

Methods in with parameters of type CategoryPath
 void MutableFacetResultNode.setLabel(CategoryPath label)
          Set the label of the category of this result.

Constructors in with parameters of type CategoryPath
MutableFacetResultNode(int ordinal, double value, double residue, CategoryPath label, List<FacetResultNode> subResults)
          Create a Facet Result Node.

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy that return CategoryPath
 CategoryPath TaxonomyReader.getPath(int ordinal)
          getPath() returns the path name of the category with the given ordinal.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy with parameters of type CategoryPath
 int TaxonomyWriter.addCategory(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          addCategory() adds a category with a given path name to the taxonomy, and returns its ordinal.
 int CategoryPath.compareTo(CategoryPath other)
          Compares this CategoryPath with the other CategoryPath for lexicographic order.
 int TaxonomyReader.getOrdinal(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          getOrdinal() returns the ordinal of the category given as a path.
 boolean TaxonomyReader.getPath(int ordinal, CategoryPath result)
          getPath() returns the path name of the category with the given ordinal.
 boolean CategoryPath.isDescendantOf(CategoryPath other)
          Test whether this object is a descendant of another CategoryPath.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy with parameters of type CategoryPath
CategoryPath(CategoryPath existing)
          Construct a new CategoryPath object, copying the path given in an existing CategoryPath object.
CategoryPath(CategoryPath existing, int prefixLen)
          Construct a new CategoryPath object, copying a prefix with the given number of components of the path given in an existing CategoryPath object.

Uses of CategoryPath in

Methods in that return CategoryPath
 CategoryPath DirectoryTaxonomyReader.getPath(int ordinal)

Methods in with parameters of type CategoryPath
 int DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.addCategory(CategoryPath categoryPath)
protected  int DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.addCategoryDocument(CategoryPath categoryPath, int length, int parent)
protected  int DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.findCategory(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          Look up the given category in the cache and/or the on-disk storage, returning the category's ordinal, or a negative number in case the category does not yet exist in the taxonomy.
 int DirectoryTaxonomyReader.getOrdinal(CategoryPath categoryPath)
 boolean DirectoryTaxonomyReader.getPath(int ordinal, CategoryPath result)

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache with parameters of type CategoryPath
 int TaxonomyWriterCache.get(CategoryPath categoryPath)
          Lookup a category in the cache, returning its ordinal, or a negative number if the category is not in the cache.
 int TaxonomyWriterCache.get(CategoryPath categoryPath, int length)
          Like TaxonomyWriterCache.get(CategoryPath), but for a given prefix of the category path.
 boolean TaxonomyWriterCache.put(CategoryPath categoryPath, int ordinal)
          Add a category to the cache, with the given ordinal as the value.
 boolean TaxonomyWriterCache.put(CategoryPath categoryPath, int prefixLen, int ordinal)
          Like TaxonomyWriterCache.put(CategoryPath, int), but for a given prefix of the category path.

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.cl2o

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.cl2o with parameters of type CategoryPath
 void CompactLabelToOrdinal.addLabel(CategoryPath label, int ordinal)
abstract  void LabelToOrdinal.addLabel(CategoryPath label, int ordinal)
          Adds a new label if its not yet in the table.
 int CollisionMap.addLabel(CategoryPath label, int hash, int cid)
 void CompactLabelToOrdinal.addLabel(CategoryPath label, int prefixLen, int ordinal)
abstract  void LabelToOrdinal.addLabel(CategoryPath label, int prefixLen, int ordinal)
          Adds a new label if its not yet in the table.
 int CollisionMap.addLabel(CategoryPath label, int prefixLen, int hash, int cid)
 int Cl2oTaxonomyWriterCache.get(CategoryPath categoryPath)
 int Cl2oTaxonomyWriterCache.get(CategoryPath categoryPath, int length)
 int CollisionMap.get(CategoryPath label, int hash)
 int CollisionMap.get(CategoryPath label, int prefixLen, int hash)
 int CompactLabelToOrdinal.getOrdinal(CategoryPath label)
abstract  int LabelToOrdinal.getOrdinal(CategoryPath label)
 int CompactLabelToOrdinal.getOrdinal(CategoryPath label, int prefixLen)
abstract  int LabelToOrdinal.getOrdinal(CategoryPath label, int prefixLen)
 boolean Cl2oTaxonomyWriterCache.put(CategoryPath categoryPath, int ordinal)
 boolean Cl2oTaxonomyWriterCache.put(CategoryPath categoryPath, int prefixLen, int ordinal)

Uses of CategoryPath in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.lru

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.taxonomy.writercache.lru with parameters of type CategoryPath
 int LruTaxonomyWriterCache.get(CategoryPath categoryPath)
 int LruTaxonomyWriterCache.get(CategoryPath categoryPath, int length)
 boolean LruTaxonomyWriterCache.put(CategoryPath categoryPath, int ordinal)
 boolean LruTaxonomyWriterCache.put(CategoryPath categoryPath, int prefixLen, int ordinal)

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